I have also had a very off stomach.. upset and constant number 2 seems like.. and i feel like i have the flu in a way =/ hmm
I have felt like i have had the flu for about 4 days now =( and my cramping and upset stomach is just getting worse as well as horrible pressure that feels like i got to pee 24/7
i have had tons and tons of discharge today and yesterday its like i cant stop wiping as it keeps coming.. creamy whitish yellow which doc says is cervix thinning and part of plug..
im not quite sure what's happening here. i've been getting cramps all day and yesterday like i said - but every so often it gets quite strong now - lasts about a minute or so then dies downmy bump goes solid too
that's where im at but its been happening for about 5 days now the cramping like period cramps and than it gets tight and i feel a lot of pressure but they are about 20 min apart right now..
hi girls. Sounds like promising things happening all round. Im in hospital waiting to be induced but it is so busy it could be a matter of days and im so bored. Just wan to go home but they worried about movements hence keeping me here. Sorry so quick, am on phone. Really nervous and hoping its an easier induction than with ashton! Hugs
Ok... I have now got back ache with these cramps and they are every 7 minutes or so... What the hell is this?!
Lol df its painful runnin out xx
Oooooo pichi this could be it yayyyy!!! Well ive just had to ring labour ward as when ive wiped a few times there some brown on tissue and had some in pj bottoms , so now got to wear a pad and see how i go over the nxt 2hrs and also keep eye on baby movements as may just be from the internal i had today, lol jus done a double check on bag etc and damm my toe nails arent polished!!! hoping havent got to go in as have a headache from hell and sicky still xxx anyone else had this ???
I will do. I'm still able to talk so I'm not that bad yet haha! I've been bouncing on my birthing ball all day.
I should really start timing these things... They're getting quite regular but I don't think they're strong enough yet.
Chella: the brown could be part of your show perhaps? Hope everything is ok![]()
Hi everyone, well I must apologise I have been really rubbish since my last post. Have just managed to catch up on what everyone has been writing, well done all those that have had their babies and fingers crossed for all of you waiting for yours.
I last wrote about getting contractions on 3rd November (my due date). The pains got stronger and I rang the labour ward, they told me to go in. So me and OH got our son ready for school and dropped him at my mums. We arrived at the hospital at 7.50am. We went in to a assessment room where i was hooked up to the machine and it said I wasn't in labour. As the birth of my son was quick we decided to stay around the hospital, I knew iot was only going to be a little while before I was holding my baby. The pains got worse and at 10am I had diamorphine, which was lovely for about an hour then wore off completely. I got my OH to call in the midwive and asked for more pain relief at 12pm, they said I couldn't have anything till 2pm. I knew I was now in labour and was crying at this point with the pain. A different midwive came in to examine me at 1.30pm. She wanted to examine me, it took her three attempts to monitor the baby, and do an internal. I had to keep jumping of the bed with each contraction which were by now one after the other.
When she managed to examine me at 1.45pm I was 5 cms dilated so she said she was going to get me moved to a labour suite and sort out my pain relief. As she left the room I jumped off the bed and dropped on to my knees on the floor and told my OH to get her back as I needed to push.
After a few minutes of pushing at 1.58pm I gave birth to our baby girl Connie on the floor in the assessment room. My waters never broke so she was born in her sack which is meant to be very lucky. My OH said it looked amazing.
After the placenta was delivered we were moved in to the labour suite. I was showered and ready to go home by 3.30pm.
Connie is fantastic, she is so well behaved and I can't believe it's taken me 9 years to have another baby. We are still on cloud 9 and are both very proud parents.
She was 7Ib 1oz so was alot smaller then predicted and was born on her due date of the 3rd of November so would be great if it could be put on front page please.
Hope I haven't bored you too much, not going to read over it because will prop end up editing it all!
Good luck everyone who is getting aches and pains. Now i'm getting into a routine and all the visitors have now died down I will be back on regularly.
How do I download photos on to here? xx
hey everyone sorry for the late post but i had my little girl on 4.11.2010 was originally due 22.11.2010 she was born @ 8:48am by c section and weighed 6lb13oz we have named her Abigail Isabella Lowes, i have written up a birth story which is long so i dont expect you to read it lol but there is pics of our little girl on there if you would like to take a peek
how are all you girls hope babies are still arriving xx
^^^^ my birth story link xx
Good luck Pichi and Chella-sounds as if things are really moving for you both!
Still trying to write up my birth story but thought I'd post a couple of pics of our little princess