November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Anyone else exhausted?? I have zero energy and even the simplest tasks seem to use up any energy I have. I'm also feeling huge and have definitely started to waddle a bit. My lower back is starting to really hurt. I'm not looking forward to these next 9 weeks as I hear it only gets worse.

YES. I have been trying to get things done in our apartment so we can freaking move in and I am SO exhausted. All I really did today was wash a few dishes and put a few screws in a cabinet (sitting down mind you) then, while sitting, rummage through a few bags, pull out a few things of interest and put them up. (Shampoo, body wash, little things like that) And I am exhausted! I feel dead :(
Third tri today!!!

I am def feeling more easily exhausted and just generally slowwww.
Salu yes I have pelvic girdle pain. I would google it and keep on top of it. It can stay mild (last pregnancy) or progress quickly to severe pain (that's me now) there are exercises you can do and ways to avoid making it worse e.g keeping legs together when turning in bed/getting out of car. Also sitting down to put on shoes and trousers. I would mention to midwife next visit if it gets worse before then try and see her sooner x
I feel huge today. Everyone keeps assuming I am, "about to pop," and I just smile at them while wanting to say something rude. I still have three and a half months left, and I am wondering how the heck I am going to have enough room in there! I am carrying super low too, she won't stay off my bladder. I keep feeling like I am going to pee my pants, only to run to the bathroom and only have a small amount of pee actually in my bladder. I hope she figures out there is more space further up some point soon, before she gets so big there is no more space period.
I feel huge today. Everyone keeps assuming I am, "about to pop," and I just smile at them while wanting to say something rude. I still have three and a half months left, and I am wondering how the heck I am going to have enough room in there! I am carrying super low too, she won't stay off my bladder. I keep feeling like I am going to pee my pants, only to run to the bathroom and only have a small amount of pee actually in my bladder. I hope she figures out there is more space further up some point soon, before she gets so big there is no more space period.

yea people keep asking me if I'm due soon and say I look ready to pop. I'm like, nope, I still have 2 more months! ugh
I totally understand you guys.. The like "second in command" at our new apartment complex looked at me today, shes never seen me before, and said "Wow anyday now huh?" I am like yeah... I still have over two months to go... And I have ONLY gained baby in the belly so don't feel too bad!
Anyone else feeling incredibly clumsy??? I have knocked over no less than three glasses of water in 24 hours. I feel like such an ungraceful klutz. Even when trying to move slowly and carefully I drop something or almost fall over, it's pathetic!
Going through the same thing ladies been told that a few times this weekend and I'm like no still have 2 more months to go. Also everyone keeps saying oh wow she's really sticking out there and I'm like....uh I guess I'm not even that big I think it's cuz I'm short I've only gained 12 lbs so far and it's all "baby" as they say lol
I'm all baby too. My step-mom was the one that mentioned it to me last weekend. I look now and notice it more. No real weight gain except in the face and tummy, which I guess is good?!? I do wish I could gain a little more weight every where else, so it wasn't just pure baby weighing me down, lol.

On another note, OH and I took the train home from the baseball game tonight, and an older couple noticed that I was pregnant, burnt and tired, so they pretty much told me I had to get on first and find a seat to sit down before anyone else, lol. So nice.
That's very nice of that couple! Now that I'm pregnant, I've found that if I'm in a public place waiting for the restroom, other people will tell me to go ahead of them in line.
Is it normal to have a quiet day where I don't feel much movement at all at 26 weeks? I have only felt one or two small rumbles today. I hate when she has lazy days, it scares me.
I have had days like that Lovetoteach, One day he might barely move, the next hes bopping around all day and making me sore! Little bugger =.=
My other half turned to my this morning whilst I was getting dressed, looking at my bump and said "wow you've gone huge"... I said it's only going to get bigger and he said it can't lol I look like I have a football under my skin, my skin is so tight :( I can't imagine how My skin will cope if I get any bigger!
I ended up staying at the hospital overnight for observation on Friday because my liver enzyme showed a slight increase from last time they did labs. It actually went down a bit in the morning, and it's not high enough to cause a concern at this point in time, so I was sent home Saturday morning, thank God! My BP was elevated when I first got to the hospital, but it went down to normal levels (like 130/70) as I was resting throughout the night- a clear indication I probably need to take it easy. I'll be talking to my OB tomorrow about what her thoughts on this are- bed rest, partial bed rest, keep going like I am? Work is insane for me right now- especially the next two weeks, and I really can't leave them high and dry. But I also need to take care of myself, so I guess I'll just see what my OB says tomorrow and go from there.

