***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Had my ob appointment today, uneventful as usual. Weight gain is fine, told me the sickness at night is more than likely me sleeping on my back which is a no no, he told me to buy a body pillow to keep from going on my back but me, my son, my husband AND a body pillow in a queen size bed? Not possible! They did strep b? Test where they swabbed vaginally, didn't have that with my son. Doctor said ill be checked at 39 weeks and that is it! "Most women find it uncomfortable and don't like to know they aren't progressing" um I'm not one of those women and ill take a finger in the vagina any day since ill be having an 8 +pound baby coming out of it! It's not THAT uncomfortable :nope: what a let down. I'm now on weekly visits which is pointless to me if I just go to get weighed and hear heartbeat
sorry daddiesgift. my checks hardly hurt at all :shrug: i had a yeast infection last time so the outside was painful (sorry tmi) but the actual exam was painless. i am not sure i like how he just assumes what all women want.. like its universal!
I have a baby who likes to poke me in the bladder with their hands :haha:

Sorry you are disappointed with your doc appointments DG - here in the UK we don't get any vaginal exams whatsoever until we are offered sweeps. Our visits are less frequent too depending on what area we are in - it all varies so much
i am not sure i like how he just assumes what all women want.. like its universal!

Exactly!! Shouldn't that be a decision you as the patient get to make? Sorry your appointment was a let down, DG.
Today I have finally washed some clothes, blankets, etc! Do/did you guys hang all your clothes or fold them and put them in drawers? Also, i have so many 3 months clothes I don't even know if I should wash them all or not. Would 10 sets of 3 month outfits be enough? Thanks for any input girls. :)
I haven't washed everything, but I am going to fold sleepers and put them in drawers and hang "day time" outfits. I think 10 is a good starting point, but you may need more ready since baby will likely have a few blow outs and spit up accidents in their clothes... you'll probably be changing at least 1-2 times a day I would think (but this is my first... not speaking from experience here, just from what others have told me)
Another question. I have a box of 216 stage 1 diapers- do you think I'll need to buy more? How quickly do they grow out of one size?
Thanks Mrs. I think I have like 20-25 outfits in 3 months so I was just wondering. I guess each baby grows at different rates.
Samia - up until a week ago Sunday, my little guy would still go transverse occasionally from the head-down position (which he's mostly been in for a couple of months). He was like that for much of the day that day and once he went back to head-down, he hasn't flipped around since. I don't think you need to worry too much at this point, but bouncing on the ball or getting on all 4's will help baby to get in proper position. They also say don't recline and spend as much time leaning forward as you can.

I've washed all my 0-3 month stuff, which I only have a handful, and some of my 3-6 month, but not all. I had way too many clothes with #1 (all hand-me downs or gifts so I didn't pay attention to how many). It depends on your baby. I didn't have to change #1 very often due to blow-outs or leaky diapers, so I had a lot of outfits that only got worn once or never at all. I would say start with 10 and if you find that you're running low once baby is in that size, then you can wash more. Otherwise, you can take some back if you find you don't need that many.
babyfeva - it all depends on how big your baby is when born. My little guy grew out of size one by the time he was a month old (I think I used newborn the first week as well). I counted and he used about 10 diapers a day, so that's how I've been judging what I'll need. I would stick with what you have for now and wait until baby is here to decide if you'll need more. Once s/he's a few weeks or month old, you'll be able to go buy more diapers if you need to... or at least send someone out to do it for you!
I guess that's it I'm just not use to how they do things here. Though I'm American I had my whole pregnancy and birth then this pregnancy to 20 weeks in Germany at a German hospital. There I went every three weeks then two then once a week each and every time recieving an ultrasound. Then from about 30 weeks on I was hooked to contraction monitor each appointment then 35 on cervix checked each time. They also told you each appt how big baby was. If they wouldn't have been doing this my son no doubt would've been premature.

Here I go, pee in a cup, get weighed, hear babies heart beat, then doctor comes in asks if I have questions and that's it! My appt from time I signed in till I left has never been more than 15 minutes :( I just feel out of the loop. I have no idea what he looks like, how big he is, if he looks healthy, which way he's facing. Oh well guess we"ll know soon enough.

As for clothes washing I have everything from newborn to 12 months hung since its mostly Dominic's hand me downs. Now when Dominic's clothes stop fitting I just go hang them in babies closet! It's cram packed! You change babies a lot but there was still clothes with tags on them from my son since they grow so fast! Especially first months.

As for diapers newborn lasted us a month. He was 7pounds. I'd say he would've stayed in 3s longest. He's cloth diapered but for childcare and when I strip the cloth ones he will put a disposable on and from 8-14 months he's been fitting into 3s. So stock up on those :)

A lot of times babies go straight to 1s so don't buy too many newborns
I have washed the newly bought stuff so far(most 50 and 56 clothes)(different sizes here- 50 = newborn 56 next size up )(btw I really do like German kids sizes because they are indiscriminatory of age :haha: ) I would have been so depressed having to shop at 12 years clothing when i was 14-15 :p
Anyway we work in cm height, and increments of 6.
(so the whole scale goes from 46(preemie) to 182)
I put it also into shelves, . I still havent got enough cloth nappies, I need to get some more with the next load I bought it should be about 19 or so. So havent finished shopping on that front yet. no alarm on the sposie side though as my sister donated her left overs from her second son born in march(as well as numerous other clothes).
I've washed all our up to 10lb clothes, and 0-3 clothes. We have some 3-6 month stuff, but will hold off on buying more till we see how fast he is growing x
Yes I 'll be doing the same as I have noo idea how fast she'll grow. surely not as fast as her big cousins :haha:

oh on a side note,
click if you dare. contents: a hell lot of stretchmarks, and even stretchmarks with stretchmarks.....
Haha, that is impressive morri! Beautiful of course...but I feel for ya. :flower:

I don't know how I have been lucky enough to escape stretch marks *so far* but now that I have typed that out, I am sure I have jinxed myself...
Aww Morri - I feel for you - I've got just about the same when it comes to stretch marks. :nope: I just see it as my battle wounds - something to be proud of. Of course, my mom and sister have not ONE stretch mark (5 and 4 kids later), so I don't know how I got the lucky gene with those! :dohh:
Thats a lovely bump.
I got bad stretch marks quite early on with my DS, they are starting to look a bit more stretched out now but no new ones so far as my bump is still tiny.
I just look at my son and think I got them from making something so amazing.

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