***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Big Congratulations Wifeywoo, you've been trying a long time so you deserve extra special congrats!! H&H 9 months :happydance:
Hi Everyone!

Name(just first)? Emma
How old are you? 28
Whats your EDD, How have you figured that date? Nov 16th 2012 from LMC:hugs:
What # child is this for you? My 1st
Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl? I don't have a clue!
Are you finding out the gender? Don't know, probably not.
How many months were you TTC? 23 Months. Last cycle of clomid before IUI. My 1st IUI scan was booked for the day I got my BFP!!!
My next appointment is on March 30th for my early pregnancy scan. I'll be 7 weeks.

Woo hoo- welcome to the group! You, Stella and I are all due on 16t:happydance:h. Congrats and wishing you much h&h xx
Hey ladies

Just found out 4 days ago that im pregnant and im most likely due nov 16. From my dates Im 5w+4d. i still have to go to the doctor, I might try go tomorrow.

Name(just first)?
How old are you?
Whats your EDD, How have you figued that date?
16th November

What # child is this for you?
My first!

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl?

No idea

Are you finding out the gender?
No id like it to be a surprise

How many months were you TTC?
this was cycle 11.

Hey Stella, we are due the same day!!! Welcome to the group :happydance:

That's great, congrats. How are you getting along?

Hey Stella, thanks; I think I'm getting along ok. Just soooooooooo incredibly tired; some nausea and heartburn but trying to see it as a positive- bubby and hormones are doing what they are meant to, lol. What about you?

I'm tired too, it sounds silly put I feel like I've a bit of a belly. I'm usually skinny but it could be my mind playing tricks. I had my doctors visit tonight so now I can book in for my first hospital appointment, I hope I don't have to wait too long.

It's funny but my hubby is really concerned, I get public transport to work and it was closed at sections today, I got a call from him seeing if I needed a lift. Ha that never happens 

@ Stella- far from crazy......I bloated big time. Can't do the buttons or zips on my trousers- nightmare lol. Friend at work also commented on my midrif, implying I'd gained an inch or 2 . Im quitelil'bit too, so I'm so conscious of it.
With regards to ur dh....milk it- you lucky woman :winkwink:

I've got my 1st midwife appt on Tues and scan on 11th April- cant wait :happydance:
Hey ladies

Just found out 4 days ago that im pregnant and im most likely due nov 16. From my dates Im 5w+4d. i still have to go to the doctor, I might try go tomorrow.

Name(just first)?
How old are you?
Whats your EDD, How have you figued that date?
16th November

What # child is this for you?
My first!

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl?

No idea

Are you finding out the gender?
No id like it to be a surprise

How many months were you TTC?
this was cycle 11.

Hey Stella, we are due the same day!!! Welcome to the group :happydance:

That's great, congrats. How are you getting along?

Hey Stella, thanks; I think I'm getting along ok. Just soooooooooo incredibly tired; some nausea and heartburn but trying to see it as a positive- bubby and hormones are doing what they are meant to, lol. What about you?

I'm tired too, it sounds silly put I feel like I've a bit of a belly. I'm usually skinny but it could be my mind playing tricks. I had my doctors visit tonight so now I can book in for my first hospital appointment, I hope I don't have to wait too long.

It's funny but my hubby is really concerned, I get public transport to work and it was closed at sections today, I got a call from him seeing if I needed a lift. Ha that never happens 

@ Stella- far from crazy......I bloated big time. Can't do the buttons or zips on my trousers- nightmare lol. Friend at work also commented on my midrif, implying I'd gained an inch or 2 . Im quitelil'bit too, so I'm so conscious of it.
With regards to ur dh....milk it- you lucky woman :winkwink:

I've got my 1st midwife appt on Tues and scan on 11th April- cant wait :happydance:

Ah you lucky thing my scan date isn't till may 8th. I'm not working in the office at the moment so the guys working with me wouldn't notice a thing. I have sucky in pants that I'll wear in the office so I'm hoping nobody notices. I'm going to hold out as long as I can before I tell work because they won't let me do some aspects of my job which will be crap

I'm trying to eat so healthy so hopefully the weight stays hidden for a while:winkwink:

Is this your first baby too? I'm a twin so I'm hoping there's just once because I live in an apartment. Knowing my luck I'll be the one who has twins, it runs in both our families
Hi Everyone!

