***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Great nursery daddiesgift! Glad you're feeling a bit better.
What a sweet nursery :) I also have and love Jenny Lind!

All we're waiting for now to finish off the nursery are the wooden letters for his name on the wall. We should have them soon :) I can't wait to be completely done with it! I also got a few baby gifts in the mail last night :) So fun!! AND it looks like we may be going to be pick up my new car on Saturday! YAY!
Im having a guilty mom, totally exhausted, new baby freak out kind of day already! I love my son sooo much and always wanted to do right with him from the time he was born he was always mommy clingy and I thought co sleeping, and carrying and just never letting him cry was the way to go now at a year old I am majorly paying for it. He will NOT sleep alone. We have tried everything, crying it out, not crying it out, sleeping in our room, ect and he just can not be with out me. This last week we have barely even got four hours of sleep a night because he wakes up in his room SCREAMING, we finally bring him with us and he spends hours crying. I wish we wouldve never EVER EVER tried the whole attachment parenting thing. I know some may disagree with me but for us it has totally backfired and been aweful. Hes so sweet and I feel bad for feeling the way I do sometimes but its so hard to even cook a meal when he wants you in the room he is in at all times, he wants you to hold him till he naps and bed time then if he wakes up and you are not holding him its a major melt down.

Then I feel bad cause I think if we werent having another baby so soon then we wouldnt have to worry about him being more independent so much. Im not worried about having another baby or taking care of it I know if I can make it with one I can do it again I just worry so much about our son. He loves his daddy and plays more with him then me but when it comes to comfort he will not let daddy do it, I worry what will we do when newborn wakes up crying then wakes him up and daddy cant soothe him? I have a feeling I wont be sleeping the next 18 years.
It'll get better :( :hugs:. Don't feel guilty about your new little one, some babies find change really hard. You're the parent, you're allowed to have another baby and things will work out with your son. It might just take some time for him to get used to it.
Big hugs, Daddiesgift :hugs:

I know it must be hard, but I'm sure it'll get easier. Maybe the new baby will make the transition easier for him ???
:hugs: daddiesgift! I know there are times when you feel like you'll never sleep again, but I promise, you'll sleep again! You did what you thought was best and your son is at a tricky age where he's going to be clingy no matter what. I agree with Mrs. - maybe a new baby will help with his transition as he'll see that you just can't be with him every second. I hope that's the case, and not the other way around where he gets even more attached. Just keep doing what you're doing and maybe one night it will click that he needs to be in his bed... or he won't mind as much, or whatever. I feel for you - that would definitely be hard to be dealing with right now!! :hugs:
I think independent of parenting choice he may have been clingy too . Don't worry as I have read it is a long term investment rather than something hat oays up in a short time.
Daddies i love your nursery and big :hugs: I really take my hat off to those mums with 2 with a small age gap, I'm sure it's not always going to be easy but equally I'm sure your son will adapt to life with a little one around and then he won't remember a time without them. I agree with Morri though I think sometimes it's the child's personality that makes them less independent and parenting style makes very little difference.

I have a friend who had 2 children and they were bought up in a very similar way to how you have described, the 1st one has always been very independent, the 2nd was very clingy until he was about 2, then he was fine. They are now very confident, independent, lovely, happy 11 and 8 yr olds :) You'll get there in then end, even if it will be tough to start with, I'm sure you'll find a way.
Thanks ladies. My husband thinks its his personality as well since even in hospital he wouldn't sleep in their bed only with me. I remember the doctor coming in and saying how comfortable he was with me but "you're not going to want him to get use to you holding him all the time" so I'd put him down till doctor left room then is just go pick him back up. Pretty sure first 6 months of his life he never cried longer than a minute. My husband thinks maybe new baby will be "better" at being alone. I don't mind him really I mean sometimes I'd like to be alone in bathroom or in bed but I just keep thinking how will I ever hold two clingy crying babies! That's why I feel guilty if I wasn't pregnant I could just let my son be how he is. I wouldn't change getting pregnant tho. It wasn't planned but it wasn't prevented either I didn't think I could get pregnant on my own so it was a shock it happened but I know it's for a reason. I guess we'll just wait and see! But for sure no more babies for LONG time!!

And Dominic is very good out and about, if children are involved at play group ect he acts like he doesn't even know me and he's so sweet and gentle to other children and SOME people but if we are at home totally different story
But I do have some pregnancy questions without starting a debate :) how do you ladies feel about drinking coffee while pregnant? I've been wanting some soo bad and I know they say one cup is fine a day but I still worry. My husband asked why that is and I said caffeine and he mentioned I eat lots of chocolate and tea so what's the difference?

