***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Lol Cridge. I can't wait to sleep on my stomach!!! I can't believe I'm being induced tomorrow!! I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight...
Yay Ashley!!! Good luck tomorrow! Try to get some sleep tonight, but I know it'll be hard!! Dh asked me today if I'm nervous for Monday. NOPE - let's get er done! I'm sure I won't be able to sleep tomorrow night though!
good luck ashley and cridge good luck to you on monday!!!

i just wrote this in 3rd tri board but i thought i'd copy and paste here. sorry it is so long. any advice is helpful. :hugs:

i have a panic disorder and have been having extremely bad panic attacks everyday.
usually i have bad anxiety through out the day that then leads up to a full on panic attack at night that lasts hours. i have shortness of breath, chocking feeling in throat, my arms go numb, dry heaves etc. i take two different kinds of medicines usually, but one is too dangerous and the other doesn't seem to be working.

i was lucky most of my pregnancy and hardly had any anxiety and only a few attacks, but in the past few weeks they have been getting worse and worse. not sure its because i am at the end, not sleeping well, hormones are changing or what but i am miserable.

my DD is next sunday, but my husband, nor i believe i should be pregnant any longer for the sake of myself or our son. i feel guilty when i have the attacks, which just make them worse.

problem is, very early on in my pregnancy i mentioned i had the disorder to a midwife (I know have a doctor) and she made me feel stupid for bringing it up. basically she said "we don't deal with the stuff here". i just thought she should know i have it :shrug:. anyways, i am now kind of scared to bring it up and don't see the point. i just feel like unless it's a medical problem (high BP, GD etc.) they don't care. plus i know once i bring it up the tears will start flowing and i
become a mess lol.

i also don't want to here about meditation or breathing.. because trust me if that worked I would do it all day!!!

so basically i want to know what you girls think... you don't really need to have panic to give advice.. i was just wondering if you guys would bring it up.

i'm i crazy to think they will induce me close, or on my DD for severe panic attacks?

sorry this so long and kind of a downer.
Good luck Ashley and Cridge!!

Wishful do you take medicine now? I think you should bring it up its your baby and body you know what's best and you're not asking for early induction you're asking for your due date. Anxiety will be ampted up during labor so I'd ask for your medication pain relief now.

I use to have anxiety attacks but it was just an under lying problem (I have bi polar disorder) but I know how that feels and I'm sorry you go through that. Finding the right medication for my "problem" CHANGED my life. I don't take it during pregnancy but odd enough pregnancy has been the only time I've ever felt "normal". But after your baby is born I suggest you find something to help you because having a newborn-baby-toddler is overwhelming its not something you want to take on panicking. :hugs:
yes i takje two medications.. but one doesnt stop the panic attacks, and one i cant take while pregnant. i will start taking the regular meds as soon as LO is here :)
Wishful I would imagine a panic attack could effect your labour, although I'm not sure. I would imagine it would raise your blood pressure, increase the strain on your heart and most obviously your body won't want to labour if it thinks you or your baby are under threat. I would have thought it would be very important for your Dr to know. I would definitely mention it. Even if they won't induce you they will probably want to monitor you? Sorry you're going through this.

We hosted a party for my dh yesterday and man I'm aching today!
i agree F&C. i dont have an appt until friday, my DH thinks i should try and get in earlier but she is always booked way in advanced. i dont want to talk over the phone either. so we will see.

sorry you're aching...get some rest today! although sometimes when i get cramps and such i get excited haha

edit: also i was scared to post this as i feel guilty putting LO through all this... i feel like a bad mom. so thanks for no judging :)
Oh hun, no one in their right mind would judge you for this! I am sure at this stage LO really isn't being effected but it's good to get professional advice.

Are you booked in to see your Dr or MW? I would definitely book with your Dr. Do they do cancellations on the day that you could book?

:hugs: wishful - no one would judge you! Hope you manage to speak to the doctor.

