Daddiesgift I would check too. Is it easy to get access to medical until you have your insurance sorted? In Canada you can just go to any clinic, anytime...hope that is the same for you!
hi ladies
Ive had a migraine since about 1pm yesterday and it wont go away
and ive had some mild nausea thats been plaguing me too
.. this is not fun
on the plus side Sara's kicks are getting stronger
Have you taken anything? I was getting some headaches from about 10-20 weeks and would try to last without any meds but found that they would often stick around for over 24 hours unless I just took a Tylenol and it would help get rid of the headache...
My baby is getting MUCH stronger too! I was just thinking that today...real force behind his kicks now!
Ladies --- for those having a shower...when (how many weeks) are you having it?! My mother keeps trying to persuade me to have it as late as possible (37 weeks) but I am hesitant for a number of reasons and would rather around 34 or 35 weeks...thoughts?