***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Eek, I could have an actual living tiny baby as soon as 7 weeks & 1 day! That's the earliest they'll give out a date apparently though I'm hoping for later but SEVEN WEEKS! Woohoo!!

I know me too!! scary stuff...in fact have just thought I'd better get more ready as feel like i have so much to do! 1st wash of bubs clothes is on right now :happydance:
It's so exciting!!! Very soon we are all going to be able to hold our LO!! :happydance:

I think my OH is starting to freak out on me a bit. We had our sono the otherday and I think it hit him "were having a baby" and soon :haha:
This is his first, so he is worried about what he can do as far as helping me and the babe out. Its adorable really.
I know it's amazing and I am so excited to meet bubs, I'm getting quite impatient!! But I'm also scared stiff as this is my 1st and i wonder how i will cope with a LO!! it's mainly severe sleep deprivation that I worry about and that I don't really have family to help, well I have mum but she's not in a position to help (long story!) and my OH's family live in Holland and aren't over the moon with bubs anyway! The reality is all slowly dawning on me!! I'm sure we'll be fine but can't help but feel a little scared!
Honestly sleep deprivation was the one thing that got to me with my first. I hate when people say it will get better, but they are right it does.

Will your OH be able to take time off when your LO gets here? Maybe you can take turns every other night getting up, unless your BF
i am starting to freak out about being a mom too! i think i already mentioned this but i will be alone too! DH is taking 5 days off... hopefully we arent in the hospital for most of it. my mom is very supportive but she is a teacher and also has a store so she is very busy and lives kind of far away. not far enough to not visit but too far to stop in after work type thing.

i know when my DH gets home from work he will do his very best to help out but he goes to bed early, as he gets up at 5am to go to work!! i think i am most scared of the sleeping thing too because when i dont sleep it affects my anxiety/panic disorder i have. i'll make it though.. i dont have a choice :haha:
yes. For me it would be 8 weeks . As earliest term .
They count up to 42 weeks here and I have a date on my maternity notes next to something that says 'overtime from the:' It's hard to translate things sometimes, but that's pretty much what it means :haha: That date is the 17th Nov.. I hope she decides to come before then :wacko: xx
hm my latest should be the 28th november which would be 42 weeks :haha:
so anytime between 29 october and 28th November please :rofl:
Yeah i hear sleep deprivation is tough, and i love my sleep! My OH is starting a course at uni in sept, legally in the UK he's entitled to 2 weeks leave from when i go into labour which I hope he's still able to get as a student, he'll find out next week. He is so supportive and has been great all pregnancy around the house etc, and I'm sure he'll be even more so when bubs is here as he wants to be a very hands on Dad. I that respect I'm so lucky as I know there are so many women out there with useless OH's! My closest friend who has 2 children has just moved 300 miles away :( initially the plan was that she was going to come over every day once OH goes back to uni, it may still be possible in that she may come and stay with us but obviously she has other commitments but I'm hoping she can come down.

Wishful I'm sure it'll be tough without lot of peeps around but you're right you'll get through it, so will we! It's just that initial phase until we get into a routine and things become 2nd nature to us newbies!
I tried to encourage my DH to read up a little on handling newborns and his response was:

"with three at once we are getting the crash course. I'll learn by oops."
haha thats funny WTB.. but it really is true.. i mean reading isnt bad... but with triplets i think its one of those things were they have to come.. and have some sort of routine and go from there! ahh preparing for triplets makes me nervous... i give you guys so many :hugs: lol
woa triplets, i cannot imagine!! WTB hope you have plenty of helpers lined up!
My oh had already kids in an earlier marriage(they are grown up) but he seems to be a natural anyway whenever I see him with kids or babies. unlike me, I guess I'll be one of those that pnly ever understand their own baby. :haha:
My husband had to go back to Afghanistan when our son was 4 days old and those 4 days our son slept mostly so this really will be a crash course! He always says "I'll just wing it" mmm hmm good luck! Either way it won't be as bad as it will be for me he never "hears" our son or so he says so I'll be the one getting up! I think for me the missed sleep and breast feeding was worse so this time I'm not breast feeding which will help immensely and I guess I'll just nap when both of the kids nap, of that ever happens at same time! I think sometimes we take on too much and don't give ourselves time to relax, it's annoying when people say "sleep when baby sleeps" like you don't have a million other things to do but seriously SLEEP! House can wait, clean as you go or strap baby in carrier. I thought I was going crazy I never got over a full hour of sleep at a time for 6 weeks, but you cope and learn. My son had reflux so I learned to sleep upright while swaying him while he colic screamed.

