***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Here's my thing on weight gain during pregnancy... Everyone is different. Every body is different. Every pregnancy is different. I agree you shouldn't use it as an excuse to eat like a cow, but seriously! Everyone is going to gain in different places and at different rates, so as long as you're healthy and the baby is healthy, then don't mind what people say. I know it's hard to let roll off (especially weight comments!), but try to brush it off. I think that's one subject people should just steer clear of bringing up with a pregnant lady!
Totally agree Mrs, we're all different as are our babies. Try to let it brush over your shoulders, easier said than done, especially with all these hormones!

It's interesting seeing how different things are between the US and UK. Sweeps are always a first option here. To be honest they only really work if your cervix is soft and maybe a little dilated, but if they work you do avoid a medical induction which really is a last resort here. I do know someone who went into labour straight after her sweep on her way out the maternity units door! 10 hours later baby was here! but i also know people who it has made no difference too at all!
I had a sweep done with #1 - that was in St. Louis, MO. It did absolutely nothing for me. :( I'm sure my doc would have done one now, but she couldn't get much past my "outer cervix" (apparently, for second+ babies, your cervix dilates more in a cone shape rather than all at once... so they call it inner and outer cervix). I've had a lot of friends have sweeps done, so I don't think it's that unusual in the States.

It is definitely easier to talk a doc into an induction here than the UK. I'm all for going into labor naturally (still really hoping I do), but I'm grateful to have a doc that is easily open to an induction as long as it's not too early. My hospital doesn't allow elective inductions before 39 weeks, so I think that's a really good thing. I've seen too many friends get induced at 37 weeks just because they didn't want to wait it out. :wacko:

Ooh - and the weight thing! I'm up 34 pounds and at my last appointment I had gained 2 pounds in a week. My doc said "oh, your weight is up"... really?! :haha: But much of my weight gain is all the water I'm retaining, so even though I *should* have only gained like 20 pounds, 35 pounds is still decent because I've retained so much water. Everyone is so different and I've seen people gain 60 pounds just to lose it all in a month or two. Don't let people's comments bother you!
I agree that weight gain can really vary. I'm a stone lighter than I was with my last pregnancy but don't have the water retention this time so I don't think it's necessarily to do with my diet.

I'm getting a tad fed up with my mw. I saw her at 34 weeks and she said she was on holiday for 2 weeks so to book my next appointment with the Dr (who doesn't know where the baby lies and never correctly measures my fundal or records it) but she's now fully booked for my 38 week appointment too so technically I'm now not meant to see her until I'm overdue. Surely I should be discussing sweeps etc with her before then as there's a waiting list? I really don't want to leave it late as don't want to be induced as I'm trying for a vbac. Also I was meant to be offered a growth scan if my fundal was still measuring small but the Dr isn't checking it properly. I left a message for my midwife yesterday and she never called and now she's off until next Tuesday. Grr.
Ob appt today, yet again uneventful :( he checked to see if my waters ruptured since I've been having very wet underwear last few days but he said it was just cervical mucos. I asked how everything looked and he said "fine". Ugh details please! But I guess he didn't check cervix ect. Then I asked when the non stress tests begin and he said "I don't see why you'd need that" um cause I went into preterm labor with my son!! But he said at this point they won't stop labor so bring it on. Frustrating I guess ill just sit here and pray he's not huge, that he's head down and that my body is working okay. I really miss my old ob :cries:

I booked my mothers ticket today for 19-dec2nd I'm due the 28th :/ of course our original dates had to be changed since airline tickets went up $100+! So let's all hope for the best.

Happy Halloween to all that celebrate! My son is batman, but during the day he wore a tux as Bruce Wayne :haha: taking him a few places to play and trick or treat later.
I think here they try natural stuff to start you first if you don#t go naturally, and then they go one notch up , for each attempt that isnt working.
Cod liver oil is supposed to be a very good starter,
aww daddie i bet your son was adorable!!! sorry for your disappointing appointment. i would be anxious too if i didn't know what was going on either. can he tell he is head down by just feeling around?
f&c - my midwifes normal clinic is a tues and she was fully booked, so she had to run another to fit us all in. It really isnt good enough not getting seen till you are overdue - I would be contacting someone higher up the change than her.

daddies - if you asked position of baby, will he tell you? xxx
F&C that's rubbish :( is there an antenatal clinic at your hospital you can get an appt at?
I've managed to get the receptionist to book me in one of her breaks when I'm 39+2. I'm not sure if I should also book one for the following week as well before she gets full? What do you think?
I would - I booked my next two even though I might not need them x
i booked mine months in advance so i could get good times but stop[ed at 40 weeks because my husband said i was jinxing it if i went past 40 weeks LOL

i would book now though F&C
Thanks, I will book another appointment as soon as they open.

Happy November people!!! xxx
Wishful, annoyingly they have never let me book far in advance as apparently they never have the drs / midwives schedules for more than a few weeks ahead. So stupid as she always works just Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
oh how annoying! we can book 12 weeks in advance!

can not believe its novemberr!!!! been waiting for this day since march 2nd, the day i found out!!

happy november to all!!!!!
Yep I'd book your next one in too :thumbup:

Happy November ladies :) excited to hear of the arrival of all of these little cuties that are due soon!
That's crap F&C! at least you get to be seen before you're 40 weeks, i would totally book your 40 wk appt now too!
Happy November!

I asked about finding out if baby was head down and they said they check at 39 weeks!! What is with this magical date of 39 weeks that they don't check for ANYTHING till then. No peace of mind what so ever!

I'm hurting BAD worse than ever and idk why. I'm not having contractions except the usual ones here or there but since yesterday really REALLY low is throbbing! Like I can feel my heart beat at times :nope: I can barely walk at all and even lifting leg to get in bed has me in tears. Idk what I did. It started before walking around for trick or treating so I know its not that and if its he dropped then he must be crowning how this feels!! I'm going to relax and see if it gets better

I felt so ill in the night last night. I was hours with that pain, feeling sweaty, horrible heartburn and sour stomach. My husband even woke up to check on me. He had to help me get dressed and into bed.
:hugs: DG - I hate to hear about how uncomfortable and ill you're feeling. Hopefully it just means baby is getting close to making his arrival. Hang in there!

F&C I agree you should book now! I booked all of my appointments when I was 16 weeks along. I've got everything booked up to a possible induction date (they'll only let me go over 7 days).
daddiesgift-i felt like that last week after walking too much. couldnt even step in and out of shower. the pain was sharp and sore and i was in agony. i was able to rest awhile though as i don't have a little one to take care of. hope you feel better soon xx

off to appointment soon... hoping for good news but going in thinking i have stayed the same!

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