Just a quick pop on!
I went in to be induced last Wednesday 3rd Nov. Went straight to get my waters broken which they did around 11am. contractions started off straight away but it was fairly slow starting on the dialation front. By around 6 hours later Id only got to 5cm, I couldnt believe it as my first baby was a 6 hour labour.
Very quickly the pain got really awful and the gas and air just wasnt doing it for me and just made me want to be sick. I decided that it would be best to go for an epidural as I needed a rest if things were going to continue in this way. So managed to get the epidural put in and the midwife decided to check things considering my pain level. Turned out in the last hour and half Id gone the rest of the way and was at 10cm. Bit of a wasted epidural
20 minutes of pushing and our little man arrived at 20.06 weighing 7lb 15oz and 51cm.
We havent fully settled on his name but we are very close now. He is gorgeous and really looks just like his big brother did.
Just after birth
5th Nov, we left hospital the same day.