No baby signs here at the moment I'm afraid

good luck ashley and cridge good luck to you on monday!!!

i just wrote this in 3rd tri board but i thought i'd copy and paste here. sorry it is so long. any advice is helpful. :hugs:

i have a panic disorder and have been having extremely bad panic attacks everyday.
usually i have bad anxiety through out the day that then leads up to a full on panic attack at night that lasts hours. i have shortness of breath, chocking feeling in throat, my arms go numb, dry heaves etc. i take two different kinds of medicines usually, but one is too dangerous and the other doesn't seem to be working.

i was lucky most of my pregnancy and hardly had any anxiety and only a few attacks, but in the past few weeks they have been getting worse and worse. not sure its because i am at the end, not sleeping well, hormones are changing or what but i am miserable.

my DD is next sunday, but my husband, nor i believe i should be pregnant any longer for the sake of myself or our son. i feel guilty when i have the attacks, which just make them worse.

problem is, very early on in my pregnancy i mentioned i had the disorder to a midwife (I know have a doctor) and she made me feel stupid for bringing it up. basically she said "we don't deal with the stuff here". i just thought she should know i have it :shrug:. anyways, i am now kind of scared to bring it up and don't see the point. i just feel like unless it's a medical problem (high BP, GD etc.) they don't care. plus i know once i bring it up the tears will start flowing and i
become a mess lol.

i also don't want to here about meditation or breathing.. because trust me if that worked I would do it all day!!!

so basically i want to know what you girls think... you don't really need to have panic to give advice.. i was just wondering if you guys would bring it up.

i'm i crazy to think they will induce me close, or on my DD for severe panic attacks?

sorry this so long and kind of a downer.

Hi, I'm really sorry to hear you have tried to get help for your panic and they haven't been at all helpful. What you are experiencing doesn't make you a bad mum as you are not to blame for having anxiety and panic. Remember that it is a normal reasonse that our bodies are designed to have when we feel unsafe, but sometimes that mechanism can get easily triggered and lead you to panic in situations where you feel it is not helpful / needed.

If you are in the UK then you should be able to self refer to an NHS service called IAPT. It was developed so that people could get easy access to such help without having to jump through hoops.

Medication can be helpful for panic / anxiety and sometimes it does take a while to find the right type and like you say, not all can be taken in pregnancy. however I would recommend psychological therapy. It may involve some breathing but its more about understanding the panic and learning to control it.

You did the right thing in raising the issue with your midwife, I'm just sorry that she was so dismissive. The other thing you can do is to make an appointment with your GP to ask for psychological therapy. The NICE (government) guidelines for anxiety suggest that therapy should be the first line of approach for anxiety, so you have full right to ask for such therapy

I would think you should have access to IAPT if you are in the UK as its national and I think it should cover all / most areas now

NICE guidelines / info from MIND

If you are outside the UK then I'm not quite sure how you access such work but I guess you might look for a private psychologist?
thank you so much for your response alandsa! i am outside the UK but we have programs that are somewhat similar here in the states. i do see a specific dr for my panic and have counseling already. i was diagnosed 12 years ago so its nothing new too me. she has her views (she thinks i should be induced on my due date as she thinks having a definite end will really help me). i will discuss this with my doctor and see what she thinks!

thanks again :hugs:
Sorry you're MW wasn't helpful wishful, I would definitely speak to your doctor about it and see what he says. I'm not sure if they'd induce you over here in the UK for that as inductions here are really only given if they are medically neccesary. I don't have any experience with panic attacks or anxiety, but does it affect your BP at all? That may be a reason in itself as that could affect yours and/or baby's health.
I also refuse to waddle, no you won't msee me waddling. :haha:
Wishful - sounds like a medical reason to induce to me. I would definitely talk to your doctor about it and get something scheduled. The unknown at this point can cause panic attacks even in people that don't deal with them regularly. Be forewarned though, having an induction date could cause panic attacks too! But I do think at this point - so near your DD - being induced for that reason isn't out of the question. GL!
Three more weeks till due date!! I still feel like I have months to go :) I just feel like he's not ready to come out and I'm not experiencing any labor signs.
See it's my due date tomorrow and I don't think she's ready anytime soon either Daddies ... he might surprise you :)

:hugs: wishful - I can't add anything else to what the ladies have already said to you .. but they are right, there can be no harm in discussing an induction with your Dr

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