Hey ladies!! Finally have a moment to update everyone on BNB
Davis is here!! Was born on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 at 10:46am. He weighed in at 7lb 5oz and was 20.5" long. Absolutely perfect in every way!
I checked into the hospital in Tuesday night already having contractions (though, I couldn't really feel them). They started my first dose of the cervix softener at 10:40pm, 2nd dose at 1:40am, and before they could administer the third dose my waters broke on their own at 3am. Around 5:30 the contractions were so incredibly strong I asked for an epidural... The nurse was pretty adamant I probably hadn't made enough progress at that point to get one, but went ahead and checked my cervix to find I was already at 3cm!! Got my epidural at 6am, checked again after it was inserted and I was at a 5! Pretty obvious at this point things were moving quickly. Started feeling lots of pressure around 9am and asked for another check... 10cm!! Fully effaced!! Ready to push!! Had to wait for the doc before they'd let me push. She got there at 10:30am and Davis was born 16 minutes later. Only 3 pushes and he made his debut
We're so in love with this sweet baby!
I haven't had a chance to catch up on the chat, so congrats to all the new mommies and good luck to those still waiting