~~November Sparklers 2010 Official 3rd Tri Thread~(40 Baby Girls & 43 Baby Boys Born)

haha you seriously cant get turned on when u breastfeed, honest dont worry totally different sensation x
I tried nipple stimulation last night (yes, it makes me giggle too) and cramps started straight away and went on all night!!

kelly I tried nipple stimulation the other night I just wanted to see if I could get just one contraction or cramp out of it. I was just really curious. WELL I'm embarrassed to say I didn't even last 5 mins as it didn't do anything but TURN ME ON! seriously! After I just wanted to jump my hubby but didn't out of shame now I am TERRIFIED I'm going to be one of those women who get turned on when they breastfeed :-( its all I can think about sand I'm in such a state over it.
If nipple stimulation worked I would have had mine by now since I am still breastfeeding it a different type of contraction not a labour one it causes, not enough anyway.
And breastfeeding is the least turn on thing in the world! trust me. Last thing on your mind when your doing it. I have never heard of anyone being turned on and we have discussed this in the forum before.

I need a birth plan but have no printer working! and i dont want to email it to my dad as my nosey mum will nit pick over it and scrutinize it and call me names.
Oh Beth, I REALLy dont think you will get turned on from breastfeeding.. It's like, when there is a baby on your boob it is a milk machine and totally seperate to being part of 'sexy times' if you know what I am trying to say? Dont stress darl!!!
i cant believe it worked so well, think I might get the breast pump out-have you got one, maybe try that as it will be more sore than nice i reckon...

Mind you dont pump to much you need the colostrum for baby and milk supple shouldn't be pumped till past 3 months of you intend to breastfeed. But as I said if it worked I would have had my baby a long time ago since I do it every day more than one with my son breastfeed which is the same as your pump. My milk will change after labour apparently. I got loads of it in when I was in hospital last time, was drowning william in it.
ooo Pichi - exciting :happydance: Sounds like peanut may be with us soon!! :thumbup:

Lovely too hear from both AM & GG - great that your sharing your Mummy experiences with us :hugs:

Im worried about BF as I haven't leaked at all - what if I can't??

My friend has come to my rescue today and is coming to get me to go to the funeral - so no public transport at 9 mths pregnant for me! yey!

Lol xx
ah that's good that you're getting a lift :)

as for being scared about breastfeeding - it's not the end of the world if you can't do it. if you try you try and hat's all you can do at the end of the day :flower: that's how i'm making myself see it as anyways :) i havn't full blown leaked but- if i was to say have an itchy nipple (lol) then i might have a little bit there. and if i was to squish it then i do have stuff... (why i just shared that i'm not quite sure but what the hell!)

your milk might just take longer to come in :shrug:
I have tried squeezing - both in and out of the shower - but nothing :cry:

I really really wanna BF too!

Lol xx
my friend didn't leak all the way through her pregnancy, she didn't even get anything if she tried squeezing but she did breastfeed for i think it was 2 months or so :) so it is possible
Dont be squeezing now you get it after birth. You can bf just have faith . Colostrum is like nothing coming out after birth and so many think they have no milk your baby needs that then the milk comes on. Keep feeding and it comes. your body makes up more and more.
37 Weeks today YAY for full term. Now just 2 more weeks till my c-section guh time goes by so slowly
Lol, I never leaked milk once in my pregnancy. Manu women don't so don't worry as I have plenty of milk now :)
Yay for 37 weeks Hayley :)

Lol, I wuldn't worry hun-once bebe is born your body will be triggered into milk-making action!

Been having cramps all day, like period pains.. Babba still very quiet and I have a tough of the runs.. *tries no get excited*
Hm, yesterday it said 11 baby boys .. now 12? Er, I can't keep count! I will have a look at the front page just to refresh my memory!

My friend, who is due 3 days before me (Nov. 7), is getting induced tomorrow morning. We have the same MW, but I absolutely know our MW is not going to offer an induction to me until I am 40+ weeks. She seems to think I am a "perfect" pregnant person. All she ever says is that "you do so well!". :rolleyes: It really gets on my nerves.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be induced tbh. I have serious fears about it. But I would like the choice, lol. I suppose I just can't be happy with anything!

