***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

The Dr. just says he's healthy and might be about 8 pounds.
She is still eating well despite the cold. She has a hard time sleeping laying flat so she's been sleeping in her bouncer or swing.
I was induced 2 of 3 times with cervadil and has positive experiences. It was one day passed my due date both times.
Thanks for your response Ashley. How long was your labor while on cervadil?
I'm not sure if this is what did it for me but its worth a try! I was taking one evening primrose pill vaginally, skipping it if we had sex that night but the night before I had him we had sex then I inserted pill and started contractions around 7am!

We are doing good, last night sleep not so fun but he's a good boy! Had his 1 week check up today (6 days old) and doctor said he's looking great even tho we were concerned with how yellow his skin and eyes are. He's only lost 4 ozs of his weight.

Breast feeding is.. Well going ok I suppose I called hospital today to talk about seeing consultant, they said she would call me back. I just feel maybe his mouth is too small to take in as much nipple as he needs to. I gotta really shove it in there for it not to hurt! So all day yesterday I pumped and bf at night. Then today I bf him at doctors office since I didn't have time to pump this morning. Anyone have any exclusively pumping tips? I just dread bfing cause of pain I have to work myself into doing it before I latch him. Sheesh you'd think this would be easier if our bodies were made for it!
My first total labor was 6 hours, 3 in active labor. This last time was 8 total hours, 3 in active labor. I was only 1cm at the start this time and 2cm the first.
Daddies - Sounds like you're doing amazing! For me, BFing had been a bit sore but so far no cracks or chapped nipples so I can't complain. It is a bit painful when he first latches but after that it's fine. I have been applying coconut oil like crazy and I think it has really helped.

Ok so...diaper rash?! I have tried to be cautious with what I eat. I don't do dairy, but I did have lots of citrus and tomato for a few days last week. Mr F has developed a red rash just around his anus, nowhere else. I have read it is related to food allergies or acidic foods? Anyone else dealt with this? It's so red! Doesn't seem to bother him but obviously bothers me :(

I also discovered a bit of rash in the folds of skin in his groin...made me feel like a negligent parent because I hadn't really pulled every fold apart to inspect before.

Poor kid! Advice?
daddies - I feel like whatever I was taught with #1 about correct latch just didn't work with this guy and I got to the point where I was sobbing uncontrollably all day when he was 8 days old. I absolutely dreaded bf'ing so I pumped as much as possible just to give myself a break. I ended up reading and looking at videos online and that really helped me to teach him to latch. I then went to see a LC last week and while she said I was doing a great job (I was hoping she'd show me some magic trick), I do feel it was helpful to see a specialist. I honestly wish I hadn't waited 2 weeks to see her as I've had some nerve damage. :dohh: I've questioned many times the last 3 weeks why bf'ing has to be so hard if we were made to do it. It's been very frustrating! GL!!

Gaia - have you used any diaper rash ointment? I would start using that before it gets any worse, and hopefully it will just go away on its own.

babyfeva - I was induced with cytotec with #1 and I don't recommend it, but it didn't end in a c-section. I was induced with cervadil this time and it was very gentle. After the 12 hours on the cervadil, I was given pitocin and while I was only on it for an hour, it wasn't bad either. I did end with a c-section, but because of cord prolapse - my doc said there was no way he could have come without a c-section, so it really had nothing to do with being induced.
Thanks Cridge! I'm just so anxious and want him here already.
I had a sweep yesterday at my consultant appointment and lost a little plug last night before bed. Have woken up this morning at 5am with some contractions :yipee: they are lasting between 40-53secs with intervals of 4.5-7.5mins. Have spoken to L&D who have said to continue timing them and see how I get on, as I can talk through them she doesn't think it's established yet so here's to hoping they become more patterned and regular and hurt more!
Cridge- thanks :) I've been pumping like a Mad woman which may bite me in the ass cause I just breast fed him and he didn't suck as hard as usual then after he still wasn't content so I gave him pumped milk and he drank most of bottle.. Nipple confusion? We"ll try again later he's only had about four bottles

Gaia- use coconut oil on his rash, works great for us and its cloth diaper friendly! (You cloth right?) with Boys you just have to wipe in all the folds or moisture gathers :(
Yay good luck TTC!!
I have a midwifes appt this morning just a normal check up. She said last week if baby doesn't arrive 4/5 days after my due date I can have a sweep. Come in baby we are ready to meet you now.
Thanks ladies, I have been using coconut oil and other natural creams but am just going to try a zinc one until the redness clears a little then back to natural. Yes we use CD and the zinc is not great for them so hopefully we don't have to use it for long!

ttc lolly - Good luck! Can't wait to hear the news :)
Ttc lolly I also had a sweep yesterday and was getting contractions all evening that I had to breath through. Went to bed and had period pains through the night but everything seems to have almost stopped. I'm gutted. At 41+1 I thought it was my time.
Thanks ladies :)

F&C oh no, I hope they pick back up today for you :hugs:

My contractions are still coming and definitely getting more painful but they aren't consistent enough. When I'm on the move they are lasting around 30secs with intervals of around 3mins. Whilst I'm sat still (currently having a bath as my back is killing) they are lasting 50secs+ with intervals of 5-7mins. The MW told me if I can talk through the contractions it's a bit early to go in, and I can kind of talk through them but I'd rather not :wacko: I might go in soon anyway just to get checked. I fully expect to be sent home but I'd much rather the knowledge if I'm dilating or not.
hey al. just wanted to say sorry i havent updated. had a busy few weeks. so if u have had ur lil ones. plz post it and ill update!!
Thanks ladies :)

F&C oh no, I hope they pick back up today for you :hugs:

My contractions are still coming and definitely getting more painful but they aren't consistent enough. When I'm on the move they are lasting around 30secs with intervals of around 3mins. Whilst I'm sat still (currently having a bath as my back is killing) they are lasting 50secs+ with intervals of 5-7mins. The MW told me if I can talk through the contractions it's a bit early to go in, and I can kind of talk through them but I'd rather not :wacko: I might go in soon anyway just to get checked. I fully expect to be sent home but I'd much rather the knowledge if I'm dilating or not.

Thought I'd pop in to say hi.

Yay lolly ure getting close! I will say though I'm not sure the advice about if u can talk through it it's to early to go in is that great. I have a high pain tolerance, very high I found out through all this, and I didn't even know I was having contractions at 3cm and contracting regularly (the monitor was telling them) and I made it all the way to 7cm, walking, talking, laughing but never could I not talk through them. (At 7cm it was determined I needed an emcs so I didbt go further)
So I'd say wait as long as you're comfortable, but that's just my opinion :)
Good luck ttc lolly!!

No progress here.. think I'm going backwards if anything. Another sweep (my 3rd and last before induction) is tomorrow morning. I've never seen so much action.
I could talk through mine when I headed to hospital but it wasn't easy. I think I even updated here :haha: but it was every two minutes, less than a minute long. I was 4cm almost 5 when I arrived there! And went fast after that so I wouldn't wait too long! Never know ;)

So sorry F&C :nope: looks like ło is too comfy staying inside! I hope things pick up soon :hugs:

Hi due date buddy Blondiejay! Hope things are going well :hugs:

I'm doing well, found a box on door step this morning full of baby stuff I had on my registry! So that was nice. Baby slept well last night and he latched on fine this morning so maybe last night he was just being lazy and not sucking hard enough.

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