~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

Kelly - The clinginess is seriously doing my head in! :wacko: I feel as if I am trapped, as he is always pulling on my pants or crying in my lap! :| I probably sound like a horrid mother, but it gets to me. Especially when I have things that need to be done. And the crying is constant some of the time - I feel as if I am going to INSANE. :haha:

I have given myself strict orders to not try evicting little Madelyn until after Joseph's first birthday. But things I tried last time were walking, squats, sex, and castrol oil. :| (DON'T do that, lol, its NASTY.)

Speaking of sex, I know this is TMI, but last night we attempted to DTD and it was horrible for me! I was so uncomfortable! My OH probably felt like crap about it, but it was just not being done! :nope: I never got this way with Joseph, so its a new experience for me. :(

Also, tomorrow is 38 weeks for me. I went in to labor at 38 weeks with Joseph, to the day. So I think tomorrow I am going to be on my toes about every twinge. But I do see my MW tomorrow and she is *supposed* to check my cervix. So we will see!
Pichi - No worries hon, I am still here with you! :thumbup:

GG - I know what you mean hon! It is starting to get seriously frustrating. Bleh .. wish we all could just have our darn babies!! :haha:

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that some of the November women have hit single digits in days until baby arrives!!! :|

hun WE'RE nearly in single figures! in 6 more days! how mad is that :happydance:

:haha: I know! Crazy to think about.

Kelly - I couldn't imagine 24 hours of labor! I was in labor for just 15 hours and it about did my head in.
:cry: i miss england!!!!!! :cry:

I would just love to visit it period! :cry:

I've decided that being due at the end of November makes it seem further away!! I've packed baby's hospital bag and mine is nearly done, but almost all of you ladies are so much closer to your due dates than I am and I'm jealous lol.

I've been trying to write my birth plan this afternoon but I don't really know what to put in it and how to format it, can anyone recommend a good template etc that I could look at? I'm seeing the midwife this Friday and the consultant again next Thursday so I really should sort this out sooner rather than later! Thanks :flower: x

I hear ya but since I got my cervix checked yesterday and I know I am losing my MP and I am dilated 1/2 cm already I am VERY happy and not as jealous! LOL

Kelly - About Ashton being clingy - I have noticed Joseph being much more clingy and whiny lately. I have wondered if maybe he really does sense that someone else is coming soon. :shrug:

Btw, another November Sparkler is on their way. frsttimemommy is in labor as of now, and was due November 4th. :thumbup:

I was hurting last night, probably from sweeping and mopping the kitchen and bathroom, as well as cleaning the bathtub yesterday and everything else that I did. My back was KILLING me. I just wanted to be in labor at that point and the baby OUT. :haha:

YAY!!! GL frsttimemommy!!! :hugs: Will you be keeping us updated then hon!? :flower:


The first gel pessary hasn't worked after 6 hours :( So they are repeating the process again; it will be another 6 hours now to wait and see if her cervix manages to dilate. She sounds a bit fed up (and I am sure she is stalking this thread to pass the time!).

Keep sending those cervix stretching vibes!! :thumbup:

Ah man! Sending more Labor :dust: and (((((VIBES))))) to you Love! :hugs:

My little monkey's movements are starting to hurt. I've had a few good punches and kicks that actually HURT A LOT! Im so ready for him to arrive, although I know he needs to cook a bit longer.

Oh and good luck to AM!

Oh yes! Bryelle hurts my right ribs at times! LOL

haha! god im sitting crying my eyes out at friends on E4 rachael just had her baby..just that moment between ross and her I can totally imagine what its gonna be like

I want mine now :cry: I just want to meet her its so frustrating

OMG me too!! :haha: I cry at everything to do with babies on TV nowadays!! :cry: And DF the RSPCA ad made me cry too!!!

AM - Sending stretchy vibes your way!! :dust:

Lol xx

Same here! I cry at EVERY baby show! :lol:
Majm - Yes, I will keep you all updated as best I can! I don't think she ever really posted on this thread - didn't see her name on the front page either. But I know her from another thread and everything - as well as I think you know her too? I will update from her facebook though. :thumbup:
*Update on frsttimemommy*

She is dilated to 5 cm, and got her epidural just a bit ago.
I am staliking so I will show online but just can't get signal in the room. It is so hot in there so gone for a walk with mum outside!!

It's not been too bad just boring. When they insert the gel it makes your foof really ache like you've had a mamoth shagging session lol!!!

Anyway love to u all. Not sure what happens next if it doesn't work. May do more gel or most likely a section :( xxxxxx
Oh Anna :hugs:

Hopefully something happens this time around! Its good that your walking then. Could help things along I am sure! Best of luck! Just know no matter what you get your little Chunk in the end! :D
Ah my friend had her baby this weekend-just got the story from her sister. After 24 hours of labour and getting to 9cm dilated her temp spiked and she had to have a c section, how horrid is that!?

Jo, how was appt? Is Bertie still head down?

I got to 10 cm dilated with back labour to and had to get an emergency c section. All that pain. back labour is horrible felt like he was coming out my ass. Glad this time this one is not in that position.
Majm - Yes, I will keep you all updated as best I can! I don't think she ever really posted on this thread - didn't see her name on the front page either. But I know her from another thread and everything - as well as I think you know her too? I will update from her facebook though. :thumbup:

Yes, I was just talking to her yesterday! She is Super Sweet! :lol: I will update her on the front page! Do you know here EDD?
I am staliking so I will show online but just can't get signal in the room. It is so hot in there so gone for a walk with mum outside!!

