~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

Oh Yes, AFM, I am going to have lunch with 2 of my girlfriends who are preggo also and another friend who just had her baby in August. Her DH just deployed to Honduras for a year and she really needs to be kept busy because it is VERY depressing! Mark deployed to Iraq for a year when Jace was only 11 days old! :cry: That was SSSOOO Hard!

My feet and Ankles will not stop swelling! They just love to be fat and make me miserable! :cry: They hurt! Non of my shoes are comfy!!! I can't wear flip flops because I can't paint my toenails and I sure as hell will not go in public with ugly toenails! :haha:

as soon as i get in from work i make sure i put my feet up - stops those sexy cankles appearing :haha:

dear god, feels like peanut is shifting furniture in my belly today haha

:haha: I sure do have some sexy cankles! :lol: NOT!!! I am so embarrassed by them! It's like they don't fir the rest of my body! :shrug: :rofl:

Oh Yes, AFM, I am going to have lunch with 2 of my girlfriends who are preggo also and another friend who just had her baby in August. Her DH just deployed to Honduras for a year and she really needs to be kept busy because it is VERY depressing! Mark deployed to Iraq for a year when Jace was only 11 days old! :cry: That was SSSOOO Hard!

My feet and Ankles will not stop swelling! They just love to be fat and make me miserable! :cry: They hurt! Non of my shoes are comfy!!! I can't wear flip flops because I can't paint my toenails and I sure as hell will not go in public with ugly toenails! :haha:

Happened to me last pregnancy for the last 10 weeks of it and high bp. I had to wear my sisters pink crocs because no other shoe would fit and I didnt want to walk about in slippers in case someone thought I was a millie (pj wearing northern irish chav type in street) so I choose pink fake crocs . The shame. :blush:

I did not swell like this until AFTER I had Jace! I was freaking out when I noticed them on Saturday night! I sure wish they would go down! LOL I don't know what I will do about my shoes! I need to invest in some comfy slip ons! I bought some granny looking slip ons today (actually really cute) but they still hurt! :cry:
where i am it's kinda country anyways so everyone kinda keeps themselves to themselves... luckly i still have the car to drive about to see my mates but - because this little one is getting bigger, it's getting more and more uncomfy to drive >__>

question for you girlies: has anyone ordered/rented a TENs machine? after having a conversation with a few girls on another thread plus a very nice customer in my work reccommending me one i've went and rented mine for 6 weeks

yeh im rented a tens for 6 weeks from bumps2birth webite I got the elle tens for £23 plus u get xtra batterys, pads and prep spray and a pain relief tip leaflet and free delv if u order over £25 so I ordered my arnica tablets for healing, I thought it was a really good deal and it came yesteday even though my rental starts on friday when im 37 weeks x
ah thats good then :) my rental starts today i guess since i'm 37 weeks...
:cry: think i'm going to have to give up on getting a tens machine...we are just so skint! gutted, i liked the idea of a boost button too :lol:
warning : me, me, me rant so apologies in advance gotta get it out...


9pm last night OH was suppose to finish work, he cycles there and back, has done since we moved here about 6 months ago... it gets to 9:30pm and he hasn't called me... I'm thinking wow, no way is he stuck at work half an hour after his shift ended... so I wait a little longer, 9:45 my phone rings... "I've just got out of the security office at work, some fucker has stolen my bike. We only got it 2 friggin months ago, it's a £300 bike! It's winter, its dark and cold and he had no other way to get home... so I called my dad and got him to go bring him home... we were both MEGA pissed off as someone literally just cut through his bike lock and rode away on it... there is CCTV everywhere yet no cameras have caught any footage of it, what the HELL?!

Called the police this morning and got a crime ref number so we can claim for it on our insurance, but until thats sorted he's gonna have to take the bus which is gonna cost us £10 a week til it's sorted... doesn't seem like much but we have other things to pay for and buses aren't on the list! grrrrrrrr!!!!

On a slightly brighter note I had my midwife app today, had bloods taken again to check iron levels, she took two swabs (one from each nostril and one from along my knicker line..) I asked what it was for and she said it was to test for superbug or something before I go into hospital? :shrug: Idk... bump measures perfect @ 36cm, BP fine... but she said she found protein in my water sample but as I don't have any symptoms like swelling or high bp or anything that it is probably nothing and just contaminated? She has sent it off anyway and if I don't hear back all is well, so no news is good news on that front.

Just so mad about this bike situation, we can't afford to go out and buy him a new one so if our insurance doesn't cough up soon it is gonna be an issue.

Hope you ladies have had a better day than I have :flower:
wow people are mean...my dad just had his bike stolen too...from outside his house! :nope:
I thought it was cheaper to buy one as i even used it for period pain after. I love my lloyds one.

sorry i posted as i was here a while and missed loads in between. Miss moma i will get you a linnk for what i have and thats crap about the bike i hate thieves!
It's awful isn't it! I would never dream of stealing anything from anyone...and a bike from someones place of work ofc they aren't thinking about how the poor victim is gonna get home!