Name(just first)? Emma
How old are you? 28
Whats your EDD, How have you figured that date? Nov 16th 2012 from LMC
What # child is this for you? My 1st
Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl? I don't have a clue!
Are you finding out the gender? Don't know, probably not.
How many months were you TTC? 23 Months. Last cycle of clomid before IUI. My 1st IUI scan was booked for the day I got my BFP!!!
My next appointment is on March 30th for my early pregnancy scan. I'll be 7 weeks.

Congrats :happydance:
Hey ladies, I am finding it so hard to keep my mouth shut to my family. Oh wants to wait till after our first scan. make sure everything is fine...Ahh...how are you ladies handing this?? PLus everyone in my family know we are trying, (9 months after awhile i opened my mouth due to frustration...my mistake) So they keep asking me questions i cant answer. My sister asked if i was pregnant and i said no with a huge smile on my face. Kept denying it...but im pretty sure she suspects. Next weekend is my cousins baby shower...how do i keep from going insane!! :p
Urgh! Pregnancy brain is real. I went to the ATM today and could not remember my pin. I put it in wrong twice and I still can't work out what it is. I use it all the time normally as it's my debit card as well but I'm having no luck remembering it. :(
Hey ladies

Just found out 4 days ago that im pregnant and im most likely due nov 16. From my dates Im 5w+4d. i still have to go to the doctor, I might try go tomorrow.

Name(just first)?
How old are you?
Whats your EDD, How have you figued that date?
16th November

What # child is this for you?
My first!

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl?

No idea

Are you finding out the gender?
No id like it to be a surprise

How many months were you TTC?
this was cycle 11.

Hey Stella, we are due the same day!!! Welcome to the group :happydance:

That's great, congrats. How are you getting along?

Hey Stella, thanks; I think I'm getting along ok. Just soooooooooo incredibly tired; some nausea and heartburn but trying to see it as a positive- bubby and hormones are doing what they are meant to, lol. What about you?

I'm tired too, it sounds silly put I feel like I've a bit of a belly. I'm usually skinny but it could be my mind playing tricks. I had my doctors visit tonight so now I can book in for my first hospital appointment, I hope I don't have to wait too long.

It's funny but my hubby is really concerned, I get public transport to work and it was closed at sections today, I got a call from him seeing if I needed a lift. Ha that never happens 

@ Stella- far from crazy......I bloated big time. Can't do the buttons or zips on my trousers- nightmare lol. Friend at work also commented on my midrif, implying I'd gained an inch or 2 . Im quitelil'bit too, so I'm so conscious of it.
With regards to ur dh....milk it- you lucky woman :winkwink:

I've got my 1st midwife appt on Tues and scan on 11th April- cant wait :happydance:

Ah you lucky thing my scan date isn't till may 8th. I'm not working in the office at the moment so the guys working with me wouldn't notice a thing. I have sucky in pants that I'll wear in the office so I'm hoping nobody notices. I'm going to hold out as long as I can before I tell work because they won't let me do some aspects of my job which will be crap

I'm trying to eat so healthy so hopefully the weight stays hidden for a while:winkwink:

Is this your first baby too? I'm a twin so I'm hoping there's just once because I live in an apartment. Knowing my luck I'll be the one who has twins, it runs in both our families
Ur a twin? Fabulous!! You might get a surprise.in May lol. This is my 2nd- my lil man is 2.5 and a handful. I had absolutely no symptoms whatsoever with him , throughout the pregnancy but this time round it is completely diff. I think my oh and I would gladly welcome twins this time round-:wacko: rofl.

