i know i feel bad because i know some people dont but i also live in a state in the US (MA) that has universal health insurance, meaning its illegal not to have it. so really if i didnt work it would be free insurance, but instead i pay hundreds a WEEK to now have to pay 3000 for my hospital stay, 1000 for my sons hospital stay and my medicine and visits went up.
it changes our income a lot.. just not a good day! time to adjust and get over it i guess!
US health care is wierd. seriocusly 100s a week? We have health insurance that is obligatory, but up to a certain level the fees are all the same- only if you earn a certain amount of money in a year you can opt for voluntary or private insuarances which have different rates.
Here the rate for me is 54 a month and most stuff is covered (hospital stays(if needed), doctor visits etc.)