***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

i think not seeing your ultrasound is normal here in the US? i never see the screen. i hate it though..

i didnt think 20lbs was THAT bad but being hormonal it wrecked me for her to say it to me today :(
On another crappy note..the airlines told us that our double stroller, brand new used for two hours will probably not be reimbursed because I dont have the ORIGINAL receipt to it!! So now we have to pay for another ones

That's awful, they aren't cheap. Can you get the store to send you a receipt? They can often pickit u on their system quite easily by looking up the card details you paid with and the date and time? Worth a try? Xxxx
Daddiesgift - sorry about that awful awful scan experience :( Are you going to put in a complaint?? I would!!

My weight keeps fluctuating between a 14-17lb gain ... I'm happy iwth that at the minute as I put on a lot of weight with my second (he was HUGE though).
Wishful - I don't think a 20lb gain is that bad at all - baby, placenta and water all add on the lbs too and then your body stores fat for breastfeeding ... so it all adds on eventually! Oh and the boobies!!! The booby growth is one way to add lbs on too! :haha:
thanks @Charliekeys... i figured that too.. maybe she is worried because we gain a lot in 3rd tri? and i still got the whole 3rd to go??
Aw sorry daddiesgift that you had such a crappy appointment. Also shame about the stroller- what a bs argument though.

At least you take something positive from germany ;)
Morning lovelies

How are we all?

Sorry you had such a bad scan daddiesgift - that doesn't sound like fun at all! xxx
Hope everyone is OK :) - sounds like there's loads going on every time I disappear for 5 minutes.
GTT was clear yesterday - but I already knew that would be the case and it felt like a big waste of time - hot, flat lucozade is SO not tasty! Plus cause I didn't eat for 16h+ I was sick alll over a bus and the street later on in the day which was SO lovely.
Also had my appointment with the VBAC Clinic with the Consultant Midwife, who is now my favourite person on the planet - he is BRILLIANT.
Basically, he gave me three options
1 - VBAC (not for scaredy-cats like me)
2 - ELCS (which he explained I can book through my consultant when I'm ready)
3 - Somewhere in the middle (this option was really intriguing and he basically said that they offer ELCS booking dates AFTER EDD at a date of your choosing - most ladies choose between 5+ and 15+ so you get a shot at trying VBAC. This option also came with the added bonus that if you were to labour naturally and things didn't progress or went wrong they would never administer the EVIL HORMONE DRIP and a CS would be the only intervention option, in my case anyway).

Gotta say I was tempted by the third option, the chance to maybe give birth myself is always tempting especially as he made a very clear case for the fact he thought I should be able to do it, based on reaching 10cm last time, BUT it could still end in that rushed CS with General that I don't want. Knowing I have to have a General makes me want it organised so I believe I'll still be planning a date with my consultant, when she's back from holiday!

Saying that, he said he's also going to do some research into my allergy which means I can't have a spinal/epi through pharmacy and if it comes back that I don't need the general, which at the moment they offer mainly because they aren't sure of the risks of an epidural for me, I could just be left to it and not need anything.

He also said he's not on commission to increase VBAC numbers and I shouldn't go away thinking I couldn't have want I wanted haha - interestingly he only gave info regarding the risks of CS though!!

Sorry for the lecturey/ranty/never-ending post and hope you're not all asleep (unless you needed a cure for that pregnancy insomnia of joy ;) ) xx
He sounds fab - it's such a buggar about your allergy, because without that, you could still have a trial of labour and then a nice, relaxed 'emergency' section with an epidural in place should the need arise. Fingers crossed there is a solution! :hugs:

daddiesgift - that has not been my experience in the US at all! My doctor's office has a seperate screen so I can see everything the ultrasound tech sees... she may not be able to explain it all to me at the time, but honestly I don't care as long as I get to see my baby. I'm so sorry to hear how awful they were to you :( I agree that it's sad to think that's how a first time mom could be treated at her first ultrasound... I would defniitely put in a complaint. And sorry about the stroller - that is a huge bummer! I agree with Sharon, maybe you could have the store pull up a receipt for you?

