~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

I feel bad i will have no present for this baby for xmas and its the first xmas to. what would you get theres nothing much you can?

I want to get Herbert a Steiff teddy bear as a bit more of a keepsake than anything else as s/he will still be so tiny at Christmas and wont want for anything, I still have mine from when I was a baby. DH says that is ok if Herbert is a girl as she would appreciate it and look after it when she is older but if he is a boy, he thinks its a waste of money. I guess he has a point (but I want one anyway :blush:)

Sophie you so have to tell us when so we can spend the day willing you on with loads and loads of baby out vibes! Obviously you can keep it a secret on FB :)

We're going to get tinkerbell a teddy as we done same with other 2, wont get much at xmas as shes had loads already but shall get lil bits and also a first xmas tree deco too xx

So sorry Chella :hugs:
Just back from being monitored at the hospital, BP was up again this afternoon at 120/90 so they sent me in, had a CTG and took my BP over a half hour. Happy with everything so sent me back again, baby is still breech so more bouncing needed. Got to go back to MW on saturday to be checked again, hoping that once I'm not being stressed out by my idiot boss it'll go back down again.

Thanks hun, Oh no still breech fingers x things move round and baby goes head dwn tell ur boss u could do with out it x

I am so sorry about your nephew Chella

I'm getting paranoid something is wrong, Baby is moving load today but just keep getting a feeling something isn't right. And i'm worried it is a sixth sense sort of thing. I know it sounds mad and cant ring midwife to say nothing wriong just worried she'll think i'm mad!!

Think i'm just wanting him here now and want to meet him.

Thank u , hope things change i get days where i dont feel things right, gets ur mind thinkin over time xx

chella, so sorry for you lose. :hugs:

afm......can i kill my dr now or later??????? just got back from my appt, no c section date in hand. He says my pelvis has widened ALOT so we are going to see if my body can go through having her vaginally. unfortunatly, my cervix is still thick and extremely closed. What killed me the worst, is the fact that he said if I had been dialated a little bit I would have been induced TODAY!!!! BLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im pissed. I seriously BEGGED him to take me today or even next week, but he wants me to give my body and baby a chance to go through labor. EFF! Im going to go walk a hundred miles now.....

Thank u , id kill him later lol doctors are hard work sometimes, say one thing then do another!!! xxx
SO I went to the doctors yesterday and he completely freaked me out. He didn't mean to and he is taking good care of me but I'm very scared now.

First he talked about how my blood pressure keeps rising and asking me if I had any BP problems last time which I didn't. Then he said the ultrasound came back with the baby fine but a lot of extra fluid but didn't tell me why thats a bad thing so when I came home I googled it and now I'm totally freaked out about it. And then he thought about having me come in in only 3 days as he "wants to keep a close eye on me" but then ultimately decided id be fine for a week and to call him if I feel less movement or any bleeding or anything which scared me...and then to finish up told me next time I see him he might change my c-section date from the 16th to the 13th just because of the extra fluid and stuff so I'm pretty well going to be going crazy till this baby comes out thinking something is wrong
Hope it all goes ok, shall keep a eye out for ur post and check on u

take it easy hun xxx
DF - I haven't really noticed much change since baby has been engaged some people mention a massive pressure in their pelvis or their bump physically looks lower some women have increased toilet trips because baby has dropped onto their bladder, I also hear that heart burn should let up as the baby is now lower and I guess I haven't baby up in my ribs like I used to. I haven't been able to tell at all. Sometimes when I sit it feels like something is in my pelvis and sitting is squishing it.

Lol pants - it means the baby is.4/5 into the pelvis 5/5 is fully engaged and 1/5 is on the brim. So our babies are getting ready!

Kelly - to think in 2 years time I'll be a mum baking and organising parties, oh how different to my current lifestyle! I can't wait!

Chella - so very sorry :-( I wish I could say something more meaningful.

Sorry some of these replies are 10pgs old but you ladies are awake at diff times to me. Lol

Well we DTD last night after recommendation from our MW.

Afterwards i felt so much pressure like bubs was gonna pop out and found it hard to sit comftably afterwards.

This morning, still feel a little like that and have mega lower back pain.

I wonder if it actually works? Anyone ever found it got things moving?
how many times do I have to pooh today!

Are you having Diarrhea?

no just loose but then i was constipated for ages and seems to be no room for it down there as I feel the need often even after i go. :shrug: I thinik its all part of getting ready, baby quiet today to. Moving but not loads like normal. now I will crap myself for the next few weeks thinking everything is the start of it like last time only nothing was the start. But in all fairness this is totally different than william.

