***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

No mistaking that last shot!! So cute sitting in the lotus position. Now to convince my DF that we need to get 3d scans booked for around 30 weeks!
Odd question for you ladies but maybe someone would know :) If you had a child before would they be able to tell if you had PCOS? I have about every symptom of it and it took over 2 years to get prego with our son, I do not remember them ever saying that they tested for it or not. Then this baby was conceived with no fertility help or anything?? Idk just something I was thinking about...
Daddiesgift - I have PCOS. I was however diagnosed at 17 years old - that was almost 20 years ago. I had very irregular, heavy periods, bad acne and was over weight and struggling to loose it!
Although these are the most common symptoms, the doctors have to do blood tests and scans of your ovaries to officially diagnose PCOS.
PCOS, fortunately, does not necessarily mean it will be more difficult to concieve.

They say that having a child can be the cure for PCOS. Will have to wait and see.
hmm well then im sure during our fertility testing they would have done some testing, guess I need to look into my medical records! I thought I had this years ago but recently I googled a problem I have been having since I was about 18, :blush: body hair. Even though I am a blonde my hair grows in so thick and coarse EVERYWHERE. I have to wax my face every few days because I get patches of dark hair that grows. and something came up about PCOS and I have about every problem it listed! Might just be by chance but I thought it was odd, and would explain a lot not only about fertility but my hair, my weight, my periods/pms/cramps ect.
i was diagnosed with pcos at 20. was so nervous about conceiving but got pregnant in the "normal" range..my periods are hell though and this break has been quite nice.. i was wondering the other day why my pregnancy has made me feel almost better and then it hit me no more terrible periods and ovulation pain!
No mistaking that last shot!! So cute sitting in the lotus position. Now to convince my DF that we need to get 3d scans booked for around 30 weeks!

i want to go back at 30 weeks too! got a 25% coupon off if i do, plus if i get the same women she gave us a bunch of free stuff. such a great experience!
Uterus off to side?pain.....?
Hi ladies,

I posted this in 2nd tri but thought I'd post here as well in case any of u ladies have any experience......

So yesterday and today I have been super uncomfortable. And Friday morning I woke up in the early hours lying on my right side (I normally always sleep on left and I have a preggle pillow I sleep with, but guess I rolled over) dunno how long I was like that but when I woke up I had a pretty bad pain in my lower right abdomen. It wasn't cramping, or stretching feeling, or like the pain u get when u really really have to pee.
It took quite awhile for it to go away and when I moved around in bed or walking was quite bothersome. Evenentually it went away.

I have been noticing that my uterus is off centre, by quite a lot to the right. I did some googling and found could be because of the septum I have in my uterus but who knows.

Has anyone experienced these things before? Any idea what they could be? Could the pain just be because my uterus is off centre and it's just really pushing on things?
Has anyone had a uterus off centre?what does that mean for your pregnancy/delivery?

Today since waking up walking around is really uncomfortable.
I "popped" in the last week for sure so I have a definite bump and I'm a pretty petite person (5'3", 105lbs) so I can't imagine what I'll be like if this keeps up haha waddling in no time!

Currently I'm 15weeks 5days.
I have a doc appointment on the 11th in a week so unless it gets crazy bad I don't plan to see a doc before I'm not that worried.

Thanks for any help ladies, sorry got kinda long.
my uterus is in the "normal" place, meaning in the center etc. and i only get pains on the right side...dr has said they are all normal so far. could it of been ovary pain like a cyst?
Hmm I'm not sure I've never had a cyst before or any problems with my ovaries, and with everything all moved around in there no idea where my ovaries are ATM lol.
Wishful those scans are not creepy at all!!! LOVE THEM, when I had a couple of my DS at that stage we called them his "clay baby" shots haha, what a precious boy you have :)

Daddiesgift - some of what you are describing sounds almost like thyroid issues, have you have had that tested?? would be interested to see... PCOS and thyroid issues can mimic eachother... just a thought!