Came to ob, sitting here now waiting for hubby and friend to come get me. It wasn't so awkward since my husband came too and they dropped me off. It's always awkward for me meeting new people let alone a man taking me to an ob appt! But he was nice so it's ok. Appt was fine told me due date is the 20th I'm sticking to the original 25th. Listened to me concerns but pretty much gave me a paper of preterm labor signs and to go to hospital if I get those, he said 2nd babies always cause more contractions then 1st and if they come often go to hospital. Appt took a whole 6 mins. Big waste not to mention childcare called me and said my son was hit and scratched by another kid :( whys it always my boy getting hurt! I told daddy to pick him up before coming to get me. I shouldve skipped today hearing my son scream in background about killed me :(
all of my OB appointments have been crazy short.. after i wait in the waiting room forEVER. i always take late appointments because my DH likes coming with but throughout the day she gets behind and it adds up to over an hr each time. i love hearing heartbeat though and i always have questions... i guess they will become longer now as i will have actual exams and such soon enough!

and on the topic of naps... if i take naps it takes me awhile to actually fall asleep.. no matter how tired i am. i have been sleep deprived plenty of times and still cant nap.. so when people tell me jsut to nap i'm just like "okay" and dont go into detail lol. its all about shutting my mind down. my body will give out but not my darn mind!
Daddies, thanks for the tips, you are so right, sleep when baby sleeps but I know me, I'll be itching to get on with things! I think it'll be a case of getting use to things and my life been turned upside down!! I will be breast feeding and want to express so that OH can feed too, but i won't do that until maybe 6 to 8 weeks. That must have been hard with hubby having to go to Afghanistan so soon after! I can't imagine, at least I'll have my OH here, but i do think he thinks it'll be easier than it is! oh well i suppose it'll hit him once bubs is here! Hope your son is OK from his experience with the bully!
wishful - I'm the same way.... the more sleep deprived I am, the harder it is for me to get to sleep. So with #1 I just could NOT sleep during the day (he didn't sleep much anyway, so I didn't even try to bother). There were days when we'd lay on the bed together and he'd be screaming while I just tried to talk him into sleeping cause I was so exhausted. And then I had insomnia at night so even though he was good at going 3 hours (to the minute) between feedings, I would usually fall asleep with just 5-10 minutes left of that. It's tough for sure!

For you first time moms... you may be a natural and just not know it. My dh took 2 weeks off work with #1 and I kicked him out after a week. He wasn't much help anyway because I'm the one with the boobs, and taking care of a newborn came so naturally to me that I felt 100% confident to be on my own. So try not to stress now - you may find that it's not as bad as it seems.

WTB - your dh's comment cracked me up! It's so true though - crash course! I can't even imagine triplets!! In your case, you definitely need as much help as you can! Just another set (or 2 or 3) of arms to hold babies will be such a lifesaver! Are you planning on trying to breastfeed? How do you do that with triplets?!
I found when DS was tiny it was hard to nap as I just wanted to watch him :)
The first night I hardly slept as I kept thinking about the new person beside the bed.
Hey ladies- hope you are all well. I just got my glucola test results for the 1 hour and it was elevated!! Ugh i'm so upset b/c now i have to take the 3 hour test plus follow a special carb diet 3 days prior. Have any of you had to do this and did you pass? Please give me some encouragement.
Baby- I also failed my first one and had to do the three hour. I did not have to follow a speacial diet three days prior but I did pass the test.

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