I hope feel better hon! :hugs:

Sparklers, What's everyone having for dinner tonight??? :D

I am making a Brown Sugar Meat Loaf Mmm!!! https://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Brown-Sugar-Meatloaf/Detail.aspx?washelp=1&rid=917286#917286

Potatoes and Crescent Rolls! Yummers!

will make a pizza since OH is out busy and i cant be arsed making a dinner just for me as its hard with toddler running about, I can make his spuds, beans and chicken but i cant eat his chicken with the bread on it so pizza for me.

Sounds Yummy!!! :D

got a phone call from mw I have got my iron up to 11 :dance: woop! birthing suite here I come! (hopefully).

Awesome!!! :yipee:

i've just finished making caramel shortbread and i've yet to make some chocolate mint squares :)

last day of work tomorrow as well for 9 whole months.. yippee! 38w midwife appt next week too... lets see if little peanut has decided to drop that wee bit further and become engaged yet..

Those sound yummy! :D

FXed PEanut cooperates for next week! :hugs:

Majm - Its just ridiculous! It makes me so p'ed off!

Well, just to make my crappy day better my dishwasher has decided to be broken. I am overly p'ed as last thing I really wanted to happen in my last few weeks of pregnancy. Granted doing dishes by hand wont kill me, but who knows when landlord will be able to get it fixed and when I have two babies for nearly 10 hours a day by myself, dishes are going to be the LAST thing I am truly worried about doing when I have free time. Which means kitchen becomes stinky .. whereas it would just take me 5 minutes to load dishwasher and I don't have to worry about it! :|

My house is a mess, OH spilled coffee in the hallway and carpet is stained. Tried to get it out the night it happened but didn't work. Any ideas? I have no energy, but tons to do. And baby isn't moving which is in the back of my mind right now and making me completely worried. Maybe I just need to have a rest to assure myself everything is ok in there ... yes, yes. That is what I will do before I go INSANE.

That SUCKS!!! I HATE washing dishes by hand! :hugs:

I need to clean my house so bad! Almost, caught up on laundry, but dishes need to be done from tonight and I don't feel like it! :( Also, I need to sweep, mop and vacuum BAD!!!

Beth wow that is really engaged and hopefully means something!

Soph, so sorry for your friend :-(
.. and I cant believe you get to meet chunk by next weekend!!!!!

Thanks Lol I hope it is a ripening pain.

All the cooking and baking sounds yummy..

It is Ashton's 2nd birthday tomorrow and we are having a party for him on Sat morning so I have been baking loads today as well. Cant believe this time 2 yeards ago I had been in labour for like 18 hours and still had a good 8 hours to go!! All so worth it, and now I am sitting waiting for it to all kick off again-not that is ever kicked off last time with the lazy monkey having to be induced :)

Silas and April, I also get annoyed with MW's and how quick the appointments are. I understand they have more important things going on so need to hurry the 'textbook' pregnancies but still.

My little one is still not at all engaged .. booo.. if he/she doesnt come in the next 2 weeks or so we have to change our tickets for SA ;-(
So excited to be moving home but at the smae time, WOWEE packing up an entire house and 3 lives is very difficult when I'm so far pregant!

Hugs to all of you lovely ladies, and and GG keep us posted on the spotting.. (sorry if I missed anyone)

Awe! Happy 2nd B-day! :hugs:

If they would have explained to me while I was waiting I would not have been so pissed. Then he could have just answered my questions and not just walked away like a jerk! :growlmad:

We are moving on post in January so I know what you mean! Gonna be CRAZY!!!

oh kelly i asked the mw about the spotting when she rang about iron - she agrees it was probs just a little irritation from the pessery and just to keep an eye out x

Glad you got to ask her about that! :hugs:

Sparklers, What's everyone having for dinner tonight??? :D

Bangers and mash here. Proper winter food :)

I want to do some baking, maybe I will tomorrow but the problem is that if I cook them, I scoff them. All of them :haha:

AFM: Had a really lazy day, I love being on ML. I spent most of this afternoon on the sofa practising my hypnobirthing so I am nice 'n' chilled out now.

My changing bag arrived today. Its soooooooooo lush! Its this one if anyone wants a peek:
https://shop.linandleo.com/products.asp?id=2846&type=1768&channel=26 It will look fabby with Herbert's denim pram.

I also had my first cup of RLT. I have had it for ages but couldn't take it while Herbert was not in the correct position. I have the tablets too but I think I will take it easy to start with.

The 2 week wait until EDD day has begun :happydance:

What are Bangers? :D

I wish I could have a lazy day, but I have LOADS to do at my house! :(

Diaper Bag is Really Cute!!!

