So we had our scan today, the consultant looked at her heart for ages and ages, but the little madam had he back to my front so she kept having to try and move her. She's also breech at the moment. She even showed us her 'footprint' and she ahs BIG feet.
Anyways, there is no evidence to her having a hole in the heart, if she has one it's so tiny that the consultant can't see it.
The consultant wrote this:
"The fetal heart appears normal in structure and well connected. The ventricular septum appears intact. There appears to be an echogenic spot ont he ventricular septum measuring 2mm in size. I have referred her to tertiary centre for a second opinion"
Basically there is a bright spot on her septum. Now I am reading a published article on these spots and apparently they are very very common in downs syndrome babies. She even kept asking me what my downs syndrome results were and kept mentioning if any of us had diabetes :-/ We have a scan on Monday at Kings college hospital with a fetal cardiologist.
Now I always panicked about downs syndrome with her because her NT was a lot higher than the boys and my 1 in such and such a chance was a lot lower (still low risk but lower) than the boys. . . I know I shouldn't be googling and I shouldn't be so negative if she does have it - but is it too late to request a test?