***November Sparklers 2012***(101)babies(14)angels**33 babies here

I'm just loving all the good news from all the midwife and scan appointments!!
I'm feeling a lot more alive tonight than I have done over the past few days!
Cant wait for my booking in appointment on Tuesday morning! 5 sleeps and counting!

Why does my mom have to be so super sensitive right now and read into things that dont exsist? She has been trying to chat to me since Monday. Unfortunately every time she calls I am either sleeping or eating (and the latter doesnt happen often at the mo!) She texted me first today asking if she can call and then called me complaining that I'm shutting her out! I told her I am not doing that at all!! I tried to reassure her that its just unfortunate that she calls me when I'm either sleeping or feeling really tired! She also complained that I was short with my sister yesterday. Well what kind of reception did my sister expect after telling me that she has had a stomach bug for the previous 48hours??!! I very promptly asked her to hurry up and informed her that I was waiting outside for the stuff I called round for. There is no way I can afford to have her tummy bugs at this time in my life!

Sorry for the rant! Just needed to get that out of my system!

Hope everyone is well!
skweet shouldn't it be the other way round at the moment with all your hormones?! I can totally see why you're annoyed. x
I always knew that my mother would be OTT with me when she found out I was preggers. This is the reason I wanted to wait till I was 12 weeks. But with her being on my back about our wedding (next April) I caved in and told her on Mothers day!
Something I now regret!
Dont get me wrong - I love my mother but she just doesn't know when to stop, gets sooo emotional at times and takes things sooo personally at times.
And now she wants to know why I dont tell her everything? Does she really need to know everything that happens in my life? As in EVERYTHING I do in the day? GGGRRR
Why cant she just leave me to live my life sometimes!
skweek, I know exactly how you feel about the mom issue. My mother is also being super sensitive and it's really pissing me off. I had my scan yesterday and since we didn't actually hear or get a definite heartbeat I told her she still couldn't tell anyone (she's dying to email ALL of her friends and share the news, and I would rather she wait). She got mad at me that I wouldn't let her tell anyone and tried to guilt me into it! I basically had to tell her to quit throwing a fit and repsect my decision, because, after all, it is my decision. Not hers! She's also mad that she didn't know we were even trying to get pregnant. She thinks I tried to shut her out before I got pregnant and now it's getting "worse". Really whats happening is I didn't want to be smoothered and don't want her prematurely sharing news that isn't hers to share.

Whew! Sorry for my rant as well, but it feels good to get it out :)
oh on that note - I could go on forever with this rant!!

My mom is cross with me too that she isn't allowed to tell anyone yet, but a friend of mine congratulated her the other day. I keep getting questioned as to when I'm planning on telling the rest of the world!
I too have to remind her that its our news and not hers to share!!
Oh I also told her that she is not to buy anything for the baby till 12 weeks! Well that went out the door every quickly!! I already have a bib and a forehead thermometer!!
Mom's can be so frustrating!! (meanwhile, our little beans are developing and will one day be in our shoes compaining about us) :haha:

But, you're right. It's our news, not theirs, and they need to respect that. I know it's their grandchild, but there's a big difference between being a mom and being a grandma and I feel like my mom needs to learn her place.

So glad I'm not the only one dealing with mother issues right now!
Fish - please can we swop mom's for a few days? Pretty Please? With big red cherries on top?

You are so right Mrs.326 - the grandmothers need to learn their places!! My dad is great! He just told my mother that she did the same thing when she was preggers with all 3 children! You can imagine - she was not happy to hear that! :haha: Is what I think! I know I need to be kind to her but its my life and I'm 36 yrs old! No longer her little baby!! I have a life of my own and don't need to answer to her! I haven't for years and now she wants to know my every move! I think not!!
Oh she would so have a go at me if she ever read this! But I don't care!
I'm pregnant and allowed to rant if I so wish!!

Thanks! Rant over! I think hehe
LOL, you ladies are making me nervous! We are telling my parents this weekend and I hope there is no drama over waiting to tell them or the fact that they won't be able to share the news yet! Eeek!
Lol, Gaiagirl! I'm sure it will go well.... I don't think all moms react like ours :)
lol my mom owns a small store in our local downtown and she said to get her urge out that i am pregnant she tells random customers that she knows dont know me or know anyone.. i told her that its so random and embarrassing!! she also carries around a "brag book" with pictures of my nieces in it, in her purse!! yikes!!!!
lol my mom owns a small store in our local downtown and she said to get her urge out that i am pregnant she tells random customers that she knows dont know me or know anyone.. i told her that its so random and embarrassing!! she also carries around a "brag book" with pictures of my nieces in it, in her purse!! yikes!!!!

This is brilliant! Your mum sounds hilarious and very sweet.

Skweet, I'm away in a few weeks so we can swap for a day then if you like? Only if there's still a promise of cherries!
Oh god, I don't know what I'd do if my mum acted like that. I get the OTT stuff from my mil and that's enough to drive me crazy :haha: xx
Just realised this whole bank holiday thing means no post til Tuesday??
I might explode!! x
I could go on for hours about the relationship between me and my mum. It makes me sad that it's the way it is. I also have a huge guilt thing going on, because I am an only child and she is on her own, no longer has a job, and has few friends, so basically I am her life. Despite this, she begrudges what I have (all the things she never had - lots of friends, a good relationship with my OH, a good career) rather than being pleased that I am in such a position. So I have this thing that I feel I OUGHT to spend time with her rather than wanting to. And, as I say, that makes me sad, cos it shouldn't be like that.

As for her reaction to my pregnancy ... downright odd. She has just spent six nights staying with us, and I think she asked two questions in that entire time about pg. Seriously, she just seems to have no interest. However, when I told her we wouldn't be announcing until the dating scan and nuchal fold test had shown everything was fine at 12 weeks or so, she was like "People just told people when I was pregnant. You didn't keep it a secret. I don't see why you're doing this ..." and then went on and on about it. Like some of you others have said, my pg, my rules. My pg, my announcement.

9+6 bump


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