Oh wow Silas!

Your mom sounds like my older sister! She is getting divorced recently cuz her hubby cheated on her but she also lost her job and instead of paying her bills she is spending money on tattoos and piercings! She JUST turned 30 and She has not been paying her phone bill that is in my parents name. She just upgraded to an iphone so now it is $25 more a month! So my parents are going to go to AT&T and tell them to put it in her name now because they are tired of paying on it. They don't care if it gets cut off anymore. She is being stupid and selfish and taking advantage of my parents and her friends now. I am sorry she is going through a ruff patch but GROW up already!
Sorry for that rant! LOL
marinewife, that's horrible!

Why should you have to apologize to all of your family for bringing a BEAUTIFUL Child into this world! Geez Louise!