***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

It defintely does suck wishful to have to be paying more. I wish the health insurance system in US was much better. I don't even really know how much I have to pay. All i know is i owe a 20% copay. Who knows what the total is!
I've been having horrible sinus allergies for the last few days which has also triggered a migraine that has lasted 3 days morning to night! Tylenol doesn't help me so I don't even bother. Any other suggestions ladies?
Wishful - hope your UTI clears up! Lots of water and cranberry juice!!

Daddiesgift - Congrats on another boy!! Two boys really are lovely :)

Boofle - I still have medium-rare steaks with all 3 pregnancies ... are you not supposed too?
Thanks everyone Im excited, I was just really hoping girl. Im not sure if we want any more babies and I kept thinking how sad it would be not to help my daughter get ready for prom or her wedding or when her baby is born. and of course I really need my own play mate since Im so girly I hate to think of all the boy things to come! I kept looking at bows and tutus and everything pink and hoping we would get to buy some! So I think it will take a day or two then Ill stop thinking about it. Plus now I dont have much to buy since I kept all my sons stuff! My son was born in August and this one is November so there is not many clothes I have to get since they will wear about the same seasons. But Ive started going through the boxes anyways to see what I could yard sale to get some new baby boy stuff!

Im of course happy he is healthy and doctor said the hole in placenta has healed up and he is growing on track. I know this is better for my son to have a little brother to play with and grow up with so close in age. And my husband is beyond excited. I was just really counting on that pink! Plus, a little silly, but Im worried how will I love another little boy as much as I love my son already? and what will he look like? I keep thinking our sons twin :haha:

But on the plus side I dont have to worry too much about the girly teenage years and them dating! :winkwink:
dont feel guilty about being a bit sad about having another boy. every pregnancy is a miracle and if you know you want a girl you always wonder if it will happen. i'm already on my first and wondering if i'll have my girl one day! it took me a few days to remember not to even look at girly stuff. everyone tells me little boys love their mommys soo much so that makes me feel better!

@babyfeva yeah insurance in the states sucks. i'm on the 20% now with you, well as of july first. i'm freaking out because my nieces birth was the same way and her 20% turned into 14 thousand dollars (c-section and 3 day stay). yikes!! i liked my set co-pays better!

and my uti is better today, thanks!... been laying low and drinking water. cant do cranberry juice or it comes right back up! lol
Hi ladies :hi: My EDD was moved forward from 4th Dec to 29th Nov so I am now a November Sparkler. Will be flittering between here and the Snowflakes group I think though as I'm hoping for a 40 week+ baby :haha: if I could be added to the list though that would be great :)

Name(just first)?

How old are you?

Whats your EDD, How have you figued that date?
29th Nov, given to me at my 12 week scan

What # child is this for you?
Baby no.2 :cloud9:

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl?
I kinda think :blue: but that's just going by gender prediction tests, I have no gut instinct this time round.

Are you finding out the gender?
YES! I have a private gender scan booked for 16+2 (a week tomorrow!)

How many months were you TTC?
6/7 months TTC but about our 4th cycle due to long/irregular cycles
hey ttc_lolly glad to see u over here im in the dec thred with u.. wil add u o the list
daddiesgift - so glad to hear the hole in the placenta is healed up!! I'm sure that was a relief to you. And congrats on the little boy! I know having 2 boys is daunting (my sister has 2 boys, too) but it will be awesome when they start playing with each other and you don't have to buy separate everything to keep them entertained. :)
On a side note - we find out in 8 days what we're having!! Team Blue or Team Pink? I can't wait to find out!

I think I will probably feel a little disappointment as well if it's a boy because all of the predictions and guesses up to this point have all said "girl", but I will be happy either way (once I have a chance to let it soak in). I'm trying to prepare myself for the "boy" announcement... just in case ;)
Am I the only lass on this thread who isn't finding out the gender?! When I had my CVS, I had the opportunity to find out the sex absolutely categorically (when they're looking at the chromosomes, it's either X or Y - there's no dispute over whether it's a winkle or the umbilical cord :winkwink:). But no, we said, as we said all along, that we didn't want to find out. (We didn't find out with our son either, but TBH I was sooooo absolutely convinced that he was a boy that I would have been shocked if he'd popped out and OH and told me I'd just given birth to a girl :haha:).
Wishfulmom2b and other US ladies - I feel for you! Don't feel bad about complaining, you SHOULD! Very loudly and to anyone who will listen...and then vote for people who support a single payer universal health care plan, lol. Medical care and education are two human rights, and should be wholly funded for all citizens...but that is just my radical Canadian socialist view, haha. But seriously...paying THOUSANDS for delivering a baby is sick and criminal. I would be 100% headed for a home birth if I were in the US!

Boofle - I eat my steak med-rare and love every second. :thumbup: Bacteria does not migrate into the centre of a solid piece of meat, it just lives on the outside so it is really not a problem as long as the outside is cooked. Ground meat is another story, but you are totally fine having a med-rare steak!

