Anyone else having round ligament pain? Mines really bad and not subsiding.
yup. i saw my chiropractor and its a wee bit better today, but when i cough (im still sick after months) it hurts So bad.
rlp sucks..sorry you are hurting.
I've been sick since August 27th with a damn head cold.
Majm - baby engaged last week but I only got the pains for about an hour then, altho 2 people have told me my tummy has dropped today so who knows! I mean baby has definitly moved kicks are diff I just can't really tell where bubba has moved. Before I knew where back, legs and arms were now I have no idea.
I can't wait until Monday when I go back to the doctor and find out for sure if baby is engaged.
AFM, I slept through ALL night without going to loo once!!!!
What is a good night's sleep???!!!
cant wait for my doc appointment on friday but also hoping i have the baby before then! there is only 5 more days in october and i really was hoping to claim an october bumpkin baby! no offense to november! dh checked my cervix after we dtd and he said he fits 2 fingers easy now- and that he felt her head- which of course freaked him out thinking he was hitting her during dtd! maybe i wont be able to get him in the mood now...ahhhh
I almost want her here this month too, but I won't be Full Term until a couple more weeks.
Hello a few cramps still but nothing, baby has been moving now, community mw will come out after half 8 to check me and make sure it was my waters... But unless I have been weeing myself and filled 3 pads and still leaking! Its totally weird it really does smell like semen!
OMG Your LO will be here Next!
Oh my god! After being in excruciating pain all day barely able to walk, get up, roll over or do anything and telling hubby he has to take me to the hospital the baby moved and all traces of pain has vanished! Nothing at all! What a little bugger. Lol. I hope it doesn't mean baby was engaged and now isn't tho.

Little Stinker!
hahar 5 days till my due date!! Come on baby girl its eviction time!
Lots of babies to come girls
Wow! 5 Days!
morning girls ^___^ god, see trying to get OH out of bed! he's a pain in the arse... lol he's still like a kid. refuses to get up 'cos its TOOOO COOLLDDDD! haha *pokes*
how is everyone today?
*is off to get caught up on this thread*

Your OH sounds like Mine at times!
AFM - I'm on single digit countdown now!!

but I reckon I'll go overdue - like 50% of 1st time pregnancies!! Lol xx
Happy Single Digits!
AFM: 39 weeks today! I week exactly until my EDD
I had a rubbish nights sleep as I had a right pain in the bump all night but it was constant rather than in waves but it kept me up just wondering anyway. Eventually fell asleep around 5am so have only just got up. The joys of being on ML!
So many babies are coming now, you just never know who is going to be next x
Happy 39 Weeks!

I woke up during the night with the RLP type pain and my tummy was rock hard. Lasted forever is what it seems. Then I woke up to a damn Charlie Horse in my left leg!
after having everyone worry me bout risk of a preemie and saying i wont get to term - here i am!!! 37weeks - and desparate to meet nudger!
Happy 37 Weeks!
Morning everyone! I slept like I had been knocked out last night - first time in ages - felt like bliss
Good luck to everyone:: AM, GG
wow loads of people are getting signs... I however, am getting nothing.. nada! I wish he would hurry up though. His bum by my ribcage is a nightmare!

so that you will satrt feeling something soon hon!
AFM: heartburn; bleh i can't wait till i don't feel like my throat is being burned by acid ¬__¬
i think ill go for a run on the treadmill thing we have - haha
My throat has been burning from Acid Reflux too. I drank all of my Maalox so I need more now!
i just got a letter from my docs asking me to call regarding blood test results...rang up and been told i need more blood tests but receptionist couldnt tell me what was up with my results she simply said "probably ur iron" ... grrr so im toddling off up to docs in an hour for more stabbing, much fun...and i was hoping for a pj day today
just had inlaws on the phone telling me that they'll fly out either 17th / 24th november and stay til 5th of november, - mil said - we'll stay with you but if its tooo much we'll move into a hotel -
how the hell am i meant to tell them when theyre here - thanks for coming out but could u kindly F off to a hotel!!!?
but i think i dropped enough hints about the hotels down on the waterfront for her to get the message
Uh oh! LOL Hand them a handful of pamplets when they show up!
i could probably cope 1 or 2 days but 2 weeks!
gonna ask them while theyre here to run around and fetch and carry for me - hopefully it'l get too much for them
all the swings and bouncers i like are in the US >__< (sorry random i know)
does anyone have constant backache and pokey feelings in their foof? lol
Mine is not constant but comes and goes and yes, my cha cha aches and I feel like Bryelle pokes around a bit too!
I feel like a loose end, cause I am due on the last day of November

Not even full term yet, but so many of you are!
I hear ya! If it were not for me being 1/2 cm dilated and I am losing my MP I would be MORE jealous! Now I am just happy to be dilating and losing my P!
AFM:- just back from midwife and babies head is engaging

she didnt tell me how much as in 3/5 etc but she said the forehead is engaged! i know people can be engaged for weeks but this has got me a bit excited

last appointment 2 weeks ago the head was completely free so things are definitely on the move!

Corin Mae Rose
She is so cute!!!
contractions for me are period cramping as well as my whole stomach tightens and i find it hard to catch a full breath sometimes i guess sorta like bh but they hurt 10x more LOL
That's what my BH feel like.
well thats what I did yesterday and hubby massaged the teeniest but of clarysage oil mixed with olive oil on my back last night ... co-incedence? I had been losing plug all day mind and when I was ill on sunday think I was having my clear out.. I also had thick white discharge on my underwear for a couple of days and app this is a sign... and I also had a head cold...
I too have been getting the white discharge along with my MP. I have a head cold still too. What does the head cold have to do with it though I wonder!?
i just do squats as i don't have a ball boy do i feel pressure when i do that ahahaha
I will have to do that since JACE broke my Ball!!!
Sorry, am having nightmares with getting Soph's photos off my phone, so have copied from facebook instead (hope that's ok Soph, they won't open on my phone :-/)
How much do you want to squeeze those cheeks! Beautiful
He is So cute! congrats AM!
Hinky those piccies of little Evan are just so cute!
Just got email from DH
'So what have you done to try get baby out today? I know what we could try tonight wink wink'
**Snigger** We will know what you will be doing tonight!
Looks like I am going to have to get me some of that clarysage. Does Holland & Barratt sell it? Best bounce more on my ball too. Baby out baby out baby out!
I just got mine from Boots-2 years ago when I was trying to get Ashton out

Aromatherapist suggested Calrey sage, Lavender and Yling Ylang in bath or mixed with carrier oil on tummy and back
Haha. hubby keeps insisting the sperm is more effective if ingested-what are they like these men 'ey! :ROFL:
I just don't want Bryelle tatsing it!
omg isnt Evan gorgeous!
Thats it I am having sex later! I tried all this last time and nothing but then again I had no signs at all I have some signs with this. Darren give me your spunk! RROOAARRR!
Hello ladies
I forgot about this thread, until someone mentioned it in 3rd Tri....couldn't find it but have now!
Been feeling increasingly lonely lately but I've only got a week to go until my induction! Seriously can't wait as this pregnancy hasn't been easy but also scared, scared, scared!
Currently got workmen in the flat and they won't be finished until can't wait to get the place tidy and ready for baby. Cutting it a bit fine though!
Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I hope to speak to some ladies on here
Welcome Back hon!