***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

I'm looking forward to finishing work (next Friday) and hitting 30 weeks (this week) :dance:
My 16 week scan had a due date of Oct. 31st so I HIGHLY doubt that I'll be out and about that day. My husband will have to take my girls out if we aren't in the hospital. I, too, am looking forward to this Friday since I'll be 30 weeks! Exciting! :)
good luck with the gtt lilbean! It sucks not being able to eat!!

WTB - hope you're hanging in there! So many times when I've heard babies cry, I've just wanted to take over and comfort them. You're going to have 3(!!!) of your own to hold soon. :wacko:

I'm not all that close to Halloween, but I really don't want to have a baby on that day! I just like to keep things separate and don't want to have to celebrate Halloween and a birthday on the same day for every year here on out. I'd love to have this little guy in October though... but I'm fully planning on going a week late cause that's what happened with #1.

My next big milestone is 30 weeks - can't wait for that! Then I don't know that I have another big milestone until 40 weeks. With #1 I started thinking "any day now" at 37 weeks, but I know better this time. :haha:

I've been working on the nursery the last week. Got it painted on Friday night and am working on getting the curtains ironed and up. I'm not doing much decorating, so it's not going to take me too long, but it still seems like it's a very slow process.
WOW! Some of you are already hitting the 30 week mark! That's crazy when you think about it. Although, evertime you all hit a milestone I think "gosh - it'll be forever before I get there" and bam, I blink and I'm there! I haven't decided yet if hearing all of your labor and delivery stories before I get to mine will make the wait easier or harder... I guess time will tell :)
I know, reaching that 30 week milestone is a biggy for me too, down to single week digits! And so the count down begins! :wohoo:

Just 2 more weeks of school holidays, then 5 weeks of work before maternity leave begins!

Just seen the crabbies advert - I want one!! boohoo!! DF wont get one for me. Teehee
I don't think I can start my maternity leave before I go into labor... I might need to check into that b/c it's already so hard to get comfortable in my desk chair all day, I can't imagine how it will be in a few more weeks! It would be wonderful if I could take off at 37 weeks at least since that's full term and technically could be expecting baby at any time by that point. I wonder if short term disability would cover it, or if I'd have to be put on bed rest by my doctor in order for it to be covered... do any of you US ladies know?
I am excited to see who's little babies come first :) and can't waaaaait to read the birth stories! :)

I'm not sure how this little one is going to go - my first was 4 days early, my 2nd was 6 days late .... this pregnancy is more similar to my first than the second though and am convinced Halloween :shrug: My best friend things she's going to be late -so whoever wins this bet is treating the other to an ice-cream sundae from harvester!! :haha:
By the way - does anyone keep having dreams their baby is the opposite gender to what they've been told?
Mrs-I am not completely sure but I know a few people that go on leave at 37 weeks but not sure how it has happened. I'd definitely look into it if I were you. :)
CharlieKeys-I wonder when this baby will come as well since I went over with my 1st and had my 2nd at 36 weeks. So they were so different so I have no idea! This pregnancy is much more like my 2nd than my 1st. I guess only time will tell.
I definitely don't want to have her on Halloween though since it is by far my least favorite holiday! I know when October comes we will be on on full baby alert!
I would actually love to have a Halloween baby but then I don't think Halloween is such a big deal as it is in the states, so I just think it's would involve lots of fun birthdays!