lilbean - I've had pain on the right side too but it's usually if I've been laying in one position for a while and then move or get up, sounds like ligament pain but u can always run it past your doctor if you are worried :thumbup:

Getting so excited for our :pink: or :blue: scan tomorrow!! :happydance: I think little bubs was too as he or she was dancing a LOT last night!
I dont believe I have had that tested! Something to look into after this pregnancy. I had horrible cramps ever since I started my period at age 11. Then at about 18-19 the hair thing started :( then about 21 I started piling on weight QUICKLY and it was hard to lose though I dont remember ever eating any different than I had before. The last few years I have been around 160-170lbs at 5'9 which is on the boarder of over weight. When I was always 140 and under. Crazy how one google of "how to rid yourself of facial hair" turned into a investigation for other problems :haha: darn you google! Ive always waxed and kept it "low key" doing it every week now that Im pregnant of course its like everyday! Not feeling very womanly over here!

I hope your scan goes well tomorrow! Exciting everyone is finding out their genders!! Hopefully we will find out friday!!
daddiesgift - I've always been a touch on the hairy side as well, but have been tested for PCOS and unfortunately it's just how I (and the rest of the women in the family) are - curse of being very dark haired and pale skinned!

Good luck Soulshaken for your scan tomorrow!

Name(just first)?

How old are you?

Whats your EDD, How have you figued that date?
7 Nov, from first scan at 8 weeks. Scan at 12 weeks dated a little sooner (Nov 5)

What # child is this for you?

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl?
I predicted and hoped for a boy.

Are you finding out the gender?
It's a boy!

How many months were you TTC?
We weren't really trying, but weren't being careful because we didn't think I was fertile really.

Some add'l infos:
Planning a natural birth (cross your fingers for me) at our local hospital. Looking very forward to breast feeding. Have felt the baby tickling me for a little more than a week now. 20w scan is on June 21. :D
Is it nap time yet?? REALLY did not want to get up this morning but my son had other plans (as he stands in front of the tv dancing to Sesame Street). I think the only time I feel baby is in the morning when I am laying in bed. I really do not know why my back hurts so much when I lay on it since the baby is only 4 inches big at this point! Things really are happening fast in this pregnancy. I woke up last night and my arms were completely numb cause I must have been sleeping on my back awhile.

Not to mention I feel like poo. The last two days Ive felt it coming on and its just getting worse. Sore throat, sore body, and feeling like puking when I eat anything. Hope this passes soon. Ready for my appointment on Friday!
i have been feeling crappy too.. hope you feel better soon!

when should i stop sleeping on my back and stomach? i dont sleep on my back much at all but i sleep on my stomach every night. i have no bump so i am not in any sort of discomfort.. i'm i okay (17 weeks) until i am uncomfortable???
hello ladies...just needed a clarification....does the anomaly scan happen only post 20 weeks or is it possible to do it post 18 weeks?

I have my doctors appointment in abt 3 hours time and i'm a nervous wreck as of now....i last had a scan at 14 weeks where i saw hb and have not had ANY pregnancy symptoms since then...i'm terrified that i will receive bad news today...i just cant shake off this fear....my friend recently had a daughter and she was diagnosed with a cleft palate post birth....and this is sooo adding to my fears...

i have not bought anything (clothes for me or baby) as i wanted to wait for the 20 week anomaly scan...its like i'm in stand still mode..i dont know whether i can last out 2 more weeks till next scan:nope:
it is VERY common to not have any symptoms or to feel a lot better in 2nd tri. i feel run down but i think it is more of cold thing then pregnancy thing. besides that i only have some random cravings sometimes. nothing else. not even a bump or weight gain and my baby is doing great! as for the scan my anatomy one is at 18 weeks. express to your dr your anxiety and she/he might book you asap!

i understand the anxiety though, i freaked out before my private scan! x
Daddiesgift- I describe the weight gain at 21 years old as the -" end of puberty weight gain" since your body has finished his work he just doesn't need to have the same amount of food anymore :haha:

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