***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

Fab scan!! So exciting. Eek.

I've just realised I never really actually gave a proper midwife update haha. This pregnancy my care is being split between my mw and a consultant. Once I get my appointment through i'll be seeing them alternatively every 2 weeks and they'll be keeping an extra eye towards the end as I suffered with suspected pre eclampsia last time.
It's going to be a very busy few months.
I have a bit of a predicament at the moment. One of my close friends has been trying to have a baby for the last 6 months and nothing has happened. She knows I'm pregnant and if I mention anything on facebook about being happy she gets really sarky. She wrote a status last night calling all her pregnant friends greedy. I understand she's upset and hurting but I'm fed up of being made to feel guilty. I have no idea how to go about it all. :(

Tbh, knowing that I have friends who it will hurt I don't plan on posting facebook updates about my pregnancy. People dealing with fertility issues, or (recurrent) miscarriage struggle to maintain equilibrium some days and the thought of hurting anyone who is struggling makes me feel awful. Obviously I won't be hiding my pregnancy (and I'm already big enough that it's almost obvious) but Facebook is so 'in your face' it can hurt people without you meaning to.

I'm not sure if your friend really falls into that category, in my case I have one pair of friends who have been trying 10 years with nothing but a string of miscarriages to show for it, another pair who are having no success after years of assisted conception attempts and a last couple who's extremely premature baby died a few minutes after he was born a few months ago. I also can't imagine them making a catty remark about anyone else's baby updates. But if you know she's upset I'd either hide my updates from her or not make them.
Amazing pics SK! Was that an internal scan? Hello little baby! xxx
Yes, Boffle it was an internal scan.

Oh and I almost forgot to say that I have my 12 week scan date through this afternoon - Wednesday, 25th April at 10:20am!
That week will be a really busy one for us. The Thursday afternoon will be my citizenship ceremony.
So looking forward to April!!
Just got my results from my second blood test. It went from 1257 on Monday to 5327 today! This is good right?
April sounds like a fab month for you SK!

Yup babyfeva - those numbers sound great :dance:

I've had to cancel a surprise trip for a friend to Mull for next weekend - I can't go very far in the car at the moment, so hours on end followed by ferry journeys probably wouldn't be very agreeable with my ms :haha:

Oh no Boofle!!
I am so greatful I am not suffering that badly with ms! While at the hospital this afternoon, we heard a lady puking her guts up! Its was awful to listen to! I do think she was making a lot more noise than is necessary though.
sk - great scan :)

I had a tiny bit of brown and redish tinged CM over the past 2 days, I went and saw a doctor who had a basic ultrasound machine - basically it could only detect a heart beat or not, and thankfully there was still one there! I've got a proper ultrasound on Monday which will hopefully tell me what's going on!

The doctor said it's probably the subchorionic hemorrhage I've got, as they often bleed out or get reabsorbed. He wasn't that concerned though as it was such a tiny amount.
Ginny that's great that you heard the heart beat! Fx you get some answers at the next scan. X
Hey girls,

I haven't posted in a few weeks but have decided I'm. November sparkler now as the hosp is officially using my November date. Yay!

So I found out last night that my SIL is expecting TWINSs 1 week after me. She was too scared to tell me as she didn't want to hog the lime light. I told her not o be so silly!!! I'm absolutely delighted for her and excited too!!! She's worried though as she is 7/8 weeks pg, 1 baby is on date with a hb, the other is measuring 5 weeks with no hb... Has anyone had any experience of this??

How're the symptoms treating us all?? My ms has stepped up a nasty notch. Oh joy! Haha, turns out bubs hates chocolate and sweets!, whatttttt?!

Yay an official sparkler!
Twins for SIL how exciting, not had any experience there but hopefully all will be ok xx
She's worried though as she is 7/8 weeks pg, 1 baby is on date with a hb, the other is measuring 5 weeks with no hb... Has anyone had any experience of this??

I sort of do but it's not great news I'm afraid. I know two women who have had vanishing twin syndrome and in both cases the earliest scan showed one twin on date with a healthy heartbeat and the other twin noticeably smaller with a slower heartbeat. In both cases when they went for a follow up scan after 2 weeks the smaller twin had stopped growing and was eventually reabsorbed. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen to your sister in law and the little twin catches up with it's big bro/sis.

If your SIL does lose the little one the best thing to do is encourage her to grieve as much as she needs and let her take the time to deal with it. It is a very upsetting and confusing time as you have essentially miscarried but at the same time are still carrying a healthy pregnancy. The good news is in both cases I know of, the first twin went on to grow perfectly and even though the loss of one twin may always be a little sad the growth and birth of the other baby will go a long, long way toward healing the sadness.
Name? Lucy.
How old are you? 26
Whats your EDD, How have you figured that date? 29th november from LMP
What # child is this for you? 2. I have a 17 month old son.
Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl? No idea.
Are you finding out the gender? Undecided-OH wants to, i like the surprise.
How many months were you TTC? Around 8momths.
hey ladies! :wave:
Just checking in, I don't even have time to get on here between work and chasing after my little toddler :) But it's so nice when I can get a second and catch up on all the happenings of so many women going through the exact same thing at the same time as me, how great is that?
Congrats on those who have seen their beautiful bubs! I'm getting SO impatient to see our little bean and it's still 2 weeks away! ugh :dohh: planning DS birthday party is helping though, because I have SO much to do so less than two weeks seems a little shorter that way ;)
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! I had a picnic lunch outside with DS and DH today as it was sunny and had to put a rubber band on my jeans because they felt so tight... REALLY?! ALREADY?!
Am I the only one that feels like i'm getting a belly already? Maybe it's because it's #2 but WOW I feel really big already... this is going to get interesting REAL quick. haha
You aren't alone! I am about 9 weeks with #1 and I had to use an elastic on my jeans this week, they were so freaking uncomfortable. Definitely just bloat and lack of working out...but still!
hey ladies! :wave:
Just checking in, I don't even have time to get on here between work and chasing after my little toddler :) But it's so nice when I can get a second and catch up on all the happenings of so many women going through the exact same thing at the same time as me, how great is that?
Congrats on those who have seen their beautiful bubs! I'm getting SO impatient to see our little bean and it's still 2 weeks away! ugh :dohh: planning DS birthday party is helping though, because I have SO much to do so less than two weeks seems a little shorter that way ;)
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! I had a picnic lunch outside with DS and DH today as it was sunny and had to put a rubber band on my jeans because they felt so tight... REALLY?! ALREADY?!
Am I the only one that feels like i'm getting a belly already? Maybe it's because it's #2 but WOW I feel really big already... this is going to get interesting REAL quick. haha

You're not the only one. People already ask me when I'm due and look gob smacked when I say November :haha:
I had to use a hairband on my jeans yesterday - think I will have to invest in a belly band extender thing very soon!
Yay 9 weeks! Now the pictures in my tickers look baby like instead of alien like!

I wish I was a few more weeks along. Looking at the fake birthday announcements and the gay friend who has just come out as loving his girlfriend on facebook I'd love to announce my pregnancy and have everyone assume it's an April fool. Oh well, we are telling some friends today so that will have to sate me.

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