***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

I have kind of started packing my hospital bag - in that every time I find/buy something for the bag I put it into the bag. I will have to take a look at what is in the bag and see what I still need to get. I know I need to buy a nightie and pack clothes for both me and baby. Thinking I might pack 2 bags - one for labour and one for hospital.
I have a pregnancy boppy I sleep with and I flip often as my hips have really started hurting at night... I've started waking DH up with all the "Oh" "Uh" and "Ow" sounds I make while flipping... oops! Usually the first few steps I take out of bed I limp b/c my groin/back hurts so bad. I think he's really concerned the baby is hurting me, but it's all good after I get a few steps in... I guess I just have to work out the kinks from the sleep before.

I'm the same when i just get up...like ouch my back, it sorts itself out after a bit of limbering up!

Generally sleeping is rubbish, now have 5 pillows takes me about 2 hours to get comfy then feel like my chest is getting squashed so can't breathe then need to pee :dohh: this final tri is tough and i really can't imagine sleeping when bigger not to mention my back!! oh well it'll all be worth it in the end and I think I'm almost use to living OK on less sleep which can only help once bubs is here :)
daddiesgift... on the subject of underware... what type do you pack? I typically wear nothing but thongs, which I know will not be practical after delivery... Someone told me to buy men's underware since they're already cut out for a little "extra" it holds the pads in nicely and they don't move around as much as regular panties. Any thoughts on this?? I'm a little on the fence about this idea. Seems kind of odd to me... ????

I usually wear skimpy panites too :rofl: but during pregnancy I gain weight and that lovely pregnancy discharge I just get a size up Hanes Granny Panty. And use those till I can get back into my usual ones. I never had a problem getting pads to fit or them moving around, staining underwear ect. They have mesh undies most the time at hospital but last time those things didnt even go up over my butt crack! Midwife put them on me after I was cleaned up but then when I got back to room I showered and put on my panties and pads.

daddiesgift - I like the idea to take a belly band!! I remember the jiggly empty feeling you have after giving birth and the belly band sounds like the perfect thing for that!! I do plan on taking a tour of our hospital just so I can ask questions like - do they provide diapers, wipes, pads for me, ointment for circumcision, etc. Our hospital with #1 provided absolutely everything we needed, so I didn't have to pack much, but that was 10 years ago and I've heard that hospitals are cracking down and not providing as much anymore...???

I didnt use a belly band last time but I have a few I bought to keep my pants up which never worked but it did an excellent job strapping my gut back so I think it will be good to take them and get some type of use out of it! I know a lot of women who use a belly band after baby to help get things tighter and in place, who knows if it works but its worth a try!!
WTB - your post cracked me up because that's EXACTLY how my night goes! One pillow between my legs - all the way up and down, one behind my back, one under my belly, so I can lay half side/half back... and then many times I'll use dh's pillow for my arm and if I can get away with it, I'll lounge a leg on him as well. :haha: I get about 3 hours in before I have to switch for the first time, but after that it's about once an hour (shorter as the night goes on), and it's a big hullabaloo to switch everything over to the other side. I usually just forgo any kind of covers just to keep things more simple, but it's been cooling down at night so it's a beauty of a trick to get situated while a sheet is covering me and all those pillows! :haha:

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one sleeping miserably. Misery loves company, right?
had a bad day today guys :(
i know i should be happy because as far as i know baby is healthy etc. but today my husbands car stopped working out of no where. its 5 yrs old and showed no signs of nay problems.. also nothing came on the dash to indicate a problem. we are a one car family right now and were suppose to be starting to move into our place tomorrow.. but i guess that wont be happening.
with moving and the baby we have no money right now... usually we have emergency money and stuff but this is just terrible timing. no idea how he will get to work etc.

ahh the stressss
Wishful - oh no!! :hugs: hope the car is sorted soon! I know being without a car is not a good thing. Hope the move goes as planned tomorrow.

