***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

ok seems to bet hat UK and USA are similar in ultrasounds... i know some places get one at 32-34 weeks to see how big baby is etc. but i hear the guess is way off anyways!!
Hi ladies
Saw MW this morning and she measured fundal height! oops I seem to be measuring a BIT bigger than I should! So she has booked me in for GTT on Friday morning 9:30am and another growth scan which should be in the next 2 weeks! Scan I am definitely looking forward to. Get to see my little girl again - YAY
Other than that, well lets just say that the 3rd tri slump has definitely hit with avengance! I am just soooo tired again today! Had to lie down for a bit after lunch. Not feeling any better but I have soo much to do as its my sisters birtday and I still dont have her present. OOPS!!

Already have next 2 MW appointments booked - 28 August and18 Sept . This looks like its going to be a busy few weeks for me now that I'm properly into the 3rd tri!
I'm done with my scans :( She might do another at 34-36 weeks to check position, but they normally don't do anymore in my doctor's office after 20 weeks... although, I have a 4D scheduled for September 15 so I know we'll get to see him again then :) Can't wait for that! Our family is coming with us this time, so it'll be really special watching their reactions.
I've had 3 scans so far. The last one was at 16 weeks to find out the gender. I think I only get one more towards the end to see the position of the baby. I wish I could have one every week! :) I will be doing a 3D/4D scan maybe at the end of this month or early Sept.
How much bigger SK? I had sugar in my urine this morning - but I eat waffles/icecream/chocolate mousse last night, and raisin wheats for breakfast :dohh: so that's probably why. Didn't even think when I was eating them :rofl:
I was getting scans every three weeks but I know they do not do them that often here in America :( sadness. Since I had no medical records in English Im getting another ultrasound tomorrow for doctors office just so they can have it I guess. Im not complaining! One thing I am complaining about though is them wanting me to drink 64 ozs of water and have a full bladder for the ultrasound. I dont think there is anything I hate more then having to pee is having to pee while pregnant. With my son I had a scan every three weeks, then two then one, and with this pregnancy Ive had about five scans already and never had to have a full bladder. Makes me wonder if the machine is crappy or what. My husband said they want it like that so they can tell where the baby is by where the bladder is :rofl: So we will see tomorrow how it goes! I know he is fine since he moves all day everyday but its nice to see their face which we havent gotten to do much since he is always in an odd position.

Took my son to day care yesterday, first time ever leaving him with anyone in his whole 11 months of life. Ive left him with daddy no longer than an hour and he always cries the whole time so I was REALLY surprised they said he never cried and played with toys the whole time! So we are using them again for tomorrows appointment so we can focus on this baby instead of trying to keep Dominic calm ect.
Oh wow, daddiesgift!!! 64oz??? That's quite a lot! I haven't had to have a full bladder since my 16 week scan, my 20 week scan they didn't mention anything about it and the one I have scheduled at 29 weeks told me I didn't have to worry about having a full bladder either. Hmm?

That's great that your son took so well to daycare! I know as a mom it's got to be difficult not feeling missed (at least, I think it will break my heart the first time I realize my baby doesn't miss me), but at least you don't have to worry about him socializing... sounds like he's the kind of kid that can get along with anyone :)
Why on earth would you need to drink so much at this gestation for a scan? Have a glass, but there's absolutely no need for you to drink 64oz's!

I'm never able to drink that much! I just drink til I feel like my bladder is full and it has never been a problem. Good luck.
My MW measured my fundal height and said that its measuring at least 2 weeks, almost 3 weeks ahead of my dates. My fundal height is almost 30cm where I should be just over 27cm.
I so hope I dont have to have a full bladder this time!

Just spoken to my SIL and she said I wont be able to walk around so to take a few magazines with. I might take my kindle with too, just depends if I have finished 50 shades freed.
sk - I'm surprised they want to growth scan you ... they tend to not be that worried if it's only 2-3 weeks over? Oh well another chance to see your baby!! :) :)

Daddiesgift - Have no idea why they want you to drink that much :-/ Do they think you aren't as far along as you are maybe??

As for me .. I've had a really shi**y day :( First, we went to the car to get the pram out, I set it up, the boys were playing near it so closed the boot, but it didn't click, so opened it up again and then all of a sudden I closed it again and Henry had stuck his arm in there, and the boot was closed on his arm (past the elbow!!!) Omg It seemed to take forever to get it open and I was crying hysterically for ages. He was fine, he cried for 2 minutes and then was fine and moving it; called my mum and she said if he's not crying and moving it then there shouldn't be a problem as their bones are really supple. But, to keep an eye on it and if it swells up, he can't move it or a bone looks out of place get straight to a&e.

Then we got back from our playdate and our pram doesn't fit through the door. So, as Henry was asleep, I left the door open with a box full of stuff, opened our bedroom windows (live in a flat), put cbeebies on for stephen, put my bag down and then waited for Henry to wake up (It's secure building). Then, as I got Henry out, Stephen ran up behind me and slammed hte door shut!!!! :dohh: So, ran round to the bedroom and got STephen to bring me my keys (thank god he understands what I was asking him to do).

Then Henry climbed up on the sofa as I was getting dinner for them and fell off. So, really really not having a good day today :cry:

HOw has everyone else been?
What is a boot? and a pram?

Regardless, it sounds like you and poor Henry had a day! I hope his arm is okay, and I hope you get some destressing time tonight. That could not have been a fun day. :(

A pram is like a buggy/stroller? ... and a boot is a trunk? I think that's right. I'm okay, just have that image of it stuck in my head :(
boot of your car is the trunk and pram is a buggie (I think)
Wow. Rough day today...sometimes it's harder on the parents than the kiddos when they get hurt. And that is right, a boot is the trunk of a car and a pram is a stroller.
Thanks for the clarification :)

Awe, Charlie... I can imagine that image is hard to get out. Too bad you can't throw back a bottle of wine, I imagine that would help :)
Sorry to put a dampner of things here this evening

Just been on FB and there is a status update from a family friend - Why is there not a NOT LIKE button?
Her status is as follows - 'Still wondering what happened to good old fashion Christian values of marriage first before having babies!!'
And yes she has 2 exclamation marks!
and this if after I posted about my GTT and scan appointments! I somehow think this is aimed at me as she knows I am engaged and and wedding is only next year! I am sooo angry right now!!
Even Christians nowadays say that idea is so outdated to modern society. What a silly woman - don't let it bother you!! I'm not married and on Baby 3 ... to me although I'd LOVE to be married (hopefully will be soon), our children are the biggest commitment we have to each other.
we had made a long term commitment to each other ages ago! we only decided to start trying for baby now as I have PCOS and didnt know how long it would take us to conceive or if we needed help conceiving! I'm no spring chicken (now 36) and time was not playing with us any more!
Yes in the old fashioned values its not ideal but its the way it happened and I was not about to terminate this pregnancy as it is very much wanted and planned!

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