Ah Kelly, bless you. I do feel for you and totally understand you not wanting to endure another induction if you had such a horrid experience last time. What (if you don't mind me asking) made it so bad for you?
I didn't want an induction either as I was worried it would lead to further intervention and even though I did end up having a section, I really do believe that would have happened anyway.
When they checked me before they gave me the gel, they found I was only 1cm dilated and my cervix was long, so I was worried it would be a long drawn out affair especially when I heard that others who were in for inductions were found to be 3cm and could skip the gel and go straight to having their waters broken. I had a sweep at the same time as the gel was inserted.
Is there anyone you could go and see to discuss your options with? Maybe have an examination and see what the outcome of that is before you decide one way or the other? If things were already looking more favourable it may not take much to start you off!
It is also worth chatting about what your hospitals policy on inductions is and what they will or will not allow you to do. Mine were happy to allow me in the pool as long as I needed no more than gel and ARM (although as you know, I still didn't get in it in the end) and its worth bearing in mind that the NICE guidelines on inductions actually state that you should be given the chance to labour in water as long as certain criteria have been met. Its worth a read.
I will keep everything crossed that things start to happen soon honey xx
Thanks for updating me April
MW, that is what my sweep felt like!
Congrats again weezyweu and thanks for sharing your birth story x
AFM: Just having a little feed and we are going off to bed, whether or not we will get any sleep is up to Georgie