Woohoo, babies!
Majm - Its great that your 1/2 cm! I went in last week for my appointment, thought my MW was going to check me, but she backed out! Personally I was a bit peeved at her. She felt it was "unnecessary" and would start doing it this week at my 38w appointment. I feel it was kind of necessary for her to check since after all my son came at 38+1 last time ... but whatever! I just kind of let it go. I can say its kind of nice not knowing ... but then again its not. Just pray I am SOMEWHERE when she checks me this week! Not like at a 1. haha.
& I told her I was sure I lost some of my mucous plug as well. Of course, if you see an OBGYN instead of MW, I had a OBGYN last time and he was more understanding it seemed to me. Very about the mother, and how they felt or what they needed. My MW just kind of blows me off sometimes.