Reckon loads of bikes are stolen this time of year though... it's dark so people get away with it more and they make nice xmas presents! :mad:
Slightly crappy MW appt yesterday, she forgot to take my bloods or write my measurements down. My BP is up (140/90) so got to go back tomorrow-no other signs of PE though and baby is breech now-thought I felt lots of movements in the middle of Monday night!
Any tips on getting LO to move before Monday when I have my next scan as they're talking of booking me for an ECV then if still breech?
Thinking of everyone who's feeling pants, gorgeous pic Bushtwins! :cloud9:

Oh i hope lil one moves around my friend said walkin helps alot ,so as much as its painful and heavy i tend to do a bit more lol xx

I hate tooth aches i alwatys get them and know i should get some teeth out but dont like to get it done when pregnant and my dentist only does 5 mins apps one tooth at a time! never do what you want them to do. I want veneers! need money for that lots of it.

I have carpol tunnel in my hands and spd this morning.

My niece had carpol tunnel its horrible thing to have , i hav painful nerve in back but luckily its been easing, hope it eases for u too xx

i just wanna say that my midwife told me that its a rumour that bubs movements should slow down the further you prgress with pregnancy, i said it to her when she asked about my LOs movements and she said that it was something she'd heard a lot recently but that it just isn't true, she said they become less vigorous but that there should still be as many. i ended up going in for monitoring...all was fine :D
not trying to scare anyone just thought i'd let u know..xx

Yeah i heard you still have to maybe make sure lil one moves around at least 10 times still, glad everythings fine thou xxx

haha no it's not somewhere bad - they're on my feet ^_^
that was when they were freshly done. - love the tattoos , my daughter luvs hello kitty xx

iv been bored out of my brains for the last 14 weeks! I dont really know anyone round here so its been hell :(

I was the same when i had my 2nd son as moved in with his dad to a little town which was rather clicky so tend to be alone until he started pre school xx

Oh Yes, AFM, I am going to have lunch with 2 of my girlfriends who are preggo also and another friend who just had her baby in August. Her DH just deployed to Honduras for a year and she really needs to be kept busy because it is VERY depressing! Mark deployed to Iraq for a year when Jace was only 11 days old! :cry: That was SSSOOO Hard!

My feet and Ankles will not stop swelling! They just love to be fat and make me miserable! :cry: They hurt! Non of my shoes are comfy!!! I can't wear flip flops because I can't paint my toenails and I sure as hell will not go in public with ugly toenails! :haha:

Lol dont mention nails , i had to pay to hav them done as i was going to a cousins wedding, and i think i may need to ask them to touch them up ready for labour lol xx Hope ur ankles and feet stop swelling xx

Bushtwins are lovely, congrats xxx

Ive been getting a bit of discharge too, specially after going to loo then im back again thinking i need another wee and its just discharge (soz if tmi)
Hows everyone else doing ? xx
https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BNIB-Lloyds-..._Equipment_Instruments_ET&hash=item255e4e72c6 my one.

even better one
Also poeple keep themselves here to only ones that dont are the ones right in your business . I tend to not make many friends especially not around me as I dont want people interfering in my life I had far to much of that in the past. People tend to like me then try to control me then when I rebel as I do not listen to any one if i dont want to theres a fall out. Not many poeple will except me as I am as I do with them. Even explains why my mother dosnt talk to me. I have no friends at all i talk to face to face just online. How sad am I. Neighbours will talk thats different but I tend to keep convo to a min.

I'm the same way! I am what people call "Too Nice" and I have changed that! I am more of a Bitch now! I am now defending and taking up for myself. I HATE confrontation but I am SO TIRED of being taken advantage of and being stabbed in the back and then talked about like I am the one who is the evil one. I am very sensitive and tend to get my feelings hurt easily, but I hate Hypocritical People and I have Met QUITE a lot of them as I am an American Army Wife!!!

yep been backstabbed way to much I just cant be arsed. Afraid to make friends now as I seem to mistrust everyone that comes near me and keep them at a distance. To much hassle sadly.
https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BNIB-Lloyds-..._Equipment_Instruments_ET&hash=item255e4e72c6 my one.

even better one

both those TENs state:

Safety Warning:

They all carry that warning not to use during pregnancy and I wouldnt use during pregnancy but during labour is ok, there isnt anything different about one you use in labour other than the price.
whats the difference then I was told by my psycheo that they where all the same?
my MW told me to make sure i got a Labour TENs machine as there is a slight difference... :shrug:
cant remember I think he difference between the specific labour ones & the sports injury ones is the strength and that the labour one has a "boost button" for contractions.. & there are 4 pads...sports ones generally have only 2 which wouldnt be enough for labour contractions so would be a waste of money
Mine would electrocute you and it is strong has strength settings. Doesn't have a boost button thats the difference but they do do the same job. I must look them up to see i know the labour ones are dearer and i only used mine after labour not in labour so would be ok for after.
the 4 pads on the labour TENs are supposed to focus on your uterus and your cervix. 2 pads placed just below the bra strap and then 2 at the dimples of your back. the boost button is purely to help you through a contraction... think it intensifies for a minute or so.

ah we'll see how it goes. lol
done some googling yeah its the pads and boost button thats different not the actual workings. The boost button would be needed during labour. Mine would be ok for after pains but crap in labour. I may look in to a better one but i dont think i can afford it as I am struggling at the mo.

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