I know that there were some of you who have also had back problems so wanted to let you know how my new bump support went at work. having just done 2 crazy busy 12 hr shifts wearing the support my back is hardly aching at all :) after 1 shift i was totally fine which was great as before it would be a few hours at work and I could feel my lower back go. The 2nd shift by the very end was a little sore but compared to before great, so definitely would recommend getting one if you're suffering!
Mrs...in regards to short term it really depends on your employer I think. If I had it I could use it now. My friend however has it and they wont let her use it unless she sees the company doctor. So if your job is laid back they may let you do it. Talk with them, what can it hurt?
I actually just called and checked and the only way short term will cover any leave prior to delivery is if I'm put on bed rest by my doctor. Bummer... maybe I can talk my doctor into it. :haha: I also just found out that you can get your doctor to sign off on handicap parking! WHAT?! I don't think I'd take advantage of the system like that, but I didn't know pregnancy would qualify you for that...
I know that there were some of you who have also had back problems so wanted to let you know how my new bump support went at work. having just done 2 crazy busy 12 hr shifts wearing the support my back is hardly aching at all after 1 shift i was totally fine which was great as before it would be a few hours at work and I could feel my lower back go. The 2nd shift by the very end was a little sore but compared to before great, so definitely would recommend getting one if you're suffering!

I could do with trying one of these! Do you have to buy it or can you get it from a doctor? xxx
Mrs. - short term disability and maternity leave are all different depending on your company...it sounds like you've figured st disability out (or I could call it std- haha!); I would check into your company's policy on maternity leave as well and see if you can squeak out some time before baby comes.

Charlie - I don't necessarily have dreams that I'm having a girl, but I think in pink and sometimes just think he's a girl. :wacko: It helps now that the nursery is painted... as the guest room, it was pinkish, so anytime I thought of the nursery, all I could see was pink.
When you call it quits at work are you going to be a SAHM? Or just starting your maternity leave early? Oh how I wish I could be a SAHM... maybe after baby #2... my coverage is just too good to give up and I sincerely do love my job (maybe not so much now that moving around is getting difficult :haha:)

I am just taking the one year leave we get here in Canada and then back to work...I am not complaining though because I am SO grateful to get a full year! There's no way we could afford our home and lifestyle where we live on only one income though...so back to work it is :(

I'm looking forward to finishing work (next Friday) and hitting 30 weeks (this week) :dance:

Boofle - Off already?! I am jealous! I am actually just looking at starting work back up again since school starts on Sept 4. I may go on leave a bit early, depending on my work situation and what teaching job I end up with but really...the very beginning of Oct is about as much as I can possibly take I am sure. 35-36 weeks I am thinking...

The way it works here is that you can start Mat leave up to 8 weeks before your due date, which means it would then end when baby is 10 months (not ideal) OR if there's a medical reason and your doc/midwife will sign a form, you can do medical leave up to 15 weeks before delivery then switch to mat leave. The downfall is that for my job, I would have to use ALL my banked sick days before getting medical leave. I would rather not since baby in daycare = sick days needed! I want to save those days for next year!

Halloween - I would love to have the baby around Halloween, I love that time of year. And since I am due Nov 5 it is a possibility I guess. Not sure if I will feel up to a costume, but if I do...I think I will be Mother Earth. Paint the belly like the earth, wear a flowy top and skirt and put leaves and branches in my hair, lol. Kind of like my avatar!
gaiagirl - love the costume idea!! I'm usually bah-humbug when it comes to dressing up for Halloween, so I imagine this year I'll feel even more blah about it. But I enjoy going trick-or-treating with my son.... and then eating his candy when we're done. :haha:
I'm on the opposite side of November so I'm sure no Halloween baby here! Maybe a thanksgiving baby? Halloween candy is already out in stores so I've been indulging oops :haha:

Epidural for me! As soon as I arrive to hospital! No waiting it out for me not trying to jip myself out of medicine like I was last time. Changing positions and walking is over rated :) if you aren't in pain you don't need to do that. Everyone's different but with my son walking, water, panting, bouncy ball, and changing positions helped none what so ever. My friend got an epidural and was moving within 20 mins of baby born and showered within the hour. That works for me! I should upload some of my funny birth photos from last time LOL I'm a horrible laborer
I've been so excited to see Halloween stuff out in stores lately because it means my due date is coming up too!! I'm trying to convince myself that it's just around the corner, but I still feel like the clock is ticking very slowly. :dohh:
I am slap bang in the middle of November... :haha: could end up giving birth at either End really , I am curious to see when it will be :haha:
Bump piccy!


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