***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

I can take dextrose tablets too and other stuff, no use being in labour when you are hungry.
thats how i feel. my mom said she was starving with me and it was a longgg labor but i already asked and only ice and water!!
Here in my labours they kept trying to get me to eat toast and drink tea :haha: Especially with my second, I went into labour at 4am and just couldn't eat, and they kept trying to force this tea and toast into me
I've got sugary sweeties and snacks for when I'm in labour - running low on energy and getting ketones in your urine can slow labour down, so going to try and avoid it at all costs
It baffles me how they think a woman can do the hardest work of her life with only ice chips to sustain her. Its near torture in my book.
I think it's only if you have an epidural you can't eat during labour. I might be wrong, but pretty sure that's what one of the MW's told me during my labour with DD.
The day I went into labour we were at the hospital for a stretch and sweep early then got sent to another as my bp was up so by the time i actually want into labour i hadnt had chance to eat and was starving. I finally got some tea and toast around 9pm that night but was still hungry all night. Would def recomened packing some goodies to take with you.
Last time I was too scared to eat cause I didn't want to poo on myself lol so I took that bite of candy and that's all! After I had him and we went to our room I was eating like I never had before the snacks we brought! The hospital didn't have good food and it was mostly beef or pork which I don't eat so I lived off tea and chocolate chip muffins :haha:

I felt better last night no night sweats or sour stomach. I spent most of the day relaxing and drinking TONS of water. Maybe that's what I needed? Either way ill ask doctor.

I about peed on myself last night tho! I woke up with that abrupt pee feeling I rolled over stretched and had huge muscle cramps in my legs and feet I couldn't move!! I seriously thought I was about to pee since I couldn't stand up, thank goodness it only lasted a few minutes

I started taking one pill orally of the evening primrose yesterday and eh! Horrible after taste, just like when I use to take fish oil. Every time I burped it was groooosss
I don't remember if I ate breakfast before I was induced with #1, but I know I didn't eat anything during labor. I don't know how I could have - I was so sick from the pain. So it was at the very least 25 hours that I didn't have a thing to eat (I don't remember drinking anything either... but I was on an IV). I didn't even notice any hunger until the next morning when I was STARVED out of my mind! I couldn't get enough to eat from then on out until I was done breast feeding 6 months later. :haha:

My dh has been super sick the last few days and now my son came down with it and is staying home from school today (after just having a full week+ off for fall break). :( I've been sleeping in the basement and avoiding my room so I don't catch it. I know I should be more sympathetic because it's obviously not dh's fault, but I'm just angry about the whole situation. I can't bring a baby home to the plague!! I haven't been feeling great either, but doing my best to keep myself from getting it full blown like dh. He literally hasn't left the bed for 2.5 days.
I've got snack bars in my bag and will make sure I get something else in there before I go! I don't have any option for an epidural where I'm having her (same as the boys - no option for an epidural) unless I go to the main hospital ... and I'm more lazy to move to another hospital than bothered about the pain :haha: Wouldn't have one anyways - seen too many programmes where they have it and it freaks me out thinking about having a needle thing in my back :shock:
I guess the hospitals here discourage eating in case they need to use anesthetic on you...but I cannot imagine going through something so physically demanding without energy reserves! Obviously being home means I wont be limited in this way...I plan to have a lot of coconut water and healthy snacks on hand :thumbup:
If I buy snacks now my OH will have eaten them before I go into labour :haha: we will maybe get the chance to stop at a garage and grab some crisps or something on the way to the hospital...
the only reason we canonly have ice is because if we have to go under, but in what case do you have too? god i should know this by now... embarrassing! but i know my SIL had a crash emergency c-section and still was awake?
Yah it almost seems like an outdated policy because most c sections use epidurals? I think in some situations though they can't use epidural and have to use anesthetic...
I've got so many nibbles in my bag, just need to get some drinks. I' not good when I'm hungry at the best of times let alone when exerting all that energy! It does all sound a bit outdated for you guys over there. I presume you can eat a good meal while your labouring at home before you go to hospital, or do they advise you not to?
With my 1st, when I called early in the morning before I went in to be induced they told me to eat something very light. I was so nervous I couldn't even eat anyway. I didn't think about food while I was in labor with my 1st or 2nd. I just wanted water cause I would get hot and thirsty. I also only had 6 hour labors with both of them.
I know when my sister in law went into labor she called me and asked me to bring over a feast! We ate a ton of food before my brother made it home from work to take her to the hospital. They may advise against it, but she ate a ton before she checked into L&D, and I intend to do the same if possible since my hospital also allows only water and ice during labor.
The only reason they don't want you to eat is in case you need a general anaesthetic, as the risk of food getting in your lungs is slightly increased. But if you weren't pregnant, had a car accident, and needed an operation immediately, they wouldn't say no just because you'd eaten an hour beforehand. So if they can do it in that situation, then I think the benefits of eating in labour well outweigh the teeny tiny risk you will need a general anaesthetic and the even teenier tinier risk you would aspirate

Boofle, that's exactly the situation I was thinking of! If another random accident occured and you needed surgery they would not ask you about your food intake prior to - they would rush you to surgery. I'm sure they're just trying to reduce unecessary risks, but I agree that you need food and energy to labor!

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