***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Have you been getting back pain? I know I get headaches when my back gets sore.
Only a tiny bit, had the headaches, which have been ridiculously painful for about 15-16 weeks now!
Midwife just says keep hydrated and I'll be fine but OW!
Beth - I have always been told that low iron and anemia can cause mild/severe headaches. . . :shrug:
Hey Charlie - I just noticed on your ticker your second baby was over 9lbs. Just out of curiousity - could he fit into newborn clothes when he was born, or did you go strait to 0-3 month?
Urm ... yeh he just fit into newborn clothes for about 2 weeks ... then he went into 0-3 but, honestly don't know where he was packing those lbs cause he was a really long skinny thing :haha: Newborn clothes here range from 7 - 11lbs I think? I know for a fact his first outfit was up to 1 month :) Really hoping for a baby a similar weight to my first though this time lol
LOL! I bet :) I would like to think my baby will be in the 7lb range, but I'm sure he'll be big... my mom keeps telling me she thinks he'll be 9.5lbs! I sure hope she's wrong!
To be honest my 9lber was an easier birth (not contractions) than my 1st. They do say the bigger the baby is the less likely you are to tear, they are more likely to not need too much help pushing out and there was another point but can't remember! It was true in our case - no tears with him (and he had a BIG head) and he pushed himself out lol. Think it's to do with gravity and heavier weights lol
Really?! The bigger the baby, the less likely to tear?! I'm so hoping for a small 7-8 pound baby this time, but I did have a nice 3.5 degree tear with #1. He was 8.6, which is normal for my family. That was at 41 weeks though.

Mrs. - my friends took bets with #1 and they were all sooo off!! They all pretty much guessed he'd be early, which was probably just to make me feel good. :haha: He was a week late.
He feels big to me, but this is my first so I don't have much to go off of. He's measured big at all of our scans, too, and I already feel him stretching into my ribs (ouch!).

I'm sure they'll be off on their guesses, Cridge :) But it'll be fun to see what they say! And I think most people say "Oh, don't worry - I'm sure you'll go early" to make you feel better... I fully expect for him to be late :haha:
Beth - I have always been told that low iron and anemia can cause mild/severe headaches. . . :shrug:
well apparently my iron is quite low (8.8 heamoglobin in German measurement) and I havent had any headaches, but then I never have headaches anyway een if I have a cold.
I'd be more suspicious of hormones and/or dehydration Beth
I think newborn clothes in america only go up to 9 pounds? I could be wrong though, My son was exactly 7 pounds and he wasnt in newborn diapers or newborn clothes very long. Id say not even a month, so I wouldnt really invest in a lot of newborn clothes especially if anyone feels their baby may be big! 0-3 months fit longer. I cant wait to get our stuff so I can go through my sons old clothes and see what all we need to buy.

For sure this time especially the first few months im not getting snap up pjs! Ill be using the gowns, Its such a pain in the middle of the night and with a newborn every couple of hours and you have to change them to unsnap the pjs and take their legs out, change them put legs back in pjs snap back up. Especially if they are screaming whole time or you are delirious from no sleep :haha:

My brother and I were talking earlier and its funny how with your first baby or first of a gender you buy a ton of baby items You think they need everything, then the 2nd one comes along and you settle for a pack of onesies and some socks :winkwink:
i made sure to get zippered sleepers so when i am half asleep at night i can zipper... my husband sucks at snaps anyways. when we babysit they are always snapped wrong LOL
wishful watch those zippers. I cant tell you how many times I was half asleep and zipped the babies chest into it and he cried. I felt horrible :cry:
oh i didnt even think of that!!! now i dont want to use them!! thank you, i feel silly now
Sorry haven't read back much but Beth when was the last time you had your blood pressure checked? has it been since you've been getting headaches?

I've got the gowns thanks to a tip from an experienced Mum on BnB, i only got 3 to see how they go.

Can i ask peeps who have some baby experience about what they tuck babies up in? I've bought a sleeping bag for newborns as recommended to prevent SIDS but then have read that some babies love been tucked up so recommend swaddling...anyone tried swaddling??
My son refused swaddling and we had to use the sleep sacks. But some babies love it! It really depends on your LO's preference.

wishful, dont feel silly. I would still use the zippers, but now that you know im sure you will be aware. unlike i was. i love the gowns for night time, make it so much easier to change them, but i use the zippers for daytime as i hate the snaps too

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