***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Boofle - are you a midwife??

Mrs - My OH probs saw me poop with my second, (he's been head end both times) and he didn't say anything to me. He was so overwhelmed watching me push out his sons, and then they have this adrenaline rush too seeing their baby's born that the poo is the last thing on their mind. They've just watched you moan, scream, seen the midwife/dr check your foof a billion times, OH watched me for about 20 minutes saying I was going to pee myself :haha: some women have to pee in a little container thing, talk about mucus plugs, waters, placenta etc - poo is no on their mind ;) There is so much going on :haha:
Well that makes me feel better! I guess I didn't think about everything else going on... just focused on the poo :rofl:
It seems scary now ... but at the time it is the LAST thing on your mind :haha:
No CK - did over two years training but had a family bereavement and a bad relationship breakdown from an abusive partner at the same sort of time, and it was just too much, so I quit. Kick myself now - but happy as a doula and might go back one day to train xxx
Oooh labour poo! I was so victorious when they told me I had done one because I KNEW I had and no one would answer me, I have no shame!
Hope everyone is well, I have nothing exciting to report...boo! x
ahh yes just saw your signature about being a doula :dohh: Still, at least you get to help women in labour still, just not so medical? :)

Beth - cannot believe you got excited over a labour poo!!! :rofl:
I was horrified knowing I was pooing and couldn't stop myself, but like pp's said - last thing on everyone else's mind. And like someone mentioned, they're so discreet about it - I never would have known for sure except that I had a mirror and watched it all happen. :sick: My dh was actually traumatized by seeing me tear (3.5 degree tear) more than anything else. It's been 10 years and he still can't talk about it without shuttering.

I had my 28 week appointment this morning. After telling the nurse that I had been having braxton hicks (although not painful at all), she had my doc do a cervical exam. I thought that was definitely weird, but nice to know that my doc is taking every precaution. Happy to report (at this early stage) that I'm not effaced or dilated at all. :haha: And now I get to start having appointments every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks. CRAZY!! :wacko:
ive been having braxton hicks too when i take my walks. i try and take two long walks a day but now take two or three much shorter ones instead... i haven't seen my dr since i started getting them so i'll see what she says in a few weeks. hopefully they don't get more painful. the first few scared me quite a bit!
Wow Cridge!! Every 2 weeks? I had my 28 week appt and they told me not to come back until 34 weeks :shock: 6 weeks seems like forever!

And yaaaaay for not being dilated lol :)
Oh lordy I poo-ed with my first too. I smelt it then saw the mw wip it away with a tissue. Uggh. I also had an IV for my epidural and a catheter. Very glamorous.
wishful - I'll be interested to see what happens at your next appointment. My BH haven't been painful at all - I just get a sick to my stomach feeling (exactly like when I start getting af cramps) and a little tight. Sometimes I'm only tight on the bottom half, sometimes only the top. I really didn't think they were a big deal at all (and apparently they weren't), but my doc wanted to check me out just to make sure.

Charlie - I know they see you at different intervals in the UK. I *think* most docs like to start seeing us in the US every 2 weeks starting at 28 weeks, and then every week starting at 36 weeks. Honestly, I really don't see the need to go back in 2 weeks. All we really do is pee in a cup, check my blood pressure and baby's hb, and answer questions. Typically, we don't start getting internals until 36 weeks (which is why I thought today was so strange). It's such a quick "exam" that I almost wish I could wait another month to go back in.
Cridge-they may have been checking to make sure your BH really were BH. One of the differences between BH and a real contraction is that a real contraction will alter the length of your cervix (and/or cause funneling or dilation).

And I'm glad you described the BH like that. So far even when my contractions are rocking and rolling I don't feel pain but occassional tightening, blood pressure change, tingling lips, and that same upset stomach feeling. My doctors and nurses still think its odd that I only feel some of them and sometimes I have big ones I don't even notice!

Of course my pain tolerance is decently high but my tolerance for being uncomfortable is approximately "no." :haha:
WTB - that's probably true. I think she was worried that maybe they were real contractions and I just wasn't feeling it. She did tell me that if I feel 4 or more in an hour, painless or not, that I need to call. So far, I've only been feeling about 5-6 a day, that I notice, although they usually are fairly close to each other.
That is really good. My drs are hoping for three or fewer per hour (as far as what I feel). The problem with that is I felt three in a half hour and had actually had six and then we started playing catch up with and stop the contractions before they take over. It is to the point now it is almost just a really frightening game of cat and mouse.
ahh yes just saw your signature about being a doula :dohh: Still, at least you get to help women in labour still, just not so medical? :)

Beth - cannot believe you got excited over a labour poo!!! :rofl:

Haha I wasn't excited I was furious!! I kept saying I've done a poo haven't I and no one would tell me and then someone did and I was just happy I was right lol - the whole experience was very surreal, but there were at least 6-8 people who got a look at it, which must have been nice for them :p
My next appointment is next week and im eh about going. They told me same thing, urine check, blood pressure, weight check and baby heart beat. I can do all of that at my house and not have to find a ride over there or someone to watch my son. Okay well I cant check my pee but im sure its fine. Im going to try and go anyways cause the ultrasound I had for them the tech didnt tell me anything about it or how baby is doing ect. She said doctor would talk to me about it at my appointment so I guess I better go to check that out. But since we dont have a car here yet Im going to have to find a ride and either take my son cause daddy is working or walk to put him in childcare, go pick him back up ect for a probably 20 minute appointment. Maybe Ill call and see if they will just do a phone appointment :haha:
Ringing and booking my consultant appointment today :D - hopefully I'll find out the baby date when I get to the appointment :D!
eh That was one hot weekend, we had temps of 35 °C here at 53 ° N ) (95 °F for the Fahrenheit users). Insanem lol. now it is back to more pleasant 25 °C.

I don't know yet whether I take an epidural or not I#ll see closer to time :haha:
Oooh consultant appointment is 3rd September, although no time or anything confirmed so I have to ring back next week if not heard anything.
3rd September is my birthday so could be the best birthday present ever if they give me a date haha!
What do you think the likelihood is? I've heard they like to wait to 36 weeks to give out dates but I'll be nearly 32 weeks by then so would it be in their interest to book me ANOTHER appointment after just to give out a date? Hmmmmm...

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