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***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

:hugs: Cridge. I guess it's happening about now. Hope the recovery is super quick and easy.

I had a mw appointment with my Dr today and she was impressed that I booked those appointments in with the mw even though I wasn't meant to. She says it was the right thing to do so thank you ladies for the advise.

She found protein in my urine so it's being sent off for testing and she also took some blood to see if my iron levels were ok. I admitted being crap at taking my tablets and she said she knew as they should have run out by now so I'm glad I didn't lie! ;)

Baby is very low down which she said was unusual for 2nd babies but possibly a good sign. He's possibly back to back so I need to spend more time on all 4s.

Other than that all is good. Still can't reach my cervix though!

Last night I felt a twange down below just like I did when my waters went last time but nothing happened. It did make it hit home though that it could happen any time. I must admit I cacked myself a little! (not literally!)
:haha: So Maybe our Babies talked to each other seeing mine is still quite high and is a first baby :haha:

I have had a bit of protein in my urine for ages but they aren't worried(and my mother who is a nurse isnt either) maybe it depends on the amount of protein.
Ugh, no matter what I go by...nov 1 or nov 5 - I am definitely overdue now!

Hope all is going well for Cridge!
:hugs: Cridge hope all is well!!

I tried to check cervix last night but I'm not sure what I'm checking for lol. It was pretty soft in there and my fingers never hit a bottom so maybe its still high? This was after sex too :blush: my husband doesn't understand sex for me is nearly impossible I'm not as limber as I once was! :haha: not to mention our son sleeps in our bed so we always have to do it in an awkward place.

Went to our organic store today for my sons snacks and I found raspberry leaf tea!! Doesn't look anything like the tea I've been drinking :doh: I also bought some mothers milk tea to help with supply.
I had the mw today - all fine with me and bubs but she wants me to go see the consultant to say I won't be induced until after t+14. Sigh. It's a hoop jumping exercise as he ultimately has to agree with me, so I don't see the point but tbh, I'm thinking I'll go and be a 'good girl' then forget about it as bubs will be out well before then x
Had my cervix checked today and nothing. :/ I guess we'll see what next week brings...
Okay ladies...
Heres a quick run down: I went in at 9AM the morning of the 4th. At 9:30 I was a fingertip dilated and got one dose (instead of 2) of cervadil since I was already contracting every 10-15 minutes. Within an hour I was contracting every 3-4minutes. An hour later I was at 3cm. At 2PM I asked for an epidural and at 2:30 my doctor came in and I was still at 3cm so he broke my water. I then got my epidural (which didn't work). Just before 3PM I was 6-7cm. Then, at 4:30 my doctor came and I was at 9cm. Next I knew I got some oxygen for baby to 'wake up' and I was set up and ready to push! I pushed for 10-15 minutes and she was here at 5:06pm.
The epidural was a waste of time and will be a waste of money as I felt EVERYTHING! Of course the pain is completely horrible but amazingly worth it after its all done and over with. Since she was 8lbs15oz and decided she didn't want to come out one shoulder at a time I got a 2nd degree tear which is not fun. Also, since I had SPD it has gotten much worse after delivery. So, that is our biggest challenge right now.
Baby Lanay is a wonderful addition to our family. She is a great baby so far and my family feels so complete with her. :)


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Ah Cridge - can't wait to see your update! Hopefully your little man is here now!? :)

Ahh so glad she's a good baby Ashley! :) She's gorgeous!! :)

Afm - had my midwife appointment yesterday. I was so ill the night before like really ill throwing up and the runs, and her movements were next to nothing, so got sent for a fetal monitoring. The midwife there said some women experience a HUGE surge in hormones before labour which cause the sickeness and runs I was experiencing (and as my OH and kids don't have any symptoms like this .. she said it's unlikely it was a bug but a clearout). They then put me on the machine and her heart rate was a bit erratic but nothing to be worried about. Was also contracting every 10 minutes - they got worse over the evening, BUT, when I went to bed they just stopped and am getting one in maybe every 30 mins :shrug: She thinks she'll be here by the end of the week but am doubtful to be honest. Am just so fed up of these stop starts but hey won't be too much longer ... another 12 days maximum :dohh: Have my sweep booked for Monday and induction booked for 12 days time :(
:hugs: Charlie - hope bubs is here soon for you.

5 days over here - no signs as yet! xxx
Come on Phoebe!!! Quit giving momma the run around and come on out already! :)

Checked my cervix again this morning... lower, softer, and I maybe a fingertip dilated?? What's a fingertip in cm?? :haha: I'm so ready for this baby to come on out... I'm wearing flip flops at work today (very professional environment, but I don't care!!)
When I pop! :nope: Unless there is a medical reason for me to be on bedrest before I go into labor that is... Any time I decide to take off before labor is time I'm taking away from being at home with my baby, so I'm going to hold on until the bitter end.
Hang in there ladies!

The nurses thought my due date could have been off because of how big she was.

Mrs. Fingertip is basically 1cm. It is hard to check your own cervix. If you can actually get your finger through the cervix to feel baby's head that is where they check for dilation. The outside of your cervix doesn't count (especially in 2nd or more times moms). Just FYI. Our nurse was awesome and she told us all kinds of things.
Oh wow... well definitely was not able to feel his head! I'm sure that would have freaked me out a little :haha: Good information to know, though!
Cridge had her little boy and all is well; her computer battery pooped out so it looks like just a brief update in her journal!

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