***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Am I the only lass on this thread who isn't finding out the gender?! When I had my CVS, I had the opportunity to find out the sex absolutely categorically (when they're looking at the chromosomes, it's either X or Y - there's no dispute over whether it's a winkle or the umbilical cord :winkwink:). But no, we said, as we said all along, that we didn't want to find out. (We didn't find out with our son either, but TBH I was sooooo absolutely convinced that he was a boy that I would have been shocked if he'd popped out and OH and told me I'd just given birth to a girl :haha:).

Nope, you're not alone, we're not finding out either but we are in a distinct minority!!
We're not finding out either! Didn't find out with our first two, and this one will not be any different. :thumbup:
Heeey ttc lolly! nice to see you over here! :) In the same group again this time around!!

Daddies gift - Do not feel guilty about feeling a bit disappointed. I do have some wish that this baby is a girl as it is definitely our last! I also am a bit worried that if we are lucky to find out the sex in a couple of weeks that if it is a boy I will be upset. . . which makes me sound horrible. My point is a bit of disappointment is completely normal - it doesn't mean you'll love him any less!
We're leaving this one a surprise! We found out with DD... Which was great for bonding, planning, and shopping. But now that we have all the big baby items and DD is too young to understand boy vs girl baby on the way.... We've decided it will be exciting to have the surprise at delivery!
so i had a midwife appointment today. i look forward to them because i always have a ton of questions and like hearing the HB. got there and they said it was cancelled! she said someone called over two weeks ago and left a voicemail? i dont remember seeing the missed call and i didnt hear any voicemails. i have to believe them i guess... maybe i delted it before listening or something?

pretty bummed as this hasnt been the best week. got an appointment next week so i shouldnt complain.. just a bit bummed.

finally going to be nice weather here this weekend so hopefully my UTI will feel better and i can get out! have a lovely weekend ladies :)
Woooo hooo I have leaky boobies!! Never had them with the boys so am well chuffed (determined to breast feed this time!) .... sorry to gross you all out :haha:
Woooo hooo I have leaky boobies!! Never had them with the boys so am well chuffed (determined to breast feed this time!) .... sorry to gross you all out :haha:

Hahhaha. Just wait until your arm sticks to your BBs as you wake....or your BBs to your shirt and/or sheets...or perhaps OH's back. Hahahha. :hugs:
Hahhaha. Just wait until your arm sticks to your BBs as you wake....or your BBs to your shirt and/or sheets...or perhaps OH's back. Hahahha. :hugs:

Haha!! Hilarious!!

I had some leakage early on, but haven't had any since. I didn't during pregnancy the first time, so I'm hoping to stay lucky that way. I leaked SO SO bad after my milk came in that I want to hold off on that as long as possible!! FX'd!
Well I was supposed to have an ultrasound on June 12th but that is the day we are taking my daughter to the children's hospital now. Still hoping no surgery for her...
So, my new date is June 18th. I have leaky boobs already too but usually when I get out of the shower...haven't had to wear pads in my bras yet...haha...I am not looking forward to leaking all over when milk comes in either. :/
Still no leaky bbs on this side! taking that as a bonus for now as my mom says that when her milk came in she leaked something terrible!

GGGRRR Where is that postman!! Still have not got my date through for my next scan! GGGRRR HURRY UP MR POSTMAN!!!!
Braxton-Hicks anyone? I keep getting them, and it seems soooo early on. I get them a few times most days now. My entire abdomen just suddenly goes really tight, like a band being stretched and pulled round my back and tummy. Not painful, not even uncomfortable really, just one of those things that I'm very aware of. It does seem early on in my pg to be getting them so I had a quick web search - some sites say second-time mums get 'em from 16 weeks, whereas other sites say you shouldn't be getting them until at least the end of second tri. Ho hum. What to think!
No leaky boobs or braxton hicks here! Dont plan on breastfeeding this time around so the leaky boob can hold off as long as it likes!

For the braxton hicks are you drinking plenty of water and taking it as easy as you can? Im not sure what it means to have them this early.

Im glad to be feeling baby move everyday now..now that we know gender next important thing is moving! Im ready to go and get the kids rooms set up! If I could leave today I would!
Finally the post(wo)man arrives!! And she comes bearing the news of all news today!! Got my 20 week scan appointment through!! :wohoo: :happydance:!!! 25 June at 10:25am!! The count down to finding out if we are team pink or blue commences!!
ah getting the date is the best!! countdown on!! i get mine at appointments, thank god! or i'd be staling our mail guy lol

18 weeks tomorrow... hoping week 18 is the week i feel baby?? even a flutter would do! what are my chances ladies?!
Yup countdown indeed!! 2 weeks, 1 day, 21 hours and 15 minutes. ( I think I worked that out correctly eek)
I'm 19 weeks and think I'm just starting to feel something. Think I felt bubbles inside last night - but then again it could have been gas :haha::rofl: Anything is possible with me right now.
It's crazy isn't it F&C?

Braxton Hicks can start as early as 16 weeks - drink plenty of fluids and try to rest when they occur if you can x
Yep I got Braxton hicks the other day :( Mine is more constant period pain then tightening though? (Same as in labour!)

OOh you have your 20 week scan 1 day before me! It's getting closer and closer now .... just hoping baby has his/her legs uncrossed!!

My 20 month old is convinced we're having a girl and it will be Phoebe or as he says "BeeBee" lol

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