Oh heavens, in the last 2 days we have dished out over $1,000.00 in bills. :wacko: We had to get our car legal, and that cost nearly $640.00. :| Thiefs.
Congrats on Maddox Missy.

Hope all the cramps and pains turn into more for you all ladies.

AFM up lot of night with on and off back ache, woke up feeling sick and still back cramps every 20 mins until luchtime then all stopped.

Stopp teasing babies!!!
where can i print off a birth plan ?x

I did mine last night. I went to https://www.birthplan.com/ - It is American but they email it to you and I just pasted it into word and changed bits as necessary. I also used babycentre and NHS sites to help. :)

Morning ladies :)

pixelle, wow very soon for you. I echo coco, inductions can be positive. although mine didn't work as my stupid body didn't want to evict my comfy angel the day it was done was amazing I was just so excited I could see the end. The section in the end was totally my choice as I got too impatient and couldn't bare being induced again and it not working and ending in a section anyway!!

I'm open to whatever might happen. I really don't want to end up having a C Section but if that's what needs to be done, so be it :)
Thank you for the positive :)

Congratulations to the new Mummy's! :flower:

I have less than 24 hours until I'm due at the hospital, to be induced and I'm soooooo scared! Excited but can't really describe the fear and all my concerns as I'll sound like a mad woman! :lol:
Can't believe I'll be holding my baby tomorrow (hopefully) or Thursday!
It's been a long, hard pregnancy but it'll all be worth it :D

Dont be too scared hun, I was petrified and it wasnt that bad, you cope. The thing is with the induction is the pains come thick and fast I dialated 5cm in 4 hours which is so quickly in comparison to a natural birth so your body hasnt got time to build up endorphins but you cope. Have u thought about ur pain relief? I was dead set against an epidural as was so scared of needle and not feeling my legs ect but had to get one as my blood pressure went so high when I was checked at 5cm because although mentally I was coping with pain with breathing, physically I wasnt. I really recommend an epidural I could feel everything still and even new when to push ect..

Its over so quickly and as soon as they lift the baby into your arms your overwealmed with love you totally forget about what you have just went through. I was petrified going down for my induction, literally shaking but honest u just cope :hugs: good luck hun x

Thank you for your advice :)
Regarding pain relief, I plan to have Gas and Air but am open to an epidural if needed!! I'll not be able to walk around anyway so that aspect doesn't bother me....it's just the needle and the horrible stories I've read that put me off a bit. But saying that, at the time, I'm sure I'll take whatever they offer me! :lol:
Thank you for the luck :)

Pinklizzy will be doing updates for me (thank you :flower:) so watch this space! :lol:

RE Leaking: I plan on breastfeeding and was a little worried that I haven't been leaking but my MW said some women do and some don't so that put my mind at rest! Over the weekend I did have a tiny pinprick of milk come out while I was in the bath and washing myself, but that's all I've had.

Happy thoughts and :dust: to everyone :hugs:
Pixelle - Your getting induced tomorrow! :happydance: I hope it goes well, as I am sure it will! And you get to meet your little one!
Thank you SilasLove :flower: Really can't wait now....just thinking about holding baby has me all emotional....silly me! :lol:
Your welcome hon. And I can't imagine how emotional I would be if I knew exactly the day baby was going to arrive. I would probably be crying every 2 seconds! :wacko:

:hugs: When do you go in tomorrow?
I think the full emotion is going to hit me at some point tonight! So far today I've tried to ignore the whole induction thing and concentrate on the end result! :lol:

Got to be there for 7.30am so MIL is coming to pick us up at 6:45am.....I'm gonna be knackered before I even get there! :lol:
:haha: I am sure once everything gets started your excitement will keep you going!

I am in the U.S., but my friend is going in at 6am to get induced tomorrow. I bet you wont be able to sleep due to excitement. :wacko: Atleast, I can't imagine how I would fall asleep knowing I am getting induced tomorrow. I would probably keep getting out of bed trying to do things I forgot about or something crazy. Haha.

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