I am holding.off saying anything too- once I see my lil bubbi at my scan, I think it will be hard to resist though.
We start week 6 tomorrow!!! Well, enjoy rest of ur day bump buddy:hugs:
I recently read something that says if you ovulate after CD20 you have a higher chance for miscarriage as the eggs are of poor quality after that point. I ovulated on CD40 so this information freaks me out a bit. Is anyone else pregnant after they ovulated late? Has anyone had a previously healthy pregnancy resulting from late ovulation? I just need a little reassurance. Thanks girls!
Hi all!

I got my bfp yesterday for my 2nd baby! I'm due 28th November, hoping for a straight forward pregnancy like my last one!

Name(just first)? Lauren
How old are you? 26
Whats your EDD, How have you figured that date? 28th Nov LMP
What # child is this for you? 2
Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl? Boy
Are you finding out the gender? Yes
How many months were you TTC? 3 months
Morning Ladies! Hope everyone is feeling good...

This morning my breasts are not as sore and I am not as nauseous! Of course that instantly worries me...but it is kind of nice to not feel as gross as I did yesterday.

Question: Do any of you ladies use Jolen facial hair bleach? I have a bit of a moustache and I usually bleach it once a month, but haven`t since getting my BFP. It is starting to get pretty noticeable and makes me a bit self conscious. Of course I can live with it, but I really want to just quickly go for it. Maybe I should wait until 11 or 12 weeks when most organs have developed? I dont know!

Also - I should change my sex prediction to girl. I just can`t stop thinking about baby girls since becoming pregnant. I think I am having a girl...although now that I have said that it is probably a boy. LOL.
Joining the club... got my BFP on March 5th! A big surprise, considering I was on the pill, and taking it religiously!!! Was very sick that day, and happened to have a test lying around so gave it a go that evening and lo and behold, Pregnant 1-2 weeks! It's our first baby.

We're not sure exactly how far along we are, but I reckon I'm about 5 1/2 or 6 weeks. I got a few sets of bloods done since I got my BFP and they seem to be progressing well.

Thursday 8th March

Monday 12th March

Wednesday 14th March

Am going for an early scan tomorrow afternoon... am feeling such a mix of emotions! This pregnancy was such a surprise, but a very nice one! I hope everything looks okay tomorrow, and we will be able to get a more accurate due date.
I've been quite sick in the mornings and during the nights too... Hopefully that's a good sign of things cooking away well inside!

My fiancé and I have told our parents and siblings, but no one else so far, so I'm looking forward to having a chance to chat and vent with all you girlies here!

Best of luck to everyone!
Morning Ladies! Hope everyone is feeling good...

This morning my breasts are not as sore and I am not as nauseous! Of course that instantly worries me...but it is kind of nice to not feel as gross as I did yesterday.

Question: Do any of you ladies use Jolen facial hair bleach? I have a bit of a moustache and I usually bleach it once a month, but haven`t since getting my BFP. It is starting to get pretty noticeable and makes me a bit self conscious. Of course I can live with it, but I really want to just quickly go for it. Maybe I should wait until 11 or 12 weeks when most organs have developed? I dont know!

Also - I should change my sex prediction to girl. I just can`t stop thinking about baby girls since becoming pregnant. I think I am having a girl...although now that I have said that it is probably a boy. LOL.

I normally use Jolen on my tash! but like you not happy to use it since my BFP either. I have used nair hair remover instead as no bleach and only needs 3 min. It may be OK to use in 2nd tri but I don't know for sure.
Morning girls, and welcome to all the new ladies! :flower:

So I'm happy to report I got my latest betas back, and they look great! So far, so good! Hcg 1340 and progesterone at 28.

Hope all are well and hugs to all suffering with ms. Definitely no fun, but all for a good cause!

Mrs.326 - I know someone that ovulated after CD20 (25 maybe??) and her pregnancy is fine. I've heard the same thing you did, but I don't put much stock into it. I think you'll be just fine - try not to worry!
Congrats Springer and :hi: to the new ladies. xx

It's hard not even being allowed to tell the Drs formally for another 2 weeks let along book an appointment, let alone have a scan! My Godmother is a sonographer so I've asked her for a freebie but I think she must be away as I haven't heard from her.

