***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

aww I hope they hold on for another few weeks for you WTB!

Cridge - yeah I've never had an IV put in in labour? I thought it was associated only with an epidural? :shrug:

Where I want to have her (same with the boys) the epidural wasn't even an allowed - I'd have to have moved to the main labour ward and I'm far too lazy for that :haha:

It's 29 degrees here today boooo! Was going to take the boys to the river to see the boats and ducks but decided not too :(

Also - has anyone been getting a lot of itching??
Some places do a catheter but I really havent met anyone personally who got an epidural who got one. Ill opt out of that one, I mean Im going to me covered in tons of gunk anyways whats a little pee :haha: and with my son I never peed on myself and my husband swears I never pooped on myself , but I was so worried about that I only had a piece of bread to eat the whole day :haha: With my son I liked that I could get up immediately afterward and shower ect but really where do I need to go? Just give it to me! The little "needle" left in your back is really really tiny. You wouldnt even feel it that much when they take it out.

Id ask about other options for pain relief but I just really cant chance going through the pain I did last time. So Im just going for the full monty! ;) Baby has been going nuts ALL night long, quite all day and moving during my naps. I know some say that this will be their sleep pattern when they get here so Im excited for that. NOT. Im not ready for baby to come now even if I was 40 weeks..but as soon as his room is set up, our car is here, and my son is sleeping BACK in his own room (pray we can get this done when our stuff gets here he is back to no way in hell sleeping with out me!) then im prepared to push baby out!
Charlie - I must have gotten the IV due to being induced then. :shrug: It might be common practice for epidurals too...??? Anyone know? Putting the IV in (and taking it out!) was definitely more painful than the epidural though. :haha: I'd love other pain relief options - what sorts of things do they do over there? I also had stadol (a narcotic) and it was HORRIBLE!

Daddiesgift - I hear ya on the sleep pattern thing. My little ninja goes through a major fit sometime between 3-5am every single night. I'm really looking forward to that. :haha:

And I totally pooed myself during birth the first time. :sick: They were very good about it and you didn't see anything (I used a mirror so I know) but the smell... Sick!! I'd love any tricks to avoid that again! Dh asked me a few weeks ago if I was nervous about actually giving birth and I told him that no part of it makes me nervous except the pooing part. I have a friend that is a labor and delivery nurse and she said it happens about 50% of the time and it's not a big deal.... for them! And actually, when it does happen, they know that the mom is pushing exactly how she should be. Still. :wacko:
I didn't poo with my first, but with Henry I did - I could feel it and even shouted out "Oh my god I just poo'd" .... classy!!!! :haha: Really hope there's no poo this time lol

How's everyone's day been so far?
aww I hope they hold on for another few weeks for you WTB!

Cridge - yeah I've never had an IV put in in labour? I thought it was associated only with an epidural? :shrug:

Where I want to have her (same with the boys) the epidural wasn't even an allowed - I'd have to have moved to the main labour ward and I'm far too lazy for that :haha:

It's 29 degrees here today boooo! Was going to take the boys to the river to see the boats and ducks but decided not too :(

Also - has anyone been getting a lot of itching??

My stomach itches a lot lately due to it stretching more. Just DON'T scratch and put lotion on it!!
It is really cloudy here today which is nice because it has been so hot for almost a full 2 weeks. So, my husand and oldest are outside doing yardwork right now. I'm inside relaxing with my 2 year old :)
I was given an iv but it was just fluids/water they didn't say why though? That was in Germany so idk about other places they even left it in after birth till the next day in case I needed more fluids. Ugh :shutters: I hate needles and iv let alone one in my hand for 48 hours! I get crippled too like all of a sudden I can't use that hand cause iv is in it :haha: reason #1 why I looked so horrible when I gave birth I asked my husband to put my hair in pony tail since I couldn't with iv and he can't figure stuff out like that, he did his best but all my during/after birth pictures half my hair is down half is in a pony tail :rofl:
I had an IV in my hand when I was induced, but I only got it when I was 7cm as they didn't think I'd progress so quickly :haha: I hate needles too, but I remember watching it go in as I was high on gas and air lol xx
I'll be at home hopefully for the birth, so no epidural here, but they definately have their place, despite the negative aspects :thumbup:

Hey ladies- hope you are all doing well. I've been getting some discharge too, i hate the feeling of being wet all the time. I also feel that sometimes I smell like urine down there (sorry if tmi). Also been getting itchy in the boobs but I've been having that for a while now. I think I already have stretch marks from either stretching or scratching earlier on eeek!
Same for me, Boofle. As long as all goes well :) Got lots of ideas for pain relief but I'll definitely be feeling it all...
I noticed someone mentioned breast feeding and having to "pump and dump".... Just wanted to say that there is no need for dumping good breast milk! Alcohol is the same in milk as in the blood... It's metabolized over time. I nursed dd1 for 14 months... When she was young and nursing frequently, I just nursed her... Then would have my glass of wine right after. By the time she was ready for more milk, the alcohol was out of my system! When she was older and sleeping through the night, I would just wait until after her bedtime feed!
Yes, that was my understanding about alcohol as well. I think that as long as you aren't feeling the effects of it, and a few hours pass since the drink, there's really no concern!

I've had had some sips of wine here and there since 20 weeks but not indulged in a full glass and I cannot WAIT! lol I miss my Shiraz :)
hope you all had a good weekend.. i spent it with DH, i think i'm going to miss him when baby comes! lol i know it sounds silly but just things like walks alone or whatever... i dont want to sound weird because this is the perfect time for baby and we both wanted it SO BAD. i think its a normal feeling though :) he keeps telling me on weekends he will take baby out so i can sleep some and i am like NO thats our family time lol

can't believe i am 28 weeks.. 12ish weeks to go!
I noticed someone mentioned breast feeding and having to "pump and dump".... Just wanted to say that there is no need for dumping good breast milk! Alcohol is the same in milk as in the blood... It's metabolized over time. I nursed dd1 for 14 months... When she was young and nursing frequently, I just nursed her... Then would have my glass of wine right after. By the time she was ready for more milk, the alcohol was out of my system! When she was older and sleeping through the night, I would just wait until after her bedtime feed!

Thanks for that informatino, janna! Good to know :)

And the comments about pooing are both hysterical and terrifying! I try not to think about it too much. I'm such a private person anyway, this pregnancy has already had some akward moments for me, and I know it's just beginning!
Lol Mrs .... in labour all that privacy you had about you disappears!

Thanks for that info Janna :flower: :)
That's what I hear, Charlie! Ah! Gives me anxiety just thinking about it :haha:
When I was a student midwife, just about every woman who's baby I caught pooped in labour.....although very few actually knew about it as we were very swift to scoop and dispose of it asap!
But the husbands know, I'm sure! LOL... that's what worries me the most... not that it will happen, but that he will see it happen! I love my husband very much, he is my best friend and we share everything, but even after 4 years together bathroom time is private time.

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