.. Ive just lost more plug - darker red rather than the pink I had during the night - gonna google and see what that means (which I know can be dangerous as google will prob tell me Im dying or something!!)
Lol xx
ooooooooooooooo its happenin x
Naw, according to google you'll already be dead

Sorry I have been MIA ladies - have been reading but feeling decidedly sorry for myself

I am now back and firmly in the "nothing's bloody happening to me" camp
Massive vibes for all those of you whom are in labour (which I think is everyone but me, DF and pichi

) and I hope your babies come soon.
CONGRATS to all those who have had their babies

MIH, I LOVE the pic of Grace where she is looking up at (I pressume) daddy - its just perfect.
Cant reply individually as there are about 4 million posts I have *igonored* but I have been thinking about you all!!
I had some maternity pics done - I started a thread but only had one response (thanks Diva


so am gonna post on here for you lovely ladies to big them up for me
Appropriate vibes to all