Is the tea good??? I wanna get some.

For dinner I am having Leek and Potato soup, I bought it for lunch but didn't have it. Also had some nice crusty baguettes too and a chocolate cake for afters. Yum.

Will have a proper read later, have had a kip this afternoon and felt pretty crapy about my friend :( But thank you all for the kind words. she's a real tough cookie :hugs:

I LOVE Leek & Potato Soup!!!

:hugs: For you and your friend.

Sophie, I had to be induced for medical reasons (high BP) when pregnant with Ash at 39 weeks and for what its worth, it was ok as my contractions built up slowly no different than if had I gone naturally and my labour lasted 5hrs and 45 minutes, so don't think you are doomed to a hard labour chic.
If I need another induction for medical reasons, hell I will stick the pessary up my chuffer myself :haha: as our babies well being is the most important thing of all, but seeing as its so far so good with me and Herbie, like Kelly I would rather wait, although remind me I said that when I am 40+ weeks :rofl:

I was induced 1 week early with Jace and My labor was only 5 1/2 hours too! :D

just need somewhere to unload ; soz girls

Lost my nephew today and just feel so numb :( first i loose his mum and now him its like a pattern repeating itself xxxx

Hope u girls are all ok xxxx

Oh no! :cry: I am so sorry for your loss hon! :hug:

To DF - Sorry, didn't want to unload on facebook as would like to keep drama and specifics to a minimum on there. But this girl my OH used to be with for a while, who is kind of close to some of his family, was commenting on his cousins page to wish her a happy birthday and said something to the effect of, "we were supposed to be cousin in laws lol sad day". Pretty much just an unnecessary smart remark to the fact that my OH and her did not work out. I think it bothers me so much because all of his family can remember her name, but when they call to talk to him these days I am referred to by a lot of them as "whats her name?". I just dont get it! :nope: Just p's me off anymore.

Wow!!! That is so rude! & Shame on her for leaving that childish comment! :growlmad:

Course nnot Kelly :)

I am worried as anyone would be that it may end in a section. But I'm not too worried about the pain and am happy to have an epi anyway!! Have heard more positive stories than negative about inductions :)

now I have to decide whether to tell u all the date or keep it to myself and let my bump buddy update you all!!!

You guys want to know or want a surprise ?????

OF COURSE we wanna know! LOL I am too impatient for surprises! :lol

So sorry Chella :hugs:
Just back from being monitored at the hospital, BP was up again this afternoon at 120/90 so they sent me in, had a CTG and took my BP over a half hour. Happy with everything so sent me back again, baby is still breech so more bouncing needed. Got to go back to MW on saturday to be checked again, hoping that once I'm not being stressed out by my idiot boss it'll go back down again.

Oh no! I hope your appt on Saturday goes well Love! :hugs:

afm......can i kill my dr now or later??????? just got back from my appt, no c section date in hand. He says my pelvis has widened ALOT so we are going to see if my body can go through having her vaginally. unfortunatly, my cervix is still thick and extremely closed. What killed me the worst, is the fact that he said if I had been dialated a little bit I would have been induced TODAY!!!! BLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im pissed. I seriously BEGGED him to take me today or even next week, but he wants me to give my body and baby a chance to go through labor. EFF! Im going to go walk a hundred miles now.....

I'm sorry Love! How aggravating that is! :hugs:

I have a doppler and can hear heartbeat and moving loads, never felt like this with my others but this hasnt been easy pregnancy either which my other two where. I'll give em a ring over weekend I think, I go to see midwife again next week and went last week and they said all good. Think i'm just paranoid!!

I think it is normal to be paranoid! :hugs: I get paranoid when I don't feel her so I wake her up and Mark gets mad at me! :haha:

SO I went to the doctors yesterday and he completely freaked me out. He didn't mean to and he is taking good care of me but I'm very scared now.

First he talked about how my blood pressure keeps rising and asking me if I had any BP problems last time which I didn't. Then he said the ultrasound came back with the baby fine but a lot of extra fluid but didn't tell me why thats a bad thing so when I came home I googled it and now I'm totally freaked out about it. And then he thought about having me come in in only 3 days as he "wants to keep a close eye on me" but then ultimately decided id be fine for a week and to call him if I feel less movement or any bleeding or anything which scared me...and then to finish up told me next time I see him he might change my c-section date from the 16th to the 13th just because of the extra fluid and stuff so I'm pretty well going to be going crazy till this baby comes out thinking something is wrong

Why didn't he tell you more about it!? :( I'm sorry Love! Can you call back and ask them? :hugs:

DF - I haven't really noticed much change since baby has been engaged some people mention a massive pressure in their pelvis or their bump physically looks lower some women have increased toilet trips because baby has dropped onto their bladder, I also hear that heart burn should let up as the baby is now lower and I guess I haven't baby up in my ribs like I used to. I haven't been able to tell at all. Sometimes when I sit it feels like something is in my pelvis and sitting is squishing it.

