***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

You would know if you did it. Essentially they have you drink this insanely sweet syrup drink (glucose) that tastes horrible, and then you are required to wait 1-3 hours and then give blood. Most of the time they make you wait nearby as you aren't supposed to eat or drink anything before the glucose or before the test.
It is voluntary here unless you have a risk facor for it. I think.
Nothing is mandatory :winkwink: Seriously though - you can refuse procedures - it's your body and therefore your right to decide what happens to it :hugs: Although with you being US based - things may be different :hugs:

Charlie - that's a random blood glucose you got at your 28 week bloods, which is the usual first test. If you fail that, then you will have the full glucose tolerance test which is where you have the sweet, syrupy drink and have to fast etc

I was considering not doing it, as I have no risk factors. But because I am planning a home birth I would like to eliminate any possibility of complications so I went ahead and did it...

It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!
It's the same here Morri (Norway), you only seem to get it if you show signs or have risk factors. I didn't have it done with my son when we lived in Sweden either. xx
Nothing is mandatory :winkwink: Seriously though - you can refuse procedures - it's your body and therefore your right to decide what happens to it :hugs: Although with you being US based - things may be different :hugs:

You're right, I guess I've just never thought about refusing any of the tests... I just kind of go with the flow. I'm sure it's all a money scheme... Lord knows they've taken plenty of that from me already!
Speaking of...just got my results and all good!!!!!!! Woohoo, bring on the choc chip mint ice cream. LOL Just joking!!!!
Congratulations hun! :dance: Mint choc chip ice cream is my fave! Mmmmmm! xx
Good luck on the GTT test and results ladies.
I have mine possibly on Aug 27.
Yay, Gaiagirl!! :)

Yum to the Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream!! I think it's about time for dessert :)
Congrats Gaiagirl!! bring on that mint choc chip ice cream!!

I have mine in the morning! eekkk
We are just back from having dinner out as its our 1 year engagement anniversary! I am still soo full and we only had a burger and chips! Dont think I will want to eat until sometime tomorrow, but murphy's law I will be ravenous again in a few hours time!
I havent been told anything about when Ill take my glucose test but Im still earlier then some of you gals. If I dont have to do it I dont mind! I also LOOOOOVE mint chocolate chip!!

My ultrasound yesterday was a JOKE!! Im soooo sorry for the women who only get two ultrasounds a pregnancy and has to deal with that crap. I miss my ob in Germany!! But its okay ill take it all in stride since I was lucky enough to have so many ultrasounds with my son and before moving here. But we went in and did not tell tech anything how many times weve gone, sex ect. She was soooo RUDE!! Talked to me like I was stupid when I answered her questions not how she wanted I guess. Then I couldnt even see the screen like it wasnt even pointed in my direction!! Then I asked her if I could see and she was rude and said "as soon as Im done doing what I need to do" like I couldnt watch! Then when she did turn it I still could not see anything I had to lift half way up and peak around. I had to pee horribly cause they made me have a full bladder and she was anything but gentle so the whole time I just wanted it to be over so I could leave. She then said she couldnt tell us the sex but could show us?!?! Um if we didnt already know it was a boy then how would an average person be able to tell! The pictures she printed were beyond crap. My husband who usually waits for me to complain :haha: said as soon as we walked out the door how shitty that was and horrible it was compared. I felt so sad thinking that a woman who had to wait to get an ultrasound would be treated like that. She never even told me if he was healthy, how big he was, NOTHING she said I could ask doctor at my next appointment when he is sent report. This was not at doctors office I had to be seen at the clinic for the ultrasound. STUPID STUPID STUPID!! Then for fun I looked into 3D ultrasounds and the cheapest was $140! I guess Ill just wait till hes here to see him! I couldnt imagine if this was my first pregnancy and this is how it would all go. Guess im grateful to have had such a great doctor and care prior
Here is the one and only good photo we got, his profile.

On another crappy note..the airlines told us that our double stroller, brand new used for two hours will probably not be reimbursed because I dont have the ORIGINAL receipt to it!! So now we have to pay for another ones :growlmad:

I made Lucas' baby registry today..we dont need much since we are using mostly hand me downs from our son. Just more cloth diapers and some bottles ect. Making my sons 1st birthday wish list was just as hard what do you get a baby that has everything :winkwink:.

We've decided this will be our last baby..husbands not getting snipped quite yet but Im taking birth control ASAP! I guess I need some time off from baby duty and being pregnant two summers in a row I miss looking hot and sexy :haha: my husband even said I may get some boobs for christmas if we dont have any more babies :rofl: I have bigger breasts my babies sure take a toll I want some that people can tell are fake :dohh: Think im having a quarter life crisis :rofl:


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i dont get to see the screen when i get ultrasounds either... we only get two and if i didnt get a private scan i would of never seen bub.

so i had my midwife appointment today and she said i had to watch my weight. i am 27 weeks this weekend and i have gained 20 pounds. she said i need to slow down. i was sad because i actually eat healthy. yes i have desserts but i dedicate a lot of time to eating at home and having good meals.. ugh :( :(
What I don't get with the gtt is that when would I ever eat/drink 50 or 100gms of sugar at one time without eating anything before or after? I don't understand why they test you with such a ridiculous circumstance model. I get that the point is to see how my body reacts, but wouldn't it make more sense to see how it reacts in "real time"? The 1 hr test was no big deal for me, but during the 3 hour test, I nearly passed out and barfed all at the same time. It definitely seemed to do more harm than good and it took me a couple of days to recover. :dohh: There just seems to be a better way.

Wishful - I've gained nearly 20 pounds as well. At my last appointment, my doc said there was no reason why I had to gain more than 15 pounds as I started out a little "chunky". Well, I had already gained 15 pounds at that point so....... I have pcos and my body likes to gain weight - especially now that I'm off my meds. But I've looked at calculators online and they say I'm right on, so I wouldn't worry too much. We're entering the "pack it on" stage, so we have some fun times to look forward to. :haha:

Daddiesgift - sorry about the stroller!! And the ultrasound! My docs office has a tech right there and they have a separate screen where I can watch everything while she's watching her own screen. I understand the legal aspect of not allowing patients to watch, especially when it's done at a separate clinic, but they need to understand that pregnant women want to see their babies!! That sucks you had a crappy appointment! Any chance you can switch doctors to one that might have an in-house u/s tech?
daddiesgift - what a horrible ultrasound...its not that bad even in India where there are laws against sex disclosure...i still have a screen in front of me where i can see everything while the doctor checks her own screen for medical aspects. and abt the stroller- total bummer

I too have been told to keep a check on my weight...i seem to be gaining 2 kilos every month!thats about 4.5 pounds approx:blush:
Dr has said that I can go to a max of 70 kgs by full term (155 pounds) and i'm already 67 kilos (149 pounds)....so weight control it is for me now:dohh:

we don't have the GTT here. sounds horrid....but we do have a blood sugar test early morning on empty stomach

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