***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

I remember watching an episode of one born every minute one time and the girl was eating a mars bar an the midwife told her to put it away due to a slower digestive system during labour! I remember thinking I would have likely slapped the midwife if it were me :haha:
lol i plan on sneaking if i had too. my mom was in labor for 18 hours with me, pushed for 3 hours and was so hungry. still her biggest complain.. not how long or painful.. but how hungry..

i just don't want to get caught lol!!
eh, the worst that will happen is they'll tell you to put it away. Bottom line is, it's your body, you're paying them, and you're in charge. It should be the experience you want it to be, even if that means eating :) I'm sure I'll sneak a few snacks as well.
Whoa thinking of only an epidural for a csection freaks me out!! Do they just up the dose or something? Csection in general scares me for silly reasons mostly what if they cut me and I can feel it? Or they mess up some other organ during. Since I had a vaginal birth before I keep thinking the only reason id have to get a section is if baby is too big. Which is possible :( I was 8.9 pounds my husband was 10 pounds and our son was 7 at 37 weeks so if he went to 40 weeks I'm sure he would've been bigger. Scary!!

I was much more scared with my first than this time. This time I just hope I make it there in time for pain meds and baby isn't too big. How do they know if baby is head down with out an ultrasound?
I am scheduled for a c-section and on my pre-surgery notes I am not allowed to eat the night before after mid-night. But like Boofle said, they would not deny me if it was not scheduled so I intend to have something light and small. Maybe even broth and juice, better than nothing. Especially since they wont let me eat again until the morning after surgery and all I get is broth and jello. I cant go 24 hours without food, fresh out of surgery, and BF my newborn. I need food for fuel. I understand there reasons but thet are going to have to respect my body my choice.
I ate a chocolate bar during my labour, it was great! I had an epidural too :haha: naughty, naughty!
I'm not allowed to eat after midnight...when the day comes...this week *gulp* but then I am having a general anaesthetic so it makes a difference I guess. Last time I didn't eat for more than 12 hours I ended up puking everywhere all over a bus so I'm hoping I get the op done with early in the morning.
My hospital is scary, it even says in my notes if I'm late to arrive on the morning they'll cancel the op!! What if we get stuck in traffic? Aaaargh!
With my first I was so hungry during labor that all I talked about was what I wanted to eat when I was done! LOL. I had a whole list of things i wanted. Thankfully I was thinking about having food when I was done, and the hospital I deliver at has good cafeteria food, so I ordered a sandwich and salad and a slew of other things before they closed the kitchen for the night.( baby girl was born at 114am.) The nurses tucked it away in their fridge and I ate as soon as I was in the recovery room. Best meal I ever had! LOL. With second I had DH sneak me in a sub and I ate off it throughout.

In other news- I have a feeling I am getting close to labor! My bump has dropped, I lost more mucus plug, and weirdest of all, my DH is on edge. More so then me. He has been calling me every few hours from work asking if anything is happening. He only got like that the first two times the week or so before babies were born! I know it is a silly thing to go off, but DH and I are very in tune with each other, so i take stake in what he says:thumbup:
I think it's sweet you and your DH are so intune :) My DH has had every pregnancy symptom in the book! He thinks we're one in the same... I think he has no idea what I actually go through on a daily basis :haha: It'll be interesting to see if he's like your DH when labor is near :)
So last week I was 75% effaced, dilated to 1cm. This week, I'm not effaced at all, still dilated to 1, but only the "outer cervix". :dohh: I was shocked - didn't think it was possible to regress, but after looking into it a bit, it sounds like it can happen with stress. DH has a serious case of the plague (probably the flu), and my son is coming down with it as well. I've been steering clear of my bedroom and bathroom, been sleeping in the basement, but I haven't felt 100% either. I really think it's my body's way of protecting the baby - making sure he doesn't make his appearance with all this illness. I'm trusting my body that it knows what it's doing, but I have to say it was a little discouraging today to hear that my cervix has completely regressed.

Last week my doctor was talking about inducing me this week, but it sounds like she's going to allow me to get to my due date (but not beyond)! Yay! I'm trying to avoid induction, so I was happy to hear this. Also, baby isn't big like she thought he was - he's 40th %tile and about 6lbs 11oz. at this point. :thumbup:
Too bad about regressing Cridge, that's frustrating. Part of why I don't want to have checks! You just cannot predict...

Glad to hear he is a nice weight and you're happy to wait an avoid induction...it is so much harder on our bodies!

As for the plague, you definitely have antibodies in your system for it since your household is covered in the virus. So baby is currently getting those and will get even more through colostrum! I'm sure he will be fine, I just hope YOU don't get sick in time for labour. Yikes! I am paranoid right now because everyone is sick and I wanna be 100% for this experience!
Boohiss for regressing, but yay for some sort of deadline!
Exactly Gaiagirl! I'm so afraid of getting too sick right now. I'm not 100% as it is, but definitely not as bad as DH. I did think that hopefully the baby is getting my antibodies right now. Is there risk of them getting the illness if I happen to come down with it completely? How does that work for babies if mom is totally sick?

Anyway, I'm happy for him to stay put until the plague lifts from our house. I don't even think they'd allow dh in the delivery room at this point. :wacko:
i didn't know you could regress either!! i was 1cm and 60% effected last time.. now i am worried when i go thursday! eekk maybe it's better to be in the dark!
Wishful - I really don't think it happens a lot, and I really think it happened to me because of stress/illness. At least, that's what I'm telling myself to feel better about it. Odd thing is, I could have sworn I would have been more progressed because of what's been going on the last week - way more bh, some with back pain, tons of stabbing-like pains in my cervix, tons of pressure...:shrug: Who knows. But I'm trusting my body that it knows what it's doing and I'm not convinced that just because I regressed that doesn't mean labor is any further away.
I had an epidural but then they put in a spinal block when I had to have a c section as the epi was wearing off (so they say - I thought they just weren't topping it up!)

I was sick when I first started having contractions at about 2am and then didn't eat until early evening that day but I don't remember wanting to eat until then. I was so hungry when I was put in the post natal ward and some meanie brought over the food that the previous lady had ordered (they did't realise she had been discharged) but I had been told no food so they left this tray in front of me whilst they went to check if I could eat it!! 1 hour later I was still waiting with it in front of me. Torture.
Oh that must have been the pits f&c!!! What a horrible thing they did!
Weirdly I suddenly felt nauseous and have just been sick. Feeling a bit better now although struggling with a bit of toast. I don't think this is a stomach bug so am guessing it's probably pregnancy related?

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