It's not been too bad just boring. When they insert the gel it makes your foof really ache like you've had a mamoth shagging session lol!!!

Anyway love to u all. Not sure what happens next if it doesn't work. May do more gel or most likely a section :( xxxxxx


:hugs: Hon! Come on Gel and Work already!
Sophie will they not put you on oxytocin drip if gel doesnt work?

Yeah DF, her little one was also posterior-poor girl...

Ashton was a 26 hour labour but it's all worth it in the end hey-I sometimes think they probs should have sectioned me but they were severly understaffed that night.. And I'm glad they didnt in the end..

Good vibes to everyone in/going into labour.. It's all just so real now!
So I have decided that the best place for me to put my birth story of Madelyn would be on here for you ladies to read. It all started on the October 21st, 2010. I went in to have my normal nonstress test and amniotic fluid index scan. I was there for about 2 hours because they were trying to decide whether or not I needed to go down to the L&D to be induced because of high blood pressure and low fluids. They decided to let me go home and try to get my fluids up by drinking a lot of water and rest and were told to call in the morning to see what time I needed to go to the L&D to have another nonstress test and fluids check. I woke up around 8 am, made myself breakfast and then took a shower and packed my hospital bag just because I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be leaving that hospital for a couple of days. I get there and get hooked up around 9 30 am. She was looking great but my blood pressure was going up and down from 117/58 to the final one 166/81. So the dr on call decided to induce me. I started the pill that ripens my cervix about 2pm. It started to work and I started having contractions. They checked me 4 hours later and I still was closed but my cervix was 80% effaced. They put the second dose in and that’s when things really started going, in under an hour my cervix was completely effaced and I was dilated to a 1. We were thinking things were going to go good but I hadn’t ate since about 8 30 in the morning so they let me eat before they started the pitocin. At about 11pm they started the pitocin and my contractions were already pretty strong and close together. As soon as they started the pitocin though my contractions got really really strong and right on top of another. I labored through the whole night with only having morphine twice. I was in so much pain because they were so strong and close and I couldn’t get an epidural until I was dilated to a 3 and I wasn’t dilating. Finally at about 6 am on Sunday morning the dr came in and said they were going to try and dilate me manually by inserting this balloon thing in my cervix and let gravity help pull it out and open my cervix at the same time. I remember them checking me was the most painful thing because they always seemed to do it right at a peak of a contraction. The balloon thing was inserted and inflated and I was in so much pain that I was crying and breathing really hard. The nurses and doctor though told me they were impressed by me because my breathing was really controlled, until they inserted the balloon, for not taking a birthing class. My dr finally got on call and came in and checked on me and the baby. The first thing out of his mouth to the other dr was, “What the fuck are you doing???” My baby’s heart rate was really lethargic and was dipping instead of accelerating. My dr said, “Teal, we are getting this baby out and everything will be ok.” They bumped a scheduled c section for me because my dr said we needed to get Maddy out. Within 10 mins, me and my husband were ready to go to the operating room. I get in there and they gave me a spinal block, it was the most relieving thing! The only thing that hurt was when he numbed my skin, the bigger needle going into my spine just felt like a lot of pressure. Not even a minute later my legs were tingling and going numb. The surgery was awesome because all I felt was tugging and pulling. I felt when they pulled her out because it was a lot of pressure, but that’s it. The first time I saw her she cried and it was the most amazing thing to hear and see. She was beautiful. She was born at 7:50 am on October 24th, 2010 and weighed 8 pounds even and measured 19 inches long. My husband went over and took pictures as she was getting cleaned up and I was getting stitched up. James then brought Maddy over to me and I got to rub her cheeks and tell her I loved her. She was so beautiful! The nurse came back and got her because her color was still pretty pale and they gave her oxygen. They got done and I was wheeled back to my room. I still hadn’t held Maddy yet but she went to the nursery and they gave her oxygen there and assessed that she was ok to come to the room. I was shaking so much from the spinal and I was cold the nurse put warm blankets and a warmer on me and I got better. The whole time I was saying I wanted to see my baby, James finally came back with her and handed her to me to hold her the first time. It was so amazing and I immediately fell in love with her. I started crying because I couldn’t believe we had made her and how beautiful she was. I didn’t know how much you could love someone that you just barely met. We got transferred to the Maternity floor and I was having a hard time with everything. I was feeling pretty good but I ate some jello and started to get really sick. I got so sick I threw up about 3 times. They gave me pain medicine and nausea medicine in my IV. I was so tired though that I kept falling asleep right in the middle of talking to people. The only time I woke up really was when Maddy fussed or started crying. Sometimes when people were holding her she would fuss and they would give her back to me and immediately she calmed down. It’s amazing how comforted she is by me. I am still sore but she is worth it and now I will have a scare forever from my baby. :) Im still on cloud nine, its an amazing feeling being a Mom :cloud9:
awww BHB what a time you had!! But that made me cry - so sweet - can't wait too have that feeling!! :hugs:


Lol xx
Awe! I am so happy for you!!! :hugs: Congratulations once again Hon! :flower:
Amazing birth story, BHB. Hope you continue to recover well. Enjoy getting to know your little girl and being a family xxx
Oh BHB I'm obsessed with birth stories and read them frequently but that one by far is the best!
Loved the story Teal! Thats too bad they couldnt get your cervix to dialate! but in the end the only thing that matters is having a beautiful healthy baby girl!
Its all worth it for that feeling at the end , best gift in the world! I know I went through hell first time and even though I am scared second time I know what happens at the end and thats what makes it worth it.
Majm - Her due date was November 4th

BHB - Lovely birth story :flower: I am glad you all are in good health now!

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