Also we live in a small town tiny hospital ect closest big city is one to one and half hours away. Everyone always says how horrible it is here and my doctor tho I just think he's quite. I guess lots of guys my hubby works with said we need to go to Tuscon to have baby but that's 1.5 hours away! Would you do it or just stay local?
I don't drink coffee but I'll have a caffeinated soda about once every 2-3 weeks. I feel guilty every time I do, but sometimes it just hits the spot. Many times, if I feel I just neeeed a soda (which I never felt pre-pregnancy), I'll try to have a ginger ale or caffeine free pepsi, which still has the sugar but not the caffeine. It usually does the trick.

I would probably stay local if it were me. I'd rather not stress about the 1.5 hour drive and even if you don't get the nicest doctors around, baby will come, you go home, and you won't have to worry about it again.
I have a cup of coffee every morning. Granted, it's a small cup (about 8oz), but I don't think I could wake up long enough to get started without it. My best friend is very open to me about the fact that she would "never in a million years do that to her baby", but guess what - the doctor says it's okay and it's definitely not affecting his growth so I'm okay with it. And I agree with your husband, if you're already drinking tea it's not much different. I also like to drink Chai tea lattes which have 1/3 the caffeine of a normal cup of coffee.

As for the hospital... I would say 1.5 hours is a long way to drive when you're in labor... However... there is a hospital in my hometown that is horrible! Everyone knows it and everyone talks about it, and you could not pay me to have my baby there. If it's that kind of situation, then I would say a 1.5 hour drive is worth the peace of mind.
I, too, drink a cup of coffee a day. A lotof people I know have or do while pregnant and all is fine. I have to drive about 50 minutes to my hospital when I go into labor. Since I have to drive farther than most people do I have a different set of guidelines to follow usually. I have to go once my contractions are 10 minutes apart for an hour rather than the usual 5 minutes apart.
We co-sleep with our 22month old and have been transitioning to putting him in his own bed for the past week as I felt we were all ready for it. Personally I dont think I would have done it earlier as I still felt he was too young and as we have waited until a point where its what we all want it has gone pretty smoothly. He has gone until 7am one night and others he either comes through to us between midnight-3am as he does still breast feed through the night.
As for coffee I've never been much of a hot drink drinker but will have a cup if I fancy one.
I don't drink coffee I just don't like the taste BUT, I can't function without 1 - 3 diet pepsis a day. Literally, I am a zombie until that first sip :haha:

As for your little man - just keep persisting with his own room, he'll get the point eventually. He's been with you all this time and it is something I would personally get done before your other little man arrives, otherwise Dominic will feel he's being pushed into his own room because there's a new baby around. I feel for you I really do. :hugs:
I don't drink coffee because I don't like i. I havent got any black tea either bt I was never mad about it anyway. I don't drink my juice/energy drink (monster chaos) cans anymore, and I don't drink any coke either. I have lipton ice tea sparklin sometimes but it says it only has black tea extract in there but no caffeine(and it is last on the ingriedients list too) so thats it :)
Dg-keep persisting he'll get to where he is ready for the next step and independence, as frustrating as it is for you in the meantime.

So I have bad news/good news as a result of my appointment today. My doc pulled me from working as of today :( she was a little concerned based on what took place last week and the last few days I've been feeling really gross, in the last two weeks I've only gained 1lb to so they're going to keep an eye on that I'm gaining weight on track at this point. Baby looks all good at this point though, he's moving around good. He has turned breech but they said we won't worry about it until 34 weeks.
I'm not on "bed rest" but I've been told to take it easy physically and if I experience any "uterus discomfort" (cramps/bh etc) I need to stop doing what I'm doing immediately and if it keeps up call them of the hospital if after hours.
So for now it's just more "wait and see" in general, which I think I'm getting pretty good at haha.

So that kinda sucks I'm off work 6weeks earlier than I planned to be but what can I do right? Gotta do what I can for little bean!
I drink tea but a lot less than before and i have the occasional coffee when i feel like it. I did use to drink a LOT of tea and coffee before i was pregnant and both very strong so felt i had to reduce it, but i have never cut it out totally, all in moderation i think!

Coming from London where I have so many hospitals around me i have no idea of the concept of an hour and a half drive to a main hospital is a bit alien to me. Have you visited your local hospital?? I would say if you are happy with it then stay local, people have all sorts of opinions on hospitals based on all kinds of experiences. It also depends on why they say it is so bad, Have you met anyone who has delivered there?
My hospital is about half an hour by bus , and 10 minutes by car (depending on trafffic bviously)

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