***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Lovely bumps ladies! :)

Hope you have an easy flight Daddiesgift! Good luck! :hugs: xx
That's GREAT news, Bugaboo!! :)

Good luck tomorrow, daddiesgift! Hope you have a smooth flight with your little one.
So we had our scan today, the consultant looked at her heart for ages and ages, but the little madam had he back to my front so she kept having to try and move her. She's also breech at the moment. She even showed us her 'footprint' and she ahs BIG feet.

Anyways, there is no evidence to her having a hole in the heart, if she has one it's so tiny that the consultant can't see it.

The consultant wrote this:

"The fetal heart appears normal in structure and well connected. The ventricular septum appears intact. There appears to be an echogenic spot ont he ventricular septum measuring 2mm in size. I have referred her to tertiary centre for a second opinion"

Basically there is a bright spot on her septum. Now I am reading a published article on these spots and apparently they are very very common in downs syndrome babies. She even kept asking me what my downs syndrome results were and kept mentioning if any of us had diabetes :-/ We have a scan on Monday at Kings college hospital with a fetal cardiologist.

Now I always panicked about downs syndrome with her because her NT was a lot higher than the boys and my 1 in such and such a chance was a lot lower (still low risk but lower) than the boys. . . I know I shouldn't be googling and I shouldn't be so negative if she does have it - but is it too late to request a test?
Daddiesgift do you have lots of things to entertain him with? My son loves Finding Nemo so if I had to do a long journey I would get it on an ipad or something - or even just a book. He also likes stickers and although the plane may end up looking mighty pretty I think it's something they would have to put up with for my sanity! I hope it goes well. Have a safe journey and speak to you when you are back 'home'. :) xx
Charlie, I think the latest they can do is 20 weeks but double check with your MW. The chances are everything is ok - did it say how common the spot is on babies without DS? x
No it hasn't mentioned that yet, it's just horrible reading. Not only do we have to have this scan on Monday (which is 4D apparently?), we then have to keep having scans until she's born whether they find what the spot is or not. Someone asked me if it was cancer ... WTF - I'm freaking out enough as it is and someone mentions cancer :(

Sorry to bring a downer on the group.
Awe, Charlie. I am sorry to hear that. I agree that the chances are everything is just fine with little Phoebe. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts, please keep us updated!
Yikes why would anyone say that to you?! I had a look online myself to see if I could find anything to help. It does say that the chances are strongly in your favour if that's any help? I can understand why you are worried but hopefully in a few weeks the spot will disappear and the threat will have gone. Will keep everything crossed for you. xx
charlie you are in my thoughts :hugs: i know they tell you not to google but i know i would be too... hope everything turns out okay.. just now you can always vent here as much as you want!!

met my dr today. i was seeing a midwife but they wanted me to see a dr from now on. she seemed really nice! next ultasound is september 4th
ps. heres a bump update. not my best picture but whatever lol


  • 21weeks.jpg
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:hugs: :hugs: CK. Your nt was 2.6 wasn't it - which is still within normal. I hope this next scan can put your mind at rest a little :hugs:
Thanks ladies - was a bit blah yesterday, but today after a decent sleep I'm being much more positive. Even if she has got something wrong we'll deal with it because she's our daughter and I know I love her already. :hugs:

Lovely bump wishful :)
CHARLIE- my first daughter had a fairly big hole in her heart, and my midwife put me through the ringer with tests and specialists. by 32 weeks, they repeated the scan and it was gone! very common actually. my daughter is now going on 4 and healthy with no signs of any other heart or health issues. try to keep positive and not stress. i know its easier said then done, but im sure baby will be just fine:)
oh what a positive post bugaboo!

another gross heat wave here... air quality alert so i'll be in doors in my AC, no need to risk it. maybe i'll get my walks in after sunset! i must say i am ready for fall!
Thank you bugaboo - hopefully this spot will be less noticeable on Monday :)

My OH said if they were that worried we would have been seen on Friday not made to wait until Monday.
Hey everybody! My name is Diana and I'm due on Nov 14th with my first baby, a little boy :)

Charlie, I hope your tests come out normal! My baby is having the fluid in the kidneys or whatever it is >_< didn't really understand it, apparently it CAN signify a health problem (including down's syndrome) but it usually goes away. I go to a bigger hospital with a better ultrasound on the 27th and they want to keep an eye on it, because my doctor said even though there's no reason to worry, he'd rather I had peace of mind. Maybe that's why they want to do the tests for you?
Hii Diana :)

Aww hopefully your little boy is okay too :) I'm sure you're right its just precautionary ... still doesn't stop us expectant mummies worrying lol

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