***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Unfortunately the commission is for the next 6-9 months and we already have overdrafts to pay back (we went into the overdraft whilst waiting for the commission to kick in). Things will get better when I go on maternity leave weirdly. I'm thinking of starting it in Oct so 4-6 weeks before my due date.
thanks ladies :hugs:

its not that i am not tired or even uncomfortable.. my bump isnt large and my sciatic is actually better.. think baby moved.. but its my mind! i cant shut it down!
Ah fish&chips I know the feeling. We are also doing horrible on money right now and my sons 1 st birthday is the 26th and I feel so sad he won't be getting much but he is still a baby so we were able to get a few things for $60 that I'm sure he will enjoy (ball pit, tent, bath toys, shopping cart and little tool set). Moving has screwed us like it always does no matter how much we have saved it's never enough and the military will pay you back for some of your move but it takes forever to get back and it's never right. The last two pay checks my husband has gotten have been less than half of what he normally gets he went yesterday to find out why and of course a mess up we hope to get the money back in next month. We pretty much got paid to pay bills and have a few dollars left over. Then we had to pay up front in rent about $1500, and we have to save money to be able to fly and pick up our car in port in California which we won't be paid back for only mileage driving car back to Arizona (7 hours). I hate having no money for anything! Just a stress to do with out! And in our situation we could do without it but that's how the military works!

Sleep was better last night but I was soooo tired and took a Tylenol for my headache I'm sure that helped. When hubby got up at 5am for physical training my son decided it was time for him to get up too! Nap needs to hurry! I took ambien a few years ago when my husband was in Iraq and it got me asleep but didn't keep me asleep, they changed me to something else but I was hallucinating and getting up and doing stuff I don't even remember!(mostly eating :haha:) so I couldn't imagine taking while pregnant! I just try to nap when my son does to catch some extra zzzz.

Anyone freaked out about birth coming so soon? :haha: not really birth for me just having another one, I think I worry more about my son then having a newborn he's such a mommas boy and almost a year old and still has to sleep near me and wakes to eat at night. How on earth will I take care of him and a newborn?? As of now baby can stay in as long as possible!
I'm excited about giving birth - but it is starting to hit me how soon it could be....8 weeks minimum, 13 weeks maximum (ish)!
I get more nervous about giving birth with each child .. not sure why!! I keep thinking stupid things like 'what if I've been selfish and something happens to me' - it's not even the pain that freaks me out!! The one thing I am looking forward too is the drugs - sounds bad but, I cannot wait to get g&a and pethidine :haha:

Fish - what job do you do if you don't mind me asking?
I worry about something happening to me too. Recently I was reading about a story near my home town of a woman who died during birth, babies fine but now daddy is left alone. So sad but shows how anything can really happen. And every child is different I think birth with my son wasn't so bad I didn't tear too bad what if this babies huge and I tear bad! My son was 7 pounds born at 37 weeks and major cone head, came out face towards my thigh .. I couldn't imagine if he went to whole 40 weeks!

I'm looking forward to the drugs too :) not sure my options here but anything will be better than the big fat nothing they gave me last time! I'd love to be able to move around but feel nothing.

I told my husband once placenta is out I'll be asking for my complimentary wine and birth control :rofl: Ill only breast feed till milk comes in then pump and formula feed for 6 weeks then just formula so celebration at 6 weeks for me!! I miss coffee and wine soooo much!!
I plan on breastfeeding/pumping for 6 months, but I've already told my friends to get ready for the "pump & dump" party that will be scheduled shortly after I give birth! I cannot wait to have a glass of my favorite wine! I've been saving it and will not let DH touch it until I can have some too :wine:

And I am totally pro-epidural! :)
i will be getting an epidural but i am also scared i wont like the feeling? and i am a mover! when i am in pain or nervous i pace a lot lol so i might not like that.

