***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

We'll be looking forward to your update. FX'd you've made some progress!!
I suppose I should post this, seeing as I seemingly forgot until now haha!

Lottie Flora was born on 25th October at 9.21am - perfectly to plan and could not have gone better. I met her around 11am and was told all her stats, well, her weight anyway which was 7lb11 - 9oz less than my big girl despite being three weeks earlier :).

Here are some pics, hope you don't mind :)
Ah congrats Beth!! she's a cutie! hope you're recovering well from your c sec x

Daddies, sorry you're feeling so bad, I' not as bad as you but by the end of the day my pelvis feels like it's about to split in half. definitely worse as baby has got heavier and lower! but it may be worse as you have a little one to run around after too!

How did you appointment go Wishfull?
Beth!! So cute!! :) Glad that all went well. I hope you recover quickly.

Daddies-That's how I've felt since I was 16 weeks. SPD is not fun. It has gotten worse the bigger I've gotten. I've had to wake my husband up to literally roll me over. Its very uncomfortable and the main reason I want to have this baby soon. It shouldn't hurt this bad to roll over or walk.
Thanks for the update, Beth! She is beautiful! And I'm so glad to hear everything went smoothly :)
so before i posted last i hadnt really felt baby which wasnt like him. so i drank cold water and apple juice.. did all the regular stuff but didnt feel him so when i got to the drs i mentioned it right away and she sent me to labor and delivery. it has been over two hours since anything by the time i got to the hospital and before those 2 hrs i only felt a dull nudge. i dont think i took a breath the entire drive. he just barely passed his stress test but he passed and his heart sounded good. i cried my eyes out. the nurse was like wow are you having some contractions!!! so i was like okay... these cramps are something!!

but sadly when the dr checked me i was 1cm still. i got really excited for nothing. i am exhausted now and need a nap. ugh.

oh and ive had two other cervical checks and felt NO pain. the dr that did it at L&D made me almost jump off the table. not to be dramtic but it was some of the worst pain i have ever felt. whats up with that?
Awe, Wishful :( sorry they got your hopes up for nothing, but maybe after that painful check (think maybe it was a sweep, too???) you'll progress a little more!
Beth, she's gorgeous! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

Wishful, I'm glad everything is ok but boo to getting your hopes up unnecessarily. FX things have started though.

Daddies and Ashley, ouchie. I really feel for you both.

So I was going to make the appointment for 40+2 but then remembered I am booked in to see the consultant at 40+4 (due to having a c section last time) so I guess that's to discuss my options?
She's adorable Beth! I'm so glad everything went well!!

Wishful - that's scary! I have days where I feel like my little guy isn't moving much and I spend a lot of my time practically holding my breath to see when he's going to move again. It hasn't been bad enough to get checked (every time I really start to worry, he goes nuts on me), but it's something I've been keeping an eye on. Very scary!!
bethanchloe she looks so much like ur other daughter!!

She does sometimes and others she doesn't it's weird hehe - I don't think they're going to be similar when they're bigger but then I can't really know yet :) - so exciting!
I never really heard of SPD till now :( I sure hope that's not what it is!! And if it is I hope it goes away after birth. Does it usually just pop up? I didn't do anything straining yesterday, I noticed it when at the park and it got worse from there. Still not any better and I've been hanging out all day. Guess if its not better by my appt. Wednesday I"ll bring it up.

It actually started after my husband got into a fight so I don't really remember what I was doing. Soo stupid we went to park and a truck full of young guys stopped next to our car howling at me (yeah 9 months prego over here) and one guy flipped his tongue at me, so my husband started yelling at him to not disrespect his wife ect the guy got out of truck and asked what he was going to do and my husband punched him in the face :nope: then all the guys got out of the truck and tried to jump my husband!! You ladies have no idea how shocked and scared I was!! My husband is usually so calm and collective barely raising his voice. Any who my husband was fine only one scratch on his face and arm and the main guy was pouring blood from his face! And the other guys just backed off and told us to leave! An officer had came right after and said these guys had been causing trouble and already had police called on them... AT A KIDS PARK!!

So maybe in the ruckus I pulled something. My son was still In his car seat watching his Elmo movie during all this. How insane!!
OMG!!! DG!!! That is one of the craziest things I've heard of! I'm so glad you and your DH are okay! I can't believe that happened at a kids park... and so glad your son was preoccupied with the movie - I can't imagine what that would have done to him if he had witnessed it. Such a crap situation... again, so glad you're all okay!
Blimen hec, thank goodness you are all ok! I can understand he must have been angry but with a heavily pregnant wife and his child in the car he should have just driven off.

SPD can be really nasty. My friend on this site had it badly and in honesty it got worse for a week after the birth. She had to have crutches etc. x
Thanks! I was understanding of my husband but also a little mad at him cause you never know how crazy other people can be and our 14 month old is around. I told him to just leave it alone but he said no I'm saying something then it got out of hand. I have a temper and I know once I get pushed there is no stopping me so I think that happened with him. Things could've been worse so I'm thankful they weren't. Five years of marriage and I've never seen him fight anyone! Oh well it's over and everyone on this side is fine!

Bethanchloe you ło is beautiful! Doesn't have that "new baby look" at all. I'm beyond excited to see what ours looks like
I hope it's not SPD and just baby getting ready to debut. My mother is due to come the 19th so hopefully he comes that night :haha: a girl can dream!
Holy cow Daddiesgift!! That is crazy! You certainly have some crazy things happen to you! :hugs: I'm glad everyone is okay! Hopefully the pain will subside soon!!
Beth lcongrats she looks lovely and indeed so much like your other daughter.
Wishful that sounds really scary, mines been really active and it would be really strange if she starts being quiet all the time Id probably freak out. Good luck on a quick progress .
Beth - Congrats!!! She's absolutely gorgeous :)

Daddies - how scary!! EEk glad it wasn't any worse than it was!
oooh daddies how scary, glad it didn't result in more serious injuries though.

About SPD, a friend of mine had it from 20 weeks in her 2nd pregnancy and was on crutches with it. But as soon as her little girl was born it improved dramatically and was totally fine within a week.

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