Hi ladies, bloody hell we have been busy today lol!! I can't keep ip on the phone!
Jayde - corrin is beautiful
congrats quaizer and all the others too!!
I never used my ball or drank rlt or anything. I wonder if any of that was reason for never going into labour... Keep at it girls I am gutted I never got to find out what contractions feel like or what your plug looks like!! I did however get to experience a witch examine me using her while hand and that was the worst part of it all including the section!!
Evan was actually born at 9.54 lol have just seen officiL documents doh! He is my sleeping angel at the moment and has let me have some sleep too
I am loving breastfeeding. So glad I decided to give it a go. Evan only likes my right boobie though so still have lots of work to do with that! But it is an amazing feeling I didn't think I'd be a bf Nazi

but I really advise to plop baby on chest and go for it!!!
He has also had 2 massive poohs!!!!!! I can't change him as am still bed bound till they take catharter out in morning. So am stuck atm!! Post natal has been a bit shit but seek to be better since the change over.
Speak to u all soon and sending labour dust and vibes to u all.
Kayla I may have beat u lol but I would give anything to not have gone through the last 10 weeks and even the past 3 days has been pretty traumatic too

you will be reall soon and can't wait to see your princess