***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

My doctor ok'd sleeping pills for me, but honestly I feel horrible taking them at this point b/c I can feel him moving and I know it affects him, too.

I know what you mean. I'm up to about 15 pills a day just to get through the day, and try to avoid any further pills for side effects or insomnia though they've been approved by my doctor.
Beth - try spatone or floradix - much gentler on the old digestive system!
Mrs im with you there. My doc told me to take a benadryl at night or a unisom. I take the bedadryl since my allergies have been acting up. Something I have not had to deal with in over 10 years. I only take one instead of two. Like you said I feel bad since I feel her moving around now. But trust me, it doesnt stop her. I swear this girl is never going to sleep :nope:
my DH mentioned me trying sleeping pills too but i dont know... i feel real run down though and might get sick soon if i dont get a good nights sleep. i have slept two hours last night. 2am to 4am :( :(
wishful have you had your iron levels checked? I know when they did mine it was low so they had me start taking iron pills in the evening and I honestly can tell a difference. Though im still not getting tons of sleep (unless i take the bedadryl) I dont feel as run down all the time. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:
Wishful - :hugs: I'm with ya - I think I got 3 hours last night...which is becoming my norm. I'm also anemic and taking iron has definitely helped! I was taking at least 2, if not 3 naps a day until I started the iron. Now I'm down to 1 nap. :haha:
I will take a unisom in extreme situations (like if I haven't slept in a few days), but I still feel horrible. But I'm glad to know after reading your post MommaBarry that the drugs haven't affected her movements... that's what I worry about the most.

On another note - I just got the call with my glucose test results... I PASSED! :happydance: They also checked my iron and everything was good there as well.
Me too, have had bad insomnia for some time now, I don't think my doc would give me sleeping pills, but it was a while since i mentioned it to him. I tried a piriton (anti histamine) a few weeks ago which knocked both me and bubs out, i didn't feel much movement for the next day so haven't taken it again! I'll find out if I'm anaemic some time this week, had bloods done yesterday.
My doctor prescribed Ambien when I mentioned insomnia in the first trimester... I took it once and never took it again. I feel like that is just too strong a medication to take while pregnant...
ok girls i am kind of freaking out. i had my bloods taking yesterday and my dr called with me and left a message.

all she said was "there was something i want you to see your primary care physican about. i am mailing it out to you but you can also call the nurses here today when you get the message and they can go over with you"

so of course i freak out because if its anything pregnancy related like GD or something i wouldnt go to my PCP or anything... even if i was anemic or something i would still just go through them...?

so i call the nursing department and they pull up my blood results and she tells me shes looking... and then she asks if she can put me on hold.. on hold for 10 minutes and i am going over all the terrible possibilities... and she comes back and says "all i see is your b-12 is a tiny bit low but it wasnt even highlighted by her and she left no notes for us"

huh??? what is going on. even if it was b12 being low the nurse said i wouldnt have to go see my PCP for that...they would just handle it! of course she left for the day and isnt in tomorrow..

is there any way the nurse couldnt tell me or something? i am so nervous :( :(
good news about your GTT Mrs, no idea when I'll find out as forgot to ask, doh!

Wishful, try not to worry, i know a lot easier said than done, it may well just be your B12, I hope so, if it was urgent they would have done something asap, so I'm guessing it can't be too bad. Try not to get too worried x
thanks girls.. not sure why i'd have to see my PCP over slightly lower b-12 but who knows... ill let you guys know!

Congrats Mrs! Great news!

I agree Wishful, if it were something urgent, she would have told you so. So strange that she'd have you see your PCP for anything at this point though. :shrug:
yeah my PCP when i got my blood test to confirm pregnancy even said, well i guess i'll see you in a year.. good luck etc etc...

its very strange!

on top of that i havent felt baby move at all really today, a few kicks but they are so light.
on top of that i havent felt baby move at all really today, a few kicks but they are so light.

I'm sure baby is just going through a growth spurt. As long as you're still feeling some movement I'd try not to worry about it (although I know that's easier said than done!)
on top of that i havent felt baby move at all really today, a few kicks but they are so light.

I hear you on that! My little guy loves to make us worry and obsessively count kicks. I do NOT get 10/hr most of the time and seriously some days I get about 10 all day! Three days he was super quiet and then yesterday way more active!?!? Who knows what they're up to in there...I'm just going to relax about it because every baby is different and as long as I feel him every day I'm OK.

Also...is anyone else's baby super low!? He is LOW like 100% below my belly button an I feel movements really really low like by my panty line. I thought he would be higher by now! I think it's contributing to getting those hip and side cramps and also...he is making all my mat pants uncomfortable because he's even too low for them!

Ahhhh...finally starting to feel 'done' being pregnant! 11 weeks or so...
thanks girls.. i really appreciate all of your messages... they make this whole thing much easier :hugs:

my baby kicks really low when he does kick too...

i'm also ready to meet my little boy... 12ish weeks to go.. i can do this!!
gaia - I had to get new maternity pants for that very reason! He's so low and to be honest it felt like my pants were cutting into him. Obviously I know it wasn't hurting him, but it was hurting me! :haha: I think my kid is breakdancing or something in there... I get kicks down low, to the right, to the left, and up high. I can't tell if some are punches b/c it all feels the same, but it feels like he flips all day long!
We've been sick over here : nope: no fun. My husband was sick, now me and my son. Ready to kick it all ready but it looks like a never ending cold!!

I feel like I'm nesting but I have nothing to nest!! Really wish our furniture and car was here already! Starting to freak out it won't be in time. Hard to nest an empty clean house. So this morning I sprayed off the house, yes the outside of the house!

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