Daddiesgift - Congrats on the bro for your little guy! I have a friend who just went through the SAME thing and definitely only wants 2 kids...she needed to just take a day or two to grieve the idea of a daughter and there is nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean you don't love the new baby as much or aren't as thrilled to meet them...but it is a legitimate disappointment. I know I will feel that way if I have two girls or two boys! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM - Called my midwife to check on the results of my anomaly scan and everything was great! Their dates were wrong, mine were right...surprise surprise! LOL However, they did say our baby was fairly small...still within normal but in the lower percentiles. Anyone had this before? Not worried really, just curious as to how common it is...
Colsy, I think there are still a few that aren't finding out. You're not the only one ;) And I admire that you have the will power to hold out! My best friend is also waiting and I think it's really special, but I am too impatient and too much of a planner. :)
Thanks for all the advice on the hayfever front.
I have got some natural nasal spray and eye drops that says its safe for use in pregnancy. Will give this stuff a go over the weekend and see how I get on with it. If its no good will see the doc next week!
Its such a fun thought to not find out the gender but I think id go crazy not knowing.

My friend was due a week before my son and had a girl then we find out we are pregnant again once again a week apart and she just found out she is having another girl..she is feeling the same way I am so we've decided to just go ahead and switch :rofl: Sure hope they look a little bit alike so no one ever catches on :rofl:

I'm feeling better about it though, boys are incredibly sweet and sometimes when I would think of a girl I would kind of freak out wondering what how different it was going to be to have a girl.

We will call new baby Lucas Aiden..he will go by Lucas. I dont really want him to go by Luke though...What are some nick names for Lucas??

Silly me thought we were having a girl I told my husband if we have a boy that he could decorate Dominic's room...guess he remembered me saying that cause he told me it will be his favorite sports team :huh:. BARF!

I know the feeling about health care in America. Im glad my husband is in the Military and we get pretty good health care coverage..on most things anyways. We have to pay for some tests during pregnancy and more ultrasounds but birth is "free" which im sooo thankful for. Im up to my ears in student loan debt Id hate to be in health care debit as well :nope:
How sweet that you and your best friend are due at the same time, AGAIN! Fun, fun!

I think the most common nickname for Lucas is Luke... possibly Luca? I love the name, though. It was on my top list, but DH and I agreed on another name for a boy.
colsy - We are staying :yellow: as well.

daddiesgift - It is okay to feel a bit of gender disappointment but I am sure it will pass very quickly. It is very common and I think it is admirable of you to be so honest about the way you feel.
How sweet that you and your best friend are due at the same time, AGAIN! Fun, fun!

I think the most common nickname for Lucas is Luke... possibly Luca? I love the name, though. It was on my top list, but DH and I agreed on another name for a boy.

I told her we must be fertile at the same time :haha: both were kind of surprises but neither of us was trying but not preventing so you know! This time Ill take birth control after baby, not so sure I could do THREE babies at once!

colsy - We are staying :yellow: as well.

daddiesgift - It is okay to feel a bit of gender disappointment but I am sure it will pass very quickly. It is very common and I think it is admirable of you to be so honest about the way you feel.

Thanks! I know its normal to lean towards one gender then the other especially if its after your first. It doesnt mean I dont want this baby or wont love him, its more selfish reasons for why I would want a girl. Either way Im going to love him just as much as I would a girl..just maybe not his clothes. :haha: And today when I felt sad I never felt like I wish I was not pregnant or anything like that, maybe cause I REALLY felt pink I was more shocked then anything. It was nice to see my husband so happy about it. Now that Ive let it sink in I am excited to be having another boy and Im even looking online for cute boy baby clothes and cute boy cloth diapers they could share. And me and my husband keep cracking up on the thought of matching outfits, or funny tshirts they could wear together :winkwink:
daddiesgift - I know exactly how you feel. I really wanted a girl because I'm sure this will be our last one (never doing fertility stuff again!). I literally cried for 2 days after finding out this is a boy, and it took about a week for me to start moving on, but I'm so excited to #1 just be having another baby and #2 to have another momma's boy. It is hard for me to imagine what this baby could look like as his u/s pics already look different from my son. It's also hard to imagine raising a second "only child" and have him turn out totally different than my son. Lots of worries and a girl would have just made those all go away. BUT, I'm very happy. :) Oh - and the clothes thing!! I was going to go crazy shopping if it was a girl, but now I'm not excited at all about boy clothes shopping, so I guess dh is happy we'll be saving so much money. :haha:

Colsy - I admire you for not finding out. I always wanted a surprise, but I feel like I need to plan a little. If I had another baby closer in age to my son, I think it would have been a surprise.... if I could stand the wait! :)
I remember going to my sisters ultrasound with #2 and she was soo devastated it was another girl because for sure her husband wanted no more and they were stopping at #2 she cried the whole way home and told me how she felt like such a horrible person and really should only care that it was healthy. Well go figure when Im pregnant she finds out she is pregnant with #3! Complete accident and it was a boy! So she was telling me earlier that she felt just like I do, but got over it and moved on and 7 years later was blessed with a little boy! And boy do that love that boy!

I was kind of an only child. My sister is 14 years older then me so I dont remember her not married to my brother in law and I dont remember her living with us, then my brother was 7 years older then me and of course a boy of that age does not want to play with a little sister. But we are best friends now!

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