I don't know when I would know myself. She hits my bladder and low down there all of the time. She was making me ache pretty bad today down there! :cry:

Well we DTD last night after recommendation from our MW.

Afterwards i felt so much pressure like bubs was gonna pop out and found it hard to sit comftably afterwards.

This morning, still feel a little like that and have mega lower back pain.

I wonder if it actually works? Anyone ever found it got things moving?

I'm not sure if it works. Mark and I do it almost everyday still! :lol: Bet it would not make a difference for us! :lol:
I did read online about what extra amniotic fluid means and sometimes it means nothing but sometimes it can mean real problems so I'm freaked out
I'm sure it is nothing hon! If it were he would probably had mentioned it! :hugs:
This thing that I had with William is happening with this pregnancy its weird. 3,30am I get up and throw up. Pure acid! I had rennes in me an hour or two befoore as it does normally wake me up the heart burn but then this was so bad I had to run to the loo and throw up there was no stopping it and it was the most vile thing I ever tasted! i know my salami of my pizza was in there the taste . This happened for weeks with william at the same time between 3.30am and 4am! what the hell is that about? this better be a one off i dont want to be up throwing up as well as peeing all night.
Well we DTD last night after recommendation from our MW.

Afterwards i felt so much pressure like bubs was gonna pop out and found it hard to sit comftably afterwards.

This morning, still feel a little like that and have mega lower back pain.

I wonder if it actually works? Anyone ever found it got things moving?
i was wondering this too but just now i really can't stand the thought of DTD because its overly sensitive down there :cry:
hayley try not to worry or stress urself out, will send ur bp up! Im sure he would have said something if he was worried, probs just wants to keep an eye on it.

I have a term baby cooking inside me as of today, she can come out now if she likes I have been talking to her this morning to try and convince her to come out... "I have lots of pretty things for you if you do, and I promise the food will be nicer and although u wont be snuggly and warm in my amniotic fluid u will get lots of cuddles from daddy and me".

SAB - Iv heard it really does work, something to do with the sperm getting things going and if the lady is pleased the tensing of the muscles ect can bring on contractions.
if that's the case GG i'm going to have to grin n bare :sex: haha!

i've been telling peanut she can come out too. telling her she has a nice cozy crib next to mummy's bed and lots of cozy clothes and a little froggie to keep her company lol
Hayley, try not to worry too much honey. I always think that if there was any serious problems, they would not have let you go without a lot of further investigation. I think doctors often don't realise just how paranoid ladies get in pregnancy.

I have been telling Herbert that if s/he comes out now, it will be in a nice warm water pool with soothing music and we will get to come home to a lovely comfy little crib in just a few hours, but if he waits, she will be forced out! I know which I would prefer!

I have thought about DTD but hubby is as unkeen as me :rofl: but if it works surely it is worth a try?

Is anyone else wondering if every twinge is the start of something? Symptom spotting is going to drive me crazy over the next 12 days till due day. Did I just say 12 days??? EEEEEEEEEEEEK
D'ingTD never worked with Ashton but then I do know loads of people who went into laboour after a bit of Pash.. A bit difficult to try with my mom here as we are in the lounge hahaha!!! Baby can come anytime after today as it is Ashton;s birthday today and want it to be all about him-although I hear you on the symptom spotting Jo-I just moved our entire house around and starting getting incredible cramps hence me sitting for a bit and they have gone now... but panic I did!
Hayley did they tell u how much fluid was around baby?? Anythig between about 7cm and 25cm is considered normal.

If they were really concerned it was a problem they would do tests and/or get baby out xx
Jo, my body has given me no signs at all that labour is remotely iminenet!! Apart from very painful and pressure feeling in the pelvis. Every stomach pain or ache I think "Is it" then usually I just need to toilet. By the way I have been going LOADS!!!! Then I have awful backache, but thats just cos I might have been on my feet a bit too long!!

Ho hum :(
I have been going loads too and always get an achey stomach then just need to go!
hi ladies - i've been a bit awol lately

so :Hugs: to everyone, xxxx

hope everyone is doing ok and hanging in there

:hugs: :kiss: :flower:

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