***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Congrats gaiagirl! Can't wait for you guys to be back home and look forward to your story.
Congratulations to all the new mummies :)
For those who are overdue I know exactly how you feel as my DS was 10 days over and I had an induction date set though luckily we didnt need it. This time I'm happy for baby to stay put as long as he/she wants as its all time I get to spoil my son.
Congrats Charlie and Gaia! I'm loving coming on every day and seeing more and more birth stories but like you Daddies it's killing me! I still have over a week until my due date and could then go another 2 weeks.. aaggghh!

Everything hurts now - hips, back etc. Soo ready to have the baby but am trying to make the most of my 'easy' life now as I know how hard it will soon become (but obviously utterly amazing too!!).

Re waters v cervical mucus - it's a tricky one. Waters shouldn't smell and if they do it should be sweet. When mine went last time I felt what was like an elastic band twanging and then I walked to the loo (nothing came out) and only when I sat down did it start to trickle. I couldn't stop it and it was a steady stream. When I stood up it stopped again. I would say if it's relatively regular and happens every time you change position then it's likely to be your waters. x
Hey Ladies! Just wanted to let you know that Finley arrived last night at 10:53pm! He was 6lbs 11oz and is so absolutely perfect!

We did manage to have the home birth we planned and I'll update a birth story soon!

We have had to be admitted to the hospital because Finley had trouble with feeding and had low blood sugar. He's doing great and we should be back home soon! Will update when we are!

Congrats! Can't wait to hear your story! Finley weighed the same as Jude!
I had my baby at 36+1 on Nov. 1st :) Gavin Edward weighed in at 4# 8 oz. and 17 inches. I went for my weekly NST, fluid check and an MFM consult to determine if they wanted to deliver at 37 weeks (baby was IUGR, my fluid levels were low for weeks, and I have HBP) so to my surprise, when my BP was high, they told me they could not send me home and that my dr. wanted to deliver that day! Thankfully all is good and we are enjoying our little man (his 4 sisters are THRILLED to have a brother!!)
Congratulations to all the new mums and your new arrivals.

I have a couple of weeks until my due date but don't feel ready just yet. Got a list of things that we need to do in the flat then I can relax. Although I did have my first raspberry tea today!
Here's my birth story :flower:

So on the 8th, I decided to take the boys for a long walk along the river. However, I felt no different except a lot of pressure on my cervix and some plug. I left most of the cleaning as I said to OH 'she's not coming anytime soon' ... haha!

Woke up at 1am with a contraction but wasn't unusual, went to pee, came back and messaged my friend saying how crampy I was, and it felt weird to pee. Fell back asleep and woke up at 4am with bad pressure and contractions. OH ran me a bath and they were coming every 5 minutes - so knew it was the real deal this time. In-laws came over, and FIL dropped us off at the hospital at 6.30am.

She checked all the boring stuff i.e. BP, urine, pulse etc and asked if I wanted an internal. I said yeah just to see where we're at etc. Cervix was closed. Possibly a fingertip and she said she would normally send women home but, as it was a 3rd baby she wanted to monitor it, as they are "notorious for stop start labours and then going BOOM". She said she recommended Oramorph which would either stop the contractions or progress labour further. So I took that and contractions were still every 4-6 minutes. By 9am, I asked for a birthing ball and leant my front on it and rocked back and forth to put as much pressure on my cervix as possible to try and dilate it. 11.30am my new midwife came in (funnily enough it was the stand in midwife we saw on Tuesday!!), and asked how I was doing, whether to do another internal etc. She checked me and said maybe 2cms ... and got another midwife to double check - she said I was 3cms, very stretchy and performed a sweep and moved my cervix forward. All I can say is OW!!!!!

I was finally allowed G&A and used that whilst rocking on the ball, contractions were evert 2 minutes and lasting a long time, so decided to give up with the ball and lie on my left side. By 1.30pm I was getting an insane pressure down there and I needed to push. Another internal and I was 7cms with bulging membranes. I begged for stronger pain relief but they said no as they decided it was going to happen any time soon, so the midwife and her assistant stayed in with me until the end rther than leaving me too it. By 2.10pm I couldn't take it anymore - was begging them to just break my waters. She said they wouldn't unless absolutely necessary. Anyways, my contractions stopped by 2.15pm and my body took over and just started pushing her out (waters intact). They couldn't believe how quickly it was happening and as she started to crown they broke my waters to sort of 'lube' it all up for the final push. Didn't even have time to do the pant thing, her head just came out and then all of a sudden I heard a pop noise and the rest of her flew out into the bed. She came out so fast her head didn't have time to mold into shape haha and she was born at 14.23pm.

Midwife suggested we let the cord finish pulsing before OH cut it, so we did and then she let him cut it and gave me the injection to deliver the placenta. That felt weird! No stitches or tears and her head was 36.5cm!!!! She weighed 8lbs 15ozs
Just wanted to pop in and say we had our little boy... A tad early. Due 22nd nov, he arrived 29th Oct by emergency c-section. All going well.

Congrats to the other new mums and good luck to everyone else.
Congrats to all the new mums/moms looks like it has been a productive weekend :haha:

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