Wow Pixelle, I am actually quite jealous that you get to hold your baby so soon!!! Take it easy today hun, get some rest ok xx
Hi hun, oh boy i feel like im going into labour everyday! Im due today!!
Ive had weeks of lightning pains getting worse, period pains and back aches at least every day (last few days have increased to 3-4 times a day lasting up to 10 mins+ each time) and the last 3 days have started getting these pains accross my lower bump, shooting, tightening pains like someone has a rubber band they are pulling tighter and tighter......sounds very much like the real thing but then stops after 2 contractions.
I cannt believe how much cramping i have had yet she still isnt here!! I have my final 40 week appointment at the hospital today and they will induce me in 10 days if still no action. I hope it doesnt come to that.
And not to mention how slow time is going, its driving me mad!
Enough whinging from me, How have u been feeling??![]()
I forgot to mention that I went to the doctor this morning and am dilated to a 1 now!A whole 1/2 cm in 1 week!
I wonder if I will dilate anymore for next week!! I go back again on Monday again. Also, my GBS Test results came back negative!
They were positive with Jace! I was surprised!!
Congratulations to the new Mummy's!
AFM: Been having period like pains throughout the night and yesterday, also stabbing pains in my 'bits' lol Hopefully it means baby is sort of ready for this world.
I have less than 24 hours until I'm due at the hospital, to be induced and I'm soooooo scared! Excited but can't really describe the fear and all my concerns as I'll sound like a mad woman!
Can't believe I'll be holding my baby tomorrow (hopefully) or Thursday!
It's been a long, hard pregnancy but it'll all be worth it
Still got so much to do though. MIL is going to come over while I'm in hospital (2 days at least....not looking forward to that!) and help OH with cleaning as we still have workmen here until tomorrow lunchtime....cutting it fine!
I seem to have verbal diarrhoea today....sorry....just need to get the words out and then I can relax, hopefully!
Hope everyone else is okay![]()
So tired and pissed off., No sleep as usual, up peeing all night and then william is awake from 5! I am sat here near in tears because i want sleep! I cant as my hands and feet hurt and my hips from lying down so i had to get up. This is not good![]()
Morning all
Makeithappen, good news that your sweep went so well, I wonder if/when I will be offered one?
Kala, what lovely piccies of Joseph's birthday, the cake looks so yummy! I am sorry you have a sore hand after your little outburst, take it easy honey
April, 1cm dilated alreadyyou go girl! Congrats on the negative GBS test too!
Pixelle, try and take it easy these next few days honey. Inductions can be very positive experiences, especially when they are done for good medical reasons but I do know how scary is walking into that hospital knowing this is it! The end result is so worth it and you will have your little buba in your arms before teh week is out!
DF, I so feel for you being tired as I really struggle to function on days when I have had a very bad nights sleep and I don't have a toddler to deal with
Kelly, I keep trying those tricks and the effort hardly seems worth the result to me as if I do get any cramps they are soooooooooooo mild and infrequent! I am pleased baby is fine, just having a lazy day,I have no idea if they do snuggle down just before labour but fingers crossed for you hun x
AFM: I have a MW appointment this afternoon, I am going to ask about a sweep. I had a reasonable nights sleep last night, only waking up about 3 times and managing to fall back to sleep fairly easily each time so hopefully I will have a bit more energy to get things done today.
Oh please don't say sorry-GOSH, not insensitive at all sweets! I would be jumping around the house telling everyone lol..
On that note, baby's movements have reduced dramatically. Woke up this morning and my mom took one look at me and sent me back to bed (she has taken Ash to playgroup, bless).. Have put doppler on and heartbeat is perfect so now I am getting all excited and wondering if it is babba calming down in prep for labour? ANyone know anything about this?
I tried nipple stimulation last night (yes, it makes me giggle too) and cramps started straight away and went on all night. Plus we DTD..
Pixelle, try and take it easy these next few days honey. Inductions can be very positive experiences, especially when they are done for good medical reasons but I do know how scary is walking into that hospital knowing this is it! The end result is so worth it and you will have your little buba in your arms before teh week is out!
AFM: I have a MW appointment this afternoon, I am going to ask about a sweep. I had a reasonable nights sleep last night, only waking up about 3 times and managing to fall back to sleep fairly easily each time so hopefully I will have a bit more energy to get things done today.
Congratulations to the new Mummy's!
I have less than 24 hours until I'm due at the hospital, to be induced and I'm soooooo scared! Excited but can't really describe the fear and all my concerns as I'll sound like a mad woman!
Can't believe I'll be holding my baby tomorrow (hopefully) or Thursday!
It's been a long, hard pregnancy but it'll all be worth it![]()
where can i print off a birth plan ?x
good morning girls... or afternoon almost
Pixelle: totally understandable that you'd be nervous about everything but you'll have your wee bundle soon!
April: that baby is going to be here before you know it!
Kelly: little peanut has been quieter too recently. not really any huge movements... im just hoping this is because she's got herself in a position that she's comfy in and is raring to go!
lolpants: i've been having irregular contractions for a few days now - it's very annoying when they just stop and dont turn up for hours and hours.... teasing babies we have!
AFM: nothing really to report - i think i might have lost some of my plug?but i'm not sure so hmm lol
sorry if i've missed anyone out
oooh! and Chella i get BnB on my Blackberry just with using the wifi and surfing the internets on it *nods* i have my birth plan on my PC if you want a looky? or i'll find the site that i used as a template for you?![]()
I tried nipple stimulation last night (yes, it makes me giggle too) and cramps started straight away and went on all night!!