Had a slightly manic start to the day. car seat and isofix unit arrived this morning but we couldn't find the user manuals. So after a few phone calls we discovered they were tucked away in compartments that we didn't know about.
Was then off to a MW appointment - all is well with Speckle. She is cephalic (Head down YAY) My bump is still measuring 2 weeks ahead of my weeks.
Am now babysitting my 8 month old god-son(who is sleeping peacefully) He is just sooo cute.
Tesco are having there baby event soon so will be a good time for stocking up on baby goodies.
We already use most bits for our DS(and will be stocking up on baby wipes, shampoo etc for him) so I will be keeping a look out for 'me' bits-maternity pads and breast pads. I found Tommee tippee pads best last time but they are so expensive and I ended up having to use them for ages as my breasts kept leaking!
So sorry to hear about your car trouble, wishful. :hugs: I really hope you guys are able to get it sorted out quickly. Have you taken it to the shop yet?
thanks girls... yeah anxiously waiting the call to see how much it will cost. was towed their this morning...
I hope the car issue gets fixed cheaply, it would be a bummer not to have a car when you want to move soon.
well got news back from the car shop.. its expensive but the car will be back tonight. my parents are putting it on their credit card and said to pay them back when we can. god bless them.

not sure when we will be able to pay them back though... i bet i'll try and my dad will shove the money back in my hand. we were never spoiled and i never ask for money so i think they like helping out once in a blue moon. think they miss having kids in the house lol.

geez i am getting all emotional LOL
aww how amazing of your parents!!! At least it is one less thing to worry about :) And he has a car to get to work with still - that's the important thing :)
yes i am extremely grateful.. we can move some stuff tonight now too.. probably take two trips and fill his car (its an suv) and then really start tomorrow!!
Thank God for amazing parents! That's great to hear, wishful. Glad it's all worked out :)
Yey to parents! It's so hard for us too financially at the moment and both of ours cars are on their way out I reckon. Ugghh. I use mine for work as I'm a field sales agent so I really need it. Thank goodness you got it back within the day.

Talking of pillows, I have a dream genie (I think that's what they're called) which I'm borrowing from a friend and it's amazing! We're off to Spain for my in-laws anniversary celebrations for a week and I have no idea how I will survive without it!

I washed a load of baby clothes today as we've nearly finished my son's room which means we can move him over and get his old room ready for the baby. Feel sort of relieved that I'm finally doing something. xx
Glad things are starting to look up wishful! Its hard not to get emotional about stuff at this point. My son has been super whiny today and I think it may be from him getting shots yesterday but its making me want to cry cause I just want get things done but he is literally attached at the ankle. Guess ill wait till tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, its my ob appointment! Ive decided to go (no car and finding a ride is a PAIN) because I need to talk to them about my contractions and see how the ultrasound I had went since tech wouldnt tell me anything. My husbands friend is taking me, whom I never met. AKWARD. I told my husband the guy doesnt have to wait for me he can just run errands or something till Im done. Have I mentioned how bad I miss our car? Hopefully we get it in the next month. Everyone keeps telling me my ob is no good and I need to go somewhere else but I really cant since he is the only one in this town available and its 1.5 hours away to go somewhere else and im not hitch hiking up there. Ive only seen him once and he seemed fine to me guess Ill see as time goes on!
my OB is very straight to the point and quick. i absolutely LOVE my primary care dr and she is so personable.. so i guess no other dr will be as good as her lol. i wouldnt say i dislike my OB but she isnt my favorite either. theres only a 1-5 chance she will deliver my son though.. and everyone keeps reminding me that i want good nurses the day i go into labor because they are with you the most.. which is true.

i am glad you get to go to your appt tho daddie, and i hope its not too awkward of a drive. he seems nice if he is willing to bring you though!
DG-Lean on the military family. That is what it is there for. BTW I don't know if it is something you would need or are interested in, but you may want to apply for "emergency" shower from Operation Showers of Appreciation. Your DH will have to fill out some paperwork, but they can get some baby items for you.
Eek, I could have an actual living tiny baby as soon as 7 weeks & 1 day! That's the earliest they'll give out a date apparently though I'm hoping for later but SEVEN WEEKS! Woohoo!!

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