I might have missed a post, but why can't you tell your Dr's for another 2 weeks? I called the midwife helpline at the hospital direct to book my appointment and the midwife said I didn't even need to go to my Dr. She is sending my booking appointment and scan date in the mail.

Hi hun. My new drs are just rubbish! I phoned them on Monday and was told to wait until I'm 12 or 13 weeks! I obviously wasn't too impressed as that's when my scan should be. I also asked whether I should see a mw before the scan. In the end she told me to call back and book an appointment with the dr. It's very different from last time. X
I think I ovulated on cd 24 this cycle and I ovulated late with my son too. He is perfectly fine and is a typical lil' monster! :D Don't worry :hugs:

Sorry they weren't helpful Fish :hugs: hopefully your doctor is good!

Welcome to the new ladies! :flower: xx
Hey ladies

Just found out 4 days ago that im pregnant and im most likely due nov 16. From my dates Im 5w+4d. i still have to go to the doctor, I might try go tomorrow.

Name(just first)?
How old are you?
Whats your EDD, How have you figued that date?
16th November

What # child is this for you?
My first!

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl?

No idea

Are you finding out the gender?
No id like it to be a surprise

How many months were you TTC?
this was cycle 11.

Hey Stella, we are due the same day!!! Welcome to the group :happydance:

That's great, congrats. How are you getting along?

Hey Stella, thanks; I think I'm getting along ok. Just soooooooooo incredibly tired; some nausea and heartburn but trying to see it as a positive- bubby and hormones are doing what they are meant to, lol. What about you?

I'm tired too, it sounds silly put I feel like I've a bit of a belly. I'm usually skinny but it could be my mind playing tricks. I had my doctors visit tonight so now I can book in for my first hospital appointment, I hope I don't have to wait too long.

It's funny but my hubby is really concerned, I get public transport to work and it was closed at sections today, I got a call from him seeing if I needed a lift. Ha that never happens 

@ Stella- far from crazy......I bloated big time. Can't do the buttons or zips on my trousers- nightmare lol. Friend at work also commented on my midrif, implying I'd gained an inch or 2 . Im quitelil'bit too, so I'm so conscious of it.
With regards to ur dh....milk it- you lucky woman :winkwink:

I've got my 1st midwife appt on Tues and scan on 11th April- cant wait :happydance:

Ah you lucky thing my scan date isn't till may 8th. I'm not working in the office at the moment so the guys working with me wouldn't notice a thing. I have sucky in pants that I'll wear in the office so I'm hoping nobody notices. I'm going to hold out as long as I can before I tell work because they won't let me do some aspects of my job which will be crap

I'm trying to eat so healthy so hopefully the weight stays hidden for a while:winkwink:

Is this your first baby too? I'm a twin so I'm hoping there's just once because I live in an apartment. Knowing my luck I'll be the one who has twins, it runs in both our families
Ur a twin? Fabulous!! You might get a surprise.in May lol. This is my 2nd- my lil man is 2.5 and a handful. I had absolutely no symptoms whatsoever with him , throughout the pregnancy but this time round it is completely diff. I think my oh and I would gladly welcome twins this time round-:wacko: rofl.

I am holding.off saying anything too- once I see my lil bubbi at my scan, I think it will be hard to resist though.
We start week 6 tomorrow!!! Well, enjoy rest of ur day bump buddy:hugs:

Ah Im excited to have a bump buddy :thumbup:
Question: Do any of you ladies use Jolen facial hair bleach? I have a bit of a moustache and I usually bleach it once a month, but haven`t since getting my BFP. It is starting to get pretty noticeable and makes me a bit self conscious. Of course I can live with it, but I really want to just quickly go for it. Maybe I should wait until 11 or 12 weeks when most organs have developed? I dont know!

I normally use Jolen on my tash! but like you not happy to use it since my BFP either. I have used nair hair remover instead as no bleach and only needs 3 min. It may be OK to use in 2nd tri but I don't know for sure.

I usually wax/thread but it hurts more now I've bought a ladies facial hair trimmer.

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