Beth - glad to hear the appointment with the specialist went well! Hopefully his research will offer up an option for you other than general.

AFM - my parents are coming in town tonight with the rest of the nursery furniture!! Well, all but the rocker, but I'm still so excited to finally get it all here! I'm sure I'll have it all set up before they leave on Sunday :)
Is anyone else experiencing leaking boobies? I'm talking I can literally squease out quiet a bit of liquid already!
What should I be doing about this? Should I just leave it or should I start expressing already?
My opinion is to leave it. It's normal for them to leak. You will leak colostrum which is essential for your baby as it is chalk full of antibodies and nutrients. I once read if they could manufacture something similar to colostrum it would cost about $80/oz.

I believe the change in hormones after birth helps you create more colostrum but I'm not definite on that.
Actual leaking is normal- but you should not express. It is okay to just press once or so but if you press actively repeatedly it can lead to premature labour .
Thanks ladies, we live in a smaller town and I called around to doctors offices since some said the doctor I see is kind of quite and blah but every other doctor but him was booked for births in November so looks like its that office! When I went they had an ultrasound machine in room but because I have military insurance I HAD to go on post to get the ultrasound thats where it was not so great. Not surprised though military doctors arent always the best or nicest. I could always go to Tuscon about an hour away they say its real nice there but at this point our car is still on ship on its way here suppose to arrive Sept.24th and thinking of driving that far in labor sounds not so great! So for now unless something real bad happens Ill just suck it up and see these people.

I got a copy of receipt from amazon but the airlines said it had to be original which I usually keep things like that but im sure this time I threw it away. Regardless I turned in all the paperwork they wanted so maybe they will reimburse us anyways. Fingers crossed!

I never had a problem leaking last pregnancy or this one. Even when my milk was full blown in and only leaked when I was breastfeeding. I know some who leak even after theyve stopped breastfeeding! But I agree Ive always been told not to pump it if it comes before baby does. Better invest in some boobie pads :winkwink:

Not a 100% sure how much Ive gained, at appointment Friday I was weighed on a non digital scale with all my clothes on mid day and was pretty shocked so Im not going by that number :rofl: if so Ive gained 17 pounds. Ill say more like 15 ..so Id say around 20 pounds at this point is pretty normal! Right after I had my son I lost 20 pounds in just baby blood placenta ect. He was 7 pounds. So I wouldnt worry too much! and the breast feeding (even not) just having a newborn leaves not a lot of time for eating so youll be back in old jeans in no time! :haha:
Mrs.-How exciting to get the rest of your furniture! Hope to see pics of the nursery when its all set up! :)
I'm 28 weeks today and at my 25 week check up I already gained 18 pounds. So, we'll see how much I gain at my next appt next Friday and see if my dr says anything. I gained 35lbs or so with my 1st and only like 20lbs with my 2nd so who knows. I'm not too worried about it as I know it just might take more work to get the weight off once she's here.
Leaky boobs? Yes, I have them. I've been leaking for a while already and I did with my 1st as well. I just wear the pads in my bras. No need to express any, it will still be there when your little one arrives. :)
I can't believe I have 12 weeks left to EDD! :)
No leaky boobies here, but I have started carrying around breast pads like tampons for "just in case" :haha:
Hello everyone :hi:

I can't believe I've never seen this thread before. I know some of the ladies in the group already but Im pregnant with baby number 2, a girl due November 9th.
No leaky boobies here, but I have started carrying around breast pads like tampons for "just in case" :haha:

:haha: Haha!!! Maybe I should start wearing those pads - not that I need padding heehee!!
I have noticed that my nipples look a bit crusty from time to time, but fortunately have not leaked through my clothes yet!
So maybe I should start wearing pads for just in case.

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