***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Sorry about the pain Wishful :hugs: Hopefully your little man will change position.

Glad everything is okay Cridge, sorry you're still in pain :hugs: Sounds like your hubby is taking care of you, though :)

You're doing amazingly WTB :) Hopefully they'll keep cooking for a little bit longer xx
Boofs my girl does the same especially when I am sitting straight up or lean forward. Like who cares for ribs if I can just go beyond them :haha:. I dont know whether thats head or buttocks though . Atm I can't even feel my bottom rib on my right hand side as this is totally covered up :haha:
This baby moves SOO differently than my son did so its all so new. Sometimes it makes me ill and think its creepy!! I swear he's trying to claw his way out!! I'll see what I'm assuming is his hand out and then it scraps up and down up and down till it hurts! Then he will just stick things out and push so hard, if you put your hand there he will just keep rubbing whatever he's sticking out! I also get the kicks so high my breasts randomly jiggle :haha: I haven't been wearing bras lately, a big no no I know bit they are so sore, so maybe he's tired of my boobs resting on him :haha: either way I think he's trying to break out! I really have a feeling he will be an early baby. I have contractions every day some days are painful and I just have a feeling he's big!! Hopefully I didn't just jinks myself!!
Wow so much to catch up on!

Wtf, wow not long now. How exciting! So glad they are all good weights. Hope you aren't too uncomfortable.

Wishful, sorry to hear your ribs are hurting. It sounds horrible :( Fx baby moves for you soon and that you don't need a c section, unless you want one ;)

Daddies, although the car isn't going to be with you as soon as you'd hoped, the trip sounds fun! Are there any other theme parks you could visit to make the most of the freebie offer? I still can't get over the fact that the army expect you to organise and pay for all this upfront and may not reimburse you. I would be shocked if any employer did this but with such a risky job you would expect their care to be above and beyond.

Re your son, I agree that it's probably more his personality than the co-sleeping etc. My son has never slept well with us thankfully but is still incredibly clingy. We didn't do cry it out and he hardly cried as was breastfed up until May so whenever he got upset he just had a snuggle and feed. My sister has currently the same issue as you. Her son is 1 next month and she never gets a break from him. He co sleeps etc. She really doesn't believe in crying it out as has done a lot of research into it so she just thinks it's what he needs. With our son we're just trying to get him used to being comforted by his dad instead of me all the time. I think the baby will be more dependant on me than Harry so I need him to get used to my dh at night etc.

Re coffee, I don't like the stuff but have no problem drinking tea, coke and chocolate. Everything in moderation :)

Umm... What else was I going to say?...

Oh yes Lilbean, hope the sick leave, money gets sorted. At least you know the baby is being well looked after.

Cridge, I was badly swollen last time and was in a lot of pain from it so I know it's not much fun :hugs: I didn't get the pains your describing but I have been getting pains this time due to wearing flip flops.

:hi: to everyone else x
Hahhaha!!! F&C, I think you meant me? :rofl:

Though sometimes my bfp does seem more like wtf than wtb (want to buy). Sorry that was just too funny. :hugs:
Thanks F&C this whole move has been rotten! The military of course bought our plane tickets back to America, shipped our car here and our household stuff. Then they use a special formula to calculate how much travel pay you get which is never enough to cover every thing but it helps problem is we left July 13 and STILL don't have that travel pay which would be ok since we used our savings but then we got royally screwed and all off August, sept and October 1st my husbands checks have been less than half of what he usually makes cause they messed stuff up. So a month we've gotten $1000 and just our bills alone a month are $1200! So that took savings to make up difference then to ship car here would be $400 out of that $1000 a month! So I'm pissed we haven't gotten what he is entitled too! He went back to finance FOURTH time yesterday and in true Army Finance style they lost some of his paperwork!! So he had to resubmit everything and guess what? Another 4-6 WEEK wait! They said they would try to expedite it and HOPEFULLY October 15th check will be correct. My husband asked why didn't they tell him this when he came in before or try to contact him of course they said they sent him emails which they didn't then they said they told his job and his superior made some calls and of course that's a lie too! I swear we better get just a normal paycheck soon or I'm going to FREAK!!

California has tons of amusement parks but since the whole money situation we can't really go anywhere we are even going to drive straight back 8 hours to save hotel $. A few parks allow free admission once a year for military members so we are going to use our free tickets at Sea World so that's nice it's free! Hopefully my son will like it :)

We've pretty much decided to keep trying my son in his room but not letting him get so worked up he cries the rest of the night. So pretty much half the night he's in his room till he wakes up screaming then he comes in with us. I guess I can just hope that new baby doesn't want to sleep in bed with us! Or we need a bigger bed lol. Maybe all the changes of moving, going to "regular" milk and not getting his bottle as much is too much to add sleeping alone. He really acts terrified in his room! Ugh babies :winkwink:

Speaking of coffee I'm going to go make a cup :) my throat is sore, bad head ache and just sleepy maybe a cup will help!
Oh daddiesgift, that does sound horrible , otherwise we form a mob and go to that finance department of yours :haha:
Oh Daddies :hugs: I hope his pay is sorted soon :hugs:

It could be the moving that's unsettled him so much as that's a big change. With the sleeping thing, I had the same problem with my little man. We bed shared for so long as it was just easier with breastfeeding, he hated his crib and wanted to sleep cuddled up in our bed. We bought him a big boy bed and I'd take him into our bed when he woke up. I also leave our bedroom door open so he can just come in. It took a little while, but he started sleeping in his own bed longer and now comes into bed with me around 6ish in the morning for a cuddle, he sleeps for a few more hours too. :) Little boys are such cuddly and sensitive little things, bless them xx
Hi Jadey!

Morri if I didn't think my husband would get I'm trouble I would've already went up there and raised hell :) I'm not allowed to go to these types of things.

Boys sure are sweeter than I thought. There is no doubt my son is a mommys boy!
:hi: Jadey.

Daddies, you are not bitching at all. I would be at my wits end. We don't really have savings so we'd be screwed.
Oh and my son wakes at 6am and comes in to our bed to steal our phones then he wants to get up. I would love for him to sleep another 2 hrs! Very jealous ;-)
Hi Boofle. Not too bad here although had a poorly son the last few days so did A LOT of washing!! Trying to get sorted now and have made a list for my hospital bag. Has anyone else started doing this?
I've got some hospital bag bits and pieces, just to have on standby so if we do have to transfer in my husband doesn't have to run about trying to find clean pants for me :rofl:

Hope your wee one is feeling better

Morning ladies,
Sorry to hear your son has been unwell F&C.
It's payday on Friday so I'm going to buy things for my hospital bag so at least I can tick that off our list.
I still feel so unprepared, we are having a new bathroom fitted and having the nursery decorated in 2 weeks time. I was saying to my OH what if I go into labour while we are staying at our friends while all the work is being done??? I'll have to keep my legs crossed!
Has anyone had a pregnancy massage? I had my first one on Saturday and loved it, an hour of pure bliss. I'm definitely going to have another one before I give birth!
No but my husband has just surprised me with a voucher for one! He got a voucher from work that he could spend on anything and he chose to get me a massage! Bless that man.

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