so here is my story!
Thursday at 7am I started feeling pressure on my tailbone that was pretty intense but i honestly thought i needed to have a bowel movement. it got increasing worse and then i started to feel intense waves. since there was no pain in my pelvic or stomach area it was kind of hard to time the contractions because the pain was constant but had hikes of worse pain. My husband and i recorded them and they were 7 minutes apart and about 45 seconds long. so i went to my ultrasound as planned and when we got back the pain was getting really intense. the contractions were solely in my back and thighs. when we started counting contractions they were all over the
place! sometimes 7 minutes apart, sometimes 4,3, and lasting all different lengths too! i was so scared to call the doctor because i figured they weren't regular and sometimes only lasted as short as 30 seconds. my worst fear was to go in and have be sent home so i wanted to make sure it was the real deal. my DH was convinced it was but with the times being all over the over the place i was scared of false labor. the pain then starting to get take my breath away so i decided to call. she said it might be false labor, but we will get you checked out. the drive to the hospital was the worse drive of my life! i started getting nervous because i could be in this much pain and it might not be the real thing! the nurses took my vitals and monitored baby heart beat and the doctor came right in and did an exam.i was there all of 10 minutes and he tells us we are 7cm! i almost passed out! i wasn't even going to call... DH had to convince me. oops! i was praying to be at least 3cm, so when he ever said 7cm i almost passed out haha. i was SO happy that all this intense back pain was actually doing something! haha i still can't believe i labored that long at home before going. so i wasn't sure if i could still get the epidural because my dr said he likes them in no longer then 6cm. so i freaked out a bit because i wasn't sure i could take another contractions, it was insane how much my back hurt! so i was close to 8 when i got the epidural and started pushing an hour after the epidural was placed and he appeared an hour and half later!! it seems like a total blur. i never thought i'd be that progressed when i got in and also the days leading up to yesterday i felt no signs.. nothing! calm before the storm i guess!
so my son is the most beautiful and well behaved baby. and as i said early, he was 7lbs 5 ounces and 20 inches long. he has dark brown hair and looks just like his daddy, but has mommys nose!! he doesn't cry or fuss much at all which is fine by me!
i had a 2nd degree tear and a severely bruised tailbone that i have to get check on in a week, a dr from the ER came up and said i might need x-rays.. i also pushed so hard and used every body part (i know you're not suppose to but easier said then done lol) so i have a neck strain, two pinches nerves and my face feels like it was slammed against the wall! walking is difficult because of the bruise and the top of my body feels like a train ran over it! i haven't been able to interact much with my son because i can't move. this started to really get to me and i cried a lot last night. i know that i need to recover but i just wish i could hold him, feed him, change his diapers etc. i feel like a bad mommy
these last two days i found out it is possible to love my husband and more then i already did. he is amazing with his son and is basically doing it alone at this point. it seems like everything came natural to him. we are both very lucky!
we get to go home at dinner time tonight. excited and nervous at the same time!
here are a few other pictures. the second one shows off how much he loves stretching
i wanted to thank everyone on these boards. it has been a great experience to share everything with all of you. you guys have helped me out so much. can't wait for everyone else to go! i will check in as much as possible!
and love to you all!