***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

My fingers are crossed for you!!

With my first child I did not pass and was diagnosed with GD. It really wasnt that bad I promise. It meant I had more docs appointments and more scans to check on the baby which honestly was great because I knew he was really looked after. And he was perfectly healthy and the GD went away after baby was born.
Oh ladies how horrible today has been :cry: When I posted earlier I had not seen my son yet but once I did I could not believe it! He was scratched on his face and neck. Then we went to store and husband picked him up and he screeched, so he lifted his shirt and he has three bite marks on his back! I uploaded the pics we took, its gotten so much worse now he has two black eyes! I called and freaked out of course and they apologized and said that they were dealing with another kid freaking out and pretty much werent watching what was happening. They said they told the mother of other child and she was very sorry. I just feel horrible every time I see him. :cry: Hes such a sweet boy and so loving and playful he is never violent even if a toy is taken from him or he is hit he never hits back. We will never take him to child care ever again! Hes staying with mom and Ill be present at all play groups for him to socialize. My husband is so pissed Ive never seen him like that once he saw the bite marks. At first I told myself kids can be rough especially young ones but seeing the bite marks made me realize he was not attended to like he shouldve been.


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After I was diagnosed I talked with a dietician. He explained how many carbs I should eat at each meal and how often I should eat and test. But I could still have whatever I wanted as long as it was reasonable and I ate 3 meals and 3 snacks a day.
Daddiesgift- that is so horrible about your son, i would be upset too! WTH they obviously weren't watching the kids well. I'm so sorry.
Daddies gift that is horrendous! I would file a complaint with the local business bureau or is there a place that regulates childcare? I can tell you from someone who has worked in that field before becoming a teacher, and someone who has MANY friends with babies in child care that that level of 'rough housing' is NOT normal or allowed!

I hope you don't feel no one can be trusted with him because there are many places that do an amazing job, this was just not one of them :(

How is he doing? Does he seem shaken or did he just bounce back? Hope those marks clear up ASAP.

Poor guy :(:(
ohh daddiesgift i am SO SORRY. i would be nervous to bring him to daycare again too, which sucks because most places would of never let this happen. and why did he have black eyes? was this from him being scratched? aww i feel so bad for him, but more so for you and your OH.. its always worse for the parents :( :hugs: :hugs:
ok guys i need your advice and help. i am stressing about babies nursery!! just moved and noticed some problems.

ok so i will try and explain the room as best as i can.

-one wall has two windows.
-one wall is a full wall of closet space
-one wall has the entrance door in the middle of it
-and one wall has a decent size floor vent smack in the middle.

where do i put crib?? i read that its a no-no to put it in front of windows.. but i also heard that its a a big no-no to put it in near a vent because forced hott air is bad for baby breathing :(

now what do i do??
Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!!! :( That just makes me mad and feel horrible for your son at the same time! Gosh, I hope the physical scars go away fast! Poor baby! :hugs: to you!
Oh my god, your poor little man!! :cry: I'm so sorry hun and can't believe something like that happened!! :hugs: I've just dropped my wee man off at daycare and I always worry about him as he's such a gentle soul with other children. Hope your little man is okay! :hugs: xx
Haven't been on here in a while as me & my partner have had a break TTC after the loss of our 2nd little one at 9 weeks :( please could you update the list on the front. I am going back onto the ttc forums. Wishing you all the very best. Many thanks
Oh Daddiesgift, your poor little man. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.
Oh DG that's awful! :( I really hope your son can get over this quickly :( Your poor little boy!! :(
Laney I'm sorry to hear of your los :( :hugs: Good luck and happy trying with the ttc.

Daddies, I am not surprised you are so upset, I would be too!! I can't believe they just said they were focused on another kid - surely they have more than one member of staff present?! And did they not hear your son crying?! I would be livid and definitely reporting the matter to the authorities. Poor little thing.

My son is also a big softy and I would be demanding a full investigation if I found so many bite marks and scratches on him.

Did they mention the biting to you? You surely had to sign a form when you picked him up which explained everything that had happened?
DG I am so sorry about what has happened to your little boy. I hope he is okay and not too anxious about it! The nursery obviously werent directing their attention in the right places!

Re paternity leave my OH won't get any time off work at all. He is only out of the house from 9am-2pm each day however, apart from on weekends when he often works away. I guess we just have to get on with it! Xx
Thanks ladies, yesterday was just a huge mess all together! They said they didnt think to look under his clothes they were just cleaning up his face. They said it was a kid his age though the bite mark looks like its a full set of teeth and the scratches are big. Im not sure where the black eye came from. They told me that they had to pull this kid off of him! We've taken it up with the director of the program but once I got to talking to people it sounds like this happens a lot there. I wonder if it is the same kid? They have two programs here on the military base we live on its full time and part time kids together then hourly kids together if you just need a couple hours here or there and dont work or anything and this was at hourly so maybe this child is just a bully. The staff said they told the parents and the mother was very sorry and said she doesnt know why the kid is like that. So yeah im sure this isnt the first time, which they have a strict hands off policy so I really hope they do something about it.

My friend told me I need to file a complaint with the military police on the day care that way they try and make sure they dont just brush off the incident. As of now I just want to forget it and move on and never take him again. It is heart breaking when you think of all the times your kids has fallen or hurt himself and it never looked like that. Yesterday he was just real clingy and lovey and wanted to sleep :nope: today he is back to his normal self playing with toys and getting into stuff. Ive had some friends here offer to baby sit him once I need to go to doctors or something but since I dont know these people that well having just moved here it will be awhile before I do that.

Today is a mommy/baby play group at a park near by thinking about going so I can meet some more people and this time supervise him playing with other children! We will see it gets hot here quick and walking is just no fun at this point. When I walk even to the mail box I get stabbing pains in my right side not on my hip but between my hip and belly button? I wonder what this is. Im trying to drink more water since I havent been very good about my fluid intake lately, lots of tea :nope: which is kind of like water right? :) Yesterday I just stood in babies room wondering where I was going to put everything and how to decorate. Boy I cant wait to have our stuff!!
daddiesgift - big :hugs: for you and your little one! poor little guy :(
oh daddie i feel so so bad but i am glad your little man is being himself today. :hugs: hopefully you can meet some people soon that you can start to trust, but believe me i know... trust takes a long time to gain! thankfully i won't need daycare as i will be a SAHM, but i am sure i will need babysitters sometimes. i hope to keep it in the family.

i get the same stabbing pain too.. in the exact same spot as your describe. it use to happen only on longer walks but now it happens even short walks.. like walking around CVS or something. dr said not to worry? its painful though and now i dont exercise much.

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