***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

daddiesgift - sorry about the sickness!! I think I've had a mild cold for about 3 weeks now. :nope: I'm impressed you sprayed the outside of the house!! You are more than welcome to come nest in my house....or paint the nursery. :winkwink:

gaiagirl - my baby is pretty low too. I'll get kicks/punches above my belly button, but most of them are below. I've never been able to wear the mat pants with the low waist because it digs into me and hurts...and baby kicks them like mad. So I've had to settle with the big ol' panel ones. :sick: Oh well. I think my little :ninja: does a lot of flipping around because sometimes I'm pretty sure he's head down and other times I'm pretty sure he's head up. And the last few days it's felt like he's trying to escape right through my belly.... not sure if that's his head or bum but it HURTS!
I often feel low kicks but I feel a lot of pressure higher up so I'm guessing he's currently breech. He particularly kicks low down when my trousers dig in. I remember last time I couldn't wear under the bump ones but then got too big for over the bump and they dug in at the top.

Tbh I'm still not ready to meet this baby. I still feel newly pregnant and I guess as I know this is my last time at being pregnant I want to make the most of it. That and the fact NOTHING is ready!! I'm trying to strip the wallpaper in our spare room so that I can decorate it for my toddler to move in to. Tbh my dh is being pretty lax with his assistance so I'm doing it all by myself and I know times a ticking and I soon won't be able to move!

Daddies sorry to hear you've all been or are being poorly. Do you have any idea when your furniture etc will arrive?
We've been sick over here : nope: no fun. My husband was sick, now me and my son. Ready to kick it all ready but it looks like a never ending cold!!

I feel like I'm nesting but I have nothing to nest!! Really wish our furniture and car was here already! Starting to freak out it won't be in time. Hard to nest an empty clean house. So this morning I sprayed off the house, yes the outside of the house!

i feel you on the nesting... 16 days until i move and can nest! hope you get your furniture and car soon... i cant imagine how annoying it must be.. oh and feel better!!! :hugs:
Daddiesgift - hope you all feel better soon :hugs:

This little madam is movement all down there too. I get headbutted on my cervix (she's 100% head down) and, have NO idea where her feet are!! I know she likes lying on top of my stomach unlike like her brothers who used to just lie on the right side. . . wonder if this is the reason for the extreme heartburn???

How has everyone's day been today? :flower:
Im unable to nest until we move, not even sure when that will, just sometime before baby due.

But random but just saw the cussons mum & me advert, showing from BFP to first steps and burst into tears. Am I the only one?
I am sooo with you ladies on the nesting!! I have managed to clear most of my stuff out of the spare room - which looks worse now than before I started sorting - but that because I have boxes of clothes, toys and other baby paraphanialia all over the floor!
Has anyone started washing the clothes yet? Is it too soon to start washing her clothes?

We got to see her again today and oi is she getting big! She already weighs 2.3kgs / 2.9lbs! Hoping she is not going to be a very big baby!
well i heard from my dr. she wants me to see my primary care physican because i have a b-12 deficiency. not sure why the nurse i called said it was a little low because its actually pretty bad. the last time i had it checked at 12 weeks it was fine so atleast i know i havent been suffering awhile and hurting the baby. atleast i hope not :(

will be getting 12 shots until baby comes then a shot once a month for 6 months then i should be good. just wish i could get them at the office because it would be free. to see my PCP its 30 dollars a visit..

oh and i wish she just told me on the message so i didnt freak for 24 hours lol
Skweek - she sounds like a healthy girl :)

Wishful - that definitely sounds like something she could have left in a message. I wonder why they can't do the shots in her office? Did you ask if it was possible? I agree it sucks to have to see your PCP for those... Maybe there is a clinic nearby or something you could work out so you don't have to pay a co-pay each visit?? Although, I'm glad to hear everything is good with the baby! This will get you back on track and you can continue to stay healthy for your sweet bubs :)
Oh - I also wanted to add... nesting is in full force! I've been organizing every room/closet/corner in our house. DH doesn't get it :haha: Our nursery is rather small though (at least compared to what I'm used to). The room is only 10'x10' and I'm finding it difficult to place furniture. Anyone else have a cramped space that could share space saving tips??
wishful - at least you know now and don't have to worry too much :)

Nesting ... wish I could nest!!!! In too much pain :( And she is VERY low down :(
Mrs - we have the same problem! our room is only about 9' x 9'! but it does have a really big cupboard already. So fortunately we can get away with a cotbed and a dresser/changer. No need to get a seperate wardobe.
We are also getting a cotbed that has underbed storage tray.

Anyone else started washing baby clothes yet?
i started washing clothes this week! i got some detergent at my shower!

MRS i suggest www.apartmenttherapy.com for small spaces... if you search for small nurseries there are some great ideas. i also suggest using the dresser as a changing table... two for ones always save space! we are giving baby the master when we move just because the layout is better so our room will be smaller but i dont mind!
No clothes washing here - going to wait till I'm on mat leave for that :thumbup:
wow baby clothes washed already, super organised, i'm jealous. I don't think I'll get much of that done until mat leave either. Until then babies room is a guest room and we have a few visitors, so once I can put it all away, I'll get washing!
I always ddo my clothes washing on sunny days- like the past days-- II have a big balcony to dry it one :D so when a load is drying the next ones in already. Managed to get 2 bed sheets and 4 pair of bedclothes , and the usual washing as well as my newly second hand bought sleeping bags (new born size)
Can't wait to see the pics Boofle!! :)

The only reason her clothes are washed is because for once we had NO clothes that needed washing, so decided to start on hers :) For us to have no washing to do is a rarity :haha:

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