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***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Congrats Ashley!!

My friend whose due a few days after me is having her baby today!! Not fair!! Lol sorry to you due date ladies :nope: you have me worried!

Nothing going on here and I have NO CLUE how to check cervix isn't everything in there soft? :haha: even if I did find it I don't know how to figure out what I'm feeling. Maybe I'll try later :winkwink:
Hi girls just a quick update, my yellow bundle turned into a beautiful baby girl on Nov 4th at 2am she weighs 7lb11 and we named her Katiya.

I will be posting a birth story shortly, pics are in my journal - link in my siggy, if anyone would like to see her xx
Congrats Sharon & Ashley!!

Ashley - I'd love to hear your induction story! Mine is going so slowly!

Wishful - my bubs has been all floaty floaty the last week or so - makes me feel less pregnant.

I started trying to check my cervix the last couple of weeks and it's still been too high. I don't understand how 3 weeks ago I was 75% effaced and then a week later nothing! I would say it was a mistake, but my doc didn't have to shove her fist up me at the 75% check, but ever since it's been fist up my hoohaw!

I'm sitting here in the hospital anticipating a very long induction process. Since my stinker of a cervix was still only 1cm and not really effaced, they gave me cervadil, which could take up to 12 hours to "work". If I go into labor on my own during that time, they'll start the pitocin, but otherwise, will wait until the 12 hours is up.... or longer. :( Dh was expecting a quick delivery, but it looks like we're going to be here for awhile. Boooo!
Congrats Sharon!!!

Cridge...hope it goes quickly for you and you deliver on my due date (not fair! Haha).
Welcome to all the new sparklers! Tomorrow would've been my due date!
Oh, Cridge! Sorry to hear things aren't progressing as quickly as I know you hoped they would. I hope things start to pick up and you get to hold that sweet baby boy!! Thinking of you xx
Hope all is well and things move along much faster Cridge.
Congratulations Ashley and Sharon! :)

Good luck, Cridge! Hope things start progressing soon xx
i dont get it either cringe! my first two cervical checks were a breeze! no pain and they hardly had to insert a finger. was 60% and 1cm then 1cm and 75%. now i am really high and it nearly kills me. feel like kicking the dr haha... oh i am going :wacko:
Hope things are going well Cridge.

How's the little one Lovealittle? X
Just an update for Cridge I saw on a different thread. :ninja: 's heart rate was dropping after the pitocin so she will be getting a c section at 7 am her time (roughly 4-5 hours from now).
Thanks ladies. Cridge- Wishing you luck with the section and a fast recovery. I should be released this morning but another 6 hours from now and I will get to story asap! :)
Congrats sharon fruit :).

My appt was midwife only toda., Heart beat is fine she seems to be very comfortable inside still :haha: She also hasnt moved down yet which the midwife thought was unusual for a first baby. WEell so she still has time to come :haha:

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