BUT in happier news, I had a great baby shower yesterday and today I am officially third tri! :)
Hi Miss - yay for third tri!!!! Sorry about the hospital stay, but so happy they are taking good care of you and keeping an eye on everything. Unfortunately, it sounds like some sort of bed rest of modified work schedule would be adviseable soon. I'd start trying to get work warned/ready for your departure if possible. I know that is probably stressful to think about, but don't worry, they will manage, your babies are so much more important and no one can fault you for that! :hugs:
I just got the call a little bit ago that I failed the 1 hour glucose tolerance test. My midwife group said that I needed to have a result of less than 140 and I had 178.

Everything online says that for the 1 hour, the abnormal results would be over 180, so I would've just barely passed and I realize that, but I don't know why the midwife said 140 was what I needed?

I know that many of you have had struggles with the GTT, so am looking for thoughts? I'm of course freaking out, especially because they want me to do it this week and it's terrible timing with work. Looks like I'm going Wednesday morning at 7am.

Also, those of you who did the 3 hour - how did you feel after?
I just pulled out my doctor papers for my glucose test and it says 70-139 is the target range. I got a 103. I didn't feel at all sick during the 1 hour or afterwards. In fact I took the test and then ran errands and stuff. I was driving for well over an hour after that, I dunno if the three hour is different?

However, try not to freak out! A lot of people fail the 1 hour but don't fail the 3 hour. Usually if you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes you can control it with just a good diet and a little exercise. Few moms need medication and even fewer need insulin.

Did you eat before your test? I was told it is best to fast before the test so you don't kill the results but they don't really tell you that you need to fast. I ate 3 hours before because I forgot I was fasting when I woke up and I panicked but the three hours was enough time to taper off my sugary breakfast I guess.
Did you eat before your test? I was told it is best to fast before the test so you don't kill the results but they don't really tell you that you need to fast. I ate 3 hours before because I forgot I was fasting when I woke up and I panicked but the three hours was enough time to taper off my sugary breakfast I guess.

Thanks for the reply... I felt a little nauseus after the 1 hour, but was fine to drive, go to work, etc. My boss told me she thinks I'll need to take the whole day after the 3 hour test, because she felt so sick after it and they take blood every hour for 3 hours. She said she doesn't think I should drive to and from the test either.

I was told I didn't have to fast before the 1 hour, but I wasn't allowed to eat 1 hour before or after the drink and I had to drink it at 8:15am, so I didn't end up eating beforehand...
Hi mandaa- don't worry too much about this. For the one hour, you typically need to score below 140 to pass. My doctor's office uses stricter standards and I needed to be below 130. I scored 140 on the dot and had to take the three hour.

For the 3 hour, they give you a higher concentrated sweet drink (like twice as much sugar as the one hour concoction). There are four "check points" you need to pass: <95 fasting, <180 1 hour, <155 2 hour, and <120 3 hour I believe. Most doctor's offices say you need to fail two steps for the dx. My doctor says if you fail one step, it's an automatic dx. I passed every step except scored a 190 at 1 hour which was enough for my OB to label me with GD. The test isn't too bad. The drink is nasty sweet, and I was really hungry by the end, but I didn't feel sick or nauseous or anything.

Honestly, of the issues I'm working with now, GD is the most manageable, least scary, and in some ways may even be a blessing in disguise. I went to the clinic and am now following the diet closely. It's a very healthy diet. My numbers have all been good so far with diet changes alone, and I've actually lost 2 pounds since starting it! It's truly not the worse thing that can happen... And you never know, you could pass the 3 hour and not have to worry about any of this anyway! :)
Hi mandaa- don't worry too much about this. For the one hour, you typically need to score below 140 to pass. My doctor's office uses stricter standards and I needed to be below 130. I scored 140 on the dot and had to take the three hour.

For the 3 hour, they give you a higher concentrated sweet drink (like twice as much sugar as the one hour concoction). There are four "check points" you need to pass: <95 fasting, <180 1 hour, <155 2 hour, and <120 3 hour I believe. Most doctor's offices say you need to fail two steps for the dx. My doctor says if you fail one step, it's an automatic dx. I passed every step except scored a 190 at 1 hour which was enough for my OB to label me with GD. The test isn't too bad. The drink is nasty sweet, and I was really hungry by the end, but I didn't feel sick or nauseous or anything.

Honestly, of the issues I'm working with now, GD is the most manageable, least scary, and in some ways may even be a blessing in disguise. I went to the clinic and am now following the diet closely. It's a very healthy diet. My numbers have all been good so far with diet changes alone, and I've actually lost 2 pounds since starting it! It's truly not the worse thing that can happen... And you never know, you could pass the 3 hour and not have to worry about any of this anyway! :)

Thank you so much... this is all very reassuring. I just panic about everything and now I'm super upset about the results, which I know you've already been through.

My husbands going to go with me to the test, so that if I don't feel good, I have him with me. I'm hoping that I pass. I know that GD is totally manageable, I'm moreso concerned with how it'll interfere with my birth plan. I really want to go unmedicated and natural water birth and I'm worried that this will be a complication with that plan.

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