but i dont like pain either... so epidural it is!
The beauty of an epidural is that you won't be in pain anymore after you get it :) Although, I can see myself getting frustrated about being stuck in the bed and not being able to get up and move around. I'm going to try and hold off as long as I can, but I definitely don't want to miss my window to get one!
I personally couldn't do the epidural ... I don't like the idea of them putting a needle in my back, and then you have to have a catheter, and that thing in your hand ... and then apparently, you can't feel to push etc. Not putting you ladies off - but here they tend to try and put you off it as much as possible, and will try to give you all the other options first lol. However, I've noticed in the US, the epidural is always the first thing they recommend.
Boofle what brilliant pics - tempted to go 4D now :haha:

The last couple of weeks I've been having loads of white 'lotiony' discharge - has anyone else had this? Its always in my knickers when I go for a wee and on the odd occasion when I've just been wearing PJs I've stood up to find it trickling down my thigh?! (TMI Sorry :blush:.)
I personally couldn't do the epidural ... I don't like the idea of them putting a needle in my back, and then you have to have a catheter

Not that I have a choice since I've got a cerclage and a 95% chance of a c section, but I'm definitely going to be nervous about another spinal block. Of course my nerves come from me "crashing" after my last spinal block when the anesthetic decided to work its way up after the procedure and plummeted my BP to 59/25 for a couple minutes. I'm just glad it was a freak of nature thing and atleast now I know to vocalize if my arms get cold or it gets hard to breathe.
I hope I didn't make anyone feel bad about having one??

That's just my fears of having one ... like the fear of the unknown and like I said all the midwifes I have seen give me the fear stories because they would rather us pick something else.

WTB - how is everything and how are your little triplets
So far so good. Still cooking and coming up on 26 weeks on Monday. I'm keeping my eyes on the goal:28 weeks. Anything more is gravy!!
Dh told me early on in this pregnancy that he wants me to get an epidural right away because it was so hard to see me in so much pain last time. I thought that was sweet. It took me a little bit to decide, but I finally figured that a sleeping, pain-free labor sounds great. :haha: I didn't have to have a catheter with my epidural with #1, although I know it's common. And although I couldn't really feel the "urge" to push, I could definitely feel what was going on down there. I do get a little freaked out thinking of the huge needle in my back, but the good thing about that is I can't see it. :haha: Charlie - are you talking about the IV in your hand during the epidural? I thought you had to have that no matter what..?? I know I had one right away with #1 - hours before I was even considering an epidural. Maybe that's because I was induced. :shrug:

Sharon - I've also had lotiony discharge the last couple of weeks. Especially after a walk. But it's not gotten to the point of running down my legs - just messing up my undies a bit. :sick:

WTB - that means you could have your babies in 2-3 weeks!!! Crazy!! What's going through your mind right now? Are you so excited or freaking out?! Do you feel like your body is getting ready to have the babies or do you feel like they're still snuggly enough to wait it out another month or so?
I'm just trying to stay calm. There isn't much I can do on hospital bedrest aside from following orders. I still contract from time to time, but am on meds to regulate them as much as possible. I don't think I really have much hope of making it to November but I can wish. :haha:
Well ladies, I had my Dr appt today and I have gained a total of 20 lbs now and he said that was good. I told him about the pressure and he told me as long as there is no bleeding not to worry and to "take it easy". So, I go back in 3 weeks on September 7th. At that time I'll be 32 weeks. It is crazy to think that as of today I could have her in as little as 8 weeks! I'm ready! And, about the epidural: I will be getting one as well! With my 1st they insisted I get one as soon as I was 4cm because I had pre-eclampsia and extremely high blood pressure. Once I got it I felt better but it didn't work all the way so I still had the urge to push and felt pain on my right side. With my 2nd I wanted it cause I had "back labor" so bad and was in pain and they didn't get it to me til I was already 7cm, but at least I got it and had a chance to breathe before pushing her out. I didn't have the urge and didn't feel anything but still was able to push fine! :)
Daddies I find that crazy when the move is for the army but yet you have to make massive financial sacrifices. Because of the nature of his job I thought it would be the other way round.

I had an epidural and it was amazing. Can't say I felt the needle through the contractions.

Wtb, that happened to a close friend of mine. She asked for an enquiry but certain sections of her notes